Version 64 (modified by 13 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
wxGUI Development ¶
wxGUI is described at user level here:
This page contains wxGUI developer-related issues.
Empty slots ¶
List of major tasks to be implemented for wxGUI which are not assigned to any developer. Please don't hesitate to join the wxGUI development group.
- General GUI desing (Python/wxPython required)
- Clean up/update imagery modules and library (C required) and integrate these tools into wxGUI - e.g.
(Python/wxPython required) - Clean up & integrate data catalog into wxGUI in trunk
- Improve 3D view mode
- Improve vector querying by allowing interactive queries using a line or polygon drawn by the user on the display canvas. This would be facilitated by improvements to v.what that allows it to find all vector objects within (or optionally intersecting) a line or polygon defined by a set of coordinate pairs. This could be done via but it sounds like might be problematic to use in this way.
- Create a new python wrapper script for thematic mapping. This would include d.thematic for areas, and scripting code (possibly salvaged from d.vect.thematic) for points and lines. It also would need legend generating code.
- Times series / voxel slices visualizer for GRASS7 - Given the increasing need to support extensive time series of data from simulations or remote sensing, it should combine and enhance capabilities currently available through combination of xganim,, ImageMagic and various custom scripts to visually analyze series of raster and vector data using animations, frame browsing and series management. In addition to the current xganim (or its tcltk version) + capabilities the following would be desirable:
- interactively delete and add frames to the series (similar to moviemaker or iMovie tools)
- add dynamic time bar, static scale bar and legend to the animation
- save series of maps as series of png images or an animated gif or other movie format if feasible
- query the raster series - click on a grid cell will return graph that shows evolution of values in that cell (similar to the profile tool but this runs through time)
- animate/browse horizontal (or vertical) slices through voxel model without the user having to convert the voxel data into series of 2D raster files.
Vector digitizer ¶
- Re-design vector digitizer to avoid crash of the whole GUI. Currently when digitizer crashes, the whole GUI also crash.
- Update the list to include new requested functionality...
GUI for ¶
Graphical Modeler ¶
wxNviz (3D view mode) ¶
See also GRASS User Wiki page.
Known issues ¶
- Templates for saving images doesn't work properly. When tif output selected, it saves to a PNM.
- Lighting settings is not working
Source code ¶
- GRASS 7.0 - grass/trunk/gui/wxpython
- GRASS 6.5 - grass/branches/develbranch_6/gui/wxpython
- GRASS 6.4 - grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4/gui/wxpython
New bugs/wishes ¶
- #215
- digitizer: let add attributes to category-less features
- #312
- wxNVIZ prints debug to terminal
- #463
- Display error in wxdigit
- #497
- Add keyboard shortcuts to v.digit (like pre-6-GRASS
- #509
- wxgui: startup menu crunched on small display
- #592
- wxGUI: allow location wizard to set DMS bounds
- #632
- d.vect.thematic doesn't re-run upon zoom in the GUI
- #663
- Zooming in too far causes vector weirdness
- #668
- export and share region settings
- #694
- Add point option as input for v.overlay
- #717
- Vector digitizer tool in wx-Python GUI crashes after changing mapsets.
- #805
- i.spectral in GRASS6.4
- #893
- wx command prompt + d.*: add a new layer
- #918
- i.atcorr lacks add to layer
- #939
- wxGUI mapcalc composer: add code highlighting to r.mapcalc
- #945
- wxGUI: g.setproj fails
- #952
- 'Highlight selected features and zoom' gives error when SQL display query is in effect
- #966
- wx attribute table manger fails on wingrass with >188 dbf tables
- #977
- WxGUI "Save display to graphic file" should write out an World file
- #988
- Wx-Gui-manual tab: copying text
- #989
- wx georectify: implement best features of i.points
- #992
- GRASS startup screen should provide metadata about available locations
- #1048
- wxgui: g.region: can't reset `rows=' nor `cols='
- #1056
- OverflowError : long int too large to convert to int
- #1075
- Better default values in GUI function
- #1100
- Trim mapset name from maps list in wxGUI
- #1176
- r.out.gdal does not browse groups
- #1205
- let users save/load query statements
- #1252
- wx location wizard fails to create a winkel tripel location
- #1291
- Profile tool fails to close if legend text contains non-latin letters
- #1293
- Creating mapset with non-latin letter gives python ascii error
- #1381
- wxgui: add monitor calibrate option to prefs
- #1420
- wxGUI: modeller
- #1424
- Profile tool always casts to integers (incl. csv output)
- #1435
- Quotes are stripped from command display
- #1437
- Recalled command has quotes stripped
- #1447
- wxGUI wingrass scripts need whitespace in path
- #1472
- wxgui layer manager output pane breaks PRIMARY X selection
- #1490
- Canvas of Graphical Modeler does not resize
- #1510
- Querying external PostGIS-layer with multiple geometries crashes wxpython-GUI
- #1514
- wingrass - different wingrass-modes are differently translated
- #1520
- 'Next to use' erroneously increases cat number in wxdigitizer settings
- #1537
- option for the maximum extends as region settings in location wizard
- #1607
- WXGUI regression - attribute query fails to display text attribute values
- #1608
- WXGUI attribute query might lead to accidental attribute data editing
- #1609
- WXGUI doesn't offer a supported encodings for "Attribute data encoding" setting
- #1669
- wxgui: linked displays
- #1735
- WXGUI attribute table manager doesn't meet with 1 normal form
- #1770
- Wxnviz settings not storaged in project file
- #1771
- Map flips horizontally in wxNVIZ
- #1790
- gui modeler: complete crash of gui when .gxm file modified in vi while modeler is active
- #1809
- Groups dragging in wxpython GUI
- #1810
- Loading gxm file does not load Model, Items and Variables tabs
- #1811
- Save details from graphical modeler variables panel as g.parser comments in Python file
- #1856
- wxGUI with LANG=pl_PL.utf8 throws "'ascii' codec can't decode byte"
- #1870
- Calling back r.mapcalc statement in command console - parsing error
- #1917
- map selector too narrow
- #1922
- use IPython for python Shell in wxGui if installed
- #1931
- wxGUI: after editing vector bar remains red
- #1937
- rfe: make wx vdigit a bit more self-documenting
- #1953
- wingrass: GRASS6\wx file has \r\r\n newline
- #1959
- wingrass wx carto composer: Image causes traceback
- #1969
- wxPy loc'n wiz: hardcoded colors not compatible with random desktop themes
- #1978
- module GUIs: "or enter values interactively" should be opt-in
- #1992
- wxNviz: confusing to add raster3d isosurfaces
- #2000
- wxGUI: Add command layer becomes unusable
- #2001
- wxGUI: traceback when using alternate projection for map display coords
- #2022
- wxGUI: wrapper tool not parsing section titles correctly
- #2027
- Automatically generated UI triggers IA__gtk_widget_set_size_request assertion
- #2037
- i.gensig cannot create signature file
- #2050
- After GRASS started xml.etree.ElementTree raises ParseError when clicking any GUI element on Win 7 Simplified Chinese
- #2070
- Saving NVIZ image in GRASS 7: changing image dimensions is only possible through manually resizing display window
- #2076
- 3D polygons distorted in NVIZ
- #2082
- Unable to remove display of 3D polygons (in 3D view) when layer unticked (GRASS 7)
- #2124
- Browser data in Table Attribute Manager, avoid to load all the dataset
- #2126
- g.gui.vdigit: allow adding a background map
- #2142
- Make GUI toolboxes mechanism independent on wxGUI
- #2160
- wxPython 3: assertion 'width >= -1' failed
- #2195
- "Query raster/vectors maps" tool fails while saving modified attribute
- #2203
- wxGUI module dialogs should provide "reset to default value" for each of parameters
- #2204
- Double click on measuring tools fires an event of previous tool
- #2215
- wxGUI file type option. File path corrupt if contained backslash
- #2226
- Get python command from copy-button
- #2232
- Add text to each animation slide based on the result of a query on a vector layer
- #2233
- wxGUI d.mon and g.gui monitor command line support
- #2240
- wxGUI: measurement tool does not show line after first click
- #2241
- wxGUI: measurement tool may show angle to north
- #2249
- handling manual pages with external links within the GUI
- #2254
- Option to save bivariate scatterplot as svg file
- #2323
- g.gui.gcp: add settings option to change vector overlay color
- #2371
- Vector digitizer does not colourize isles correctly
- #2379
- g.gui.animation causes fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server
- #2415
- Checking date format is missing when inserting record in attribute table manager
- #2446
- wxGUI histogram tool: allow selection of multiple rasters
- #2464
- g.gui.iclass: show output of signature creation
- #2467
- wxGUI: zoom out in latlong location confused by global wrap around
- #2523
- wxGUI digitiser - GRASS 7.0.0beta4 / persists in 7.1.svn (r64690M)
- #2525
- Unable to open sqlite database if path contains non-latin letters
- #2604
- recently open workspace in wxGUI
- #2607
- Python shell hint results in OSError error(None): None
- #2656
- GRASS freezes for 5-10 mins before eventually showing attribute table
- #2699
- g.gui.iclass doesn't run after selecting training areas
- #2700
- scatterplots in g.gui.iclass don't work on Windows
- #2749
- Integrate 'Change mapset' dialog in manager toolbar
- #2766
- GUI not able to create dropdown lists of columns for more than one map or table
- #2805
- wxGUI: attribute table opening bug when driver is undefined
- #2810
- wxGUI modeler: encoding error when "save as..." from python editor
- #2816
- Save animation configuration in g.gui.animation
- #2830
- Error zooming in into display
- #2838
- d.labels placement issue
- #2857
- d.rast.num fails in GUI because the constrain display resolution fails
- #2889
- wxGUI: paste into modeller "Add GRASS coomand" dialog hangs it
- #2890
- wxGUI.PsMap error loading two types north arrow and grass gis logo in the cartographic composer layout
- #2897
- copy a Map Display to create a new identical one
- #2907
- g.gui.gmodeler - dialog for adding data is not destroyed with "x"
- #2910
- not possible to destroy dialog with "x" when changing location and mapset
- #2926
- g.gui.gmodeler - renaming variables
- #2953
- g.gui.gmodeler - g.message shown as g.manual
- #2954
- g.gui.gmodeler - order of variables is changed after model reopening
- #2955
- g.gui.gmodeler - stop button does not stop process immediately
- #2958
- g.gui.gmodeler - possibility to add python code to model (enhancement)
- #2976
- g.gui.gmodeler, loop dialog - items without check mark are still visible in model after unticking
- #2977
- g.gui.gmodeler - add support (diagram) for temporal data: strds, str3ds, stvds
- #2978
- g.gui.gmodeler - no python script exported
- #2983
- g.gui.gmodeler - add support for importing files from the folder using loop
- #2987
- add grid and geogrid support in g.gui.psmap
- #2990
- g.gui.gmodeler - multiple relocation of model components
- #2991
- g.gui.gmodeler - indexation does not change after adding/deleting model components
- #3024
- Add any image from a file to a map display
- #3037
- r.import - output name should not be required with -e flag
- #3051
- Allow image to be saved in Map Display even when there is no map
- #3111
- v.clean: add "error" and "layer" option in "Set up vector cleaning tools" GUI
- #3113
- g.gui.scatterplot: create startup script for scatterplot tool
- #3116
- wxGUI WMS dialog: Source projection selector blocked
- #3124
- d.northarrow incosistent placement when rendering to file/screen
- #3141
- wxGUI GCP Manager - toggle to (de-)select all control points in the GCP list at once
- #3143
- Scroll to description in the help tab in module forms
- #3154
- support for d.legend.vect in g.gui.animation
- #3160
- g.gui.animation: enhance display of stvds that contain time periods with no-data
- #3174
- vector querying in GUI should respect layers selected in d.vect
- #3183
- form for editing vector attributes without going through the digitizer
- #3188
- query selection option in wx map viewer
- #3204
- Profile tool lacks a stop profiling entry in right mouse button
- #3206
- wxgui saving 3d display to file contains save as dialog
- #3253
- Main GUI fails to start when g.extension fails when fetching the addons
- #3259
- r.mapcalc graphical versio does not work with eval
- #3279
- Add Region tab to the main GUI
- #3281
- region boundaries rendering
- #3288
- GUI highlight ghost
- #3297
- Add sorting capabilities to color table editor
- #3299
- Translate m.nviz.image command into 3D view state in GUI
- #3303
- vertex manipulation issue
- #3307
- "Illegal filename <map@>" warning when displaying a vector map from a different mapset in GUI
- #3310
- GUI raster query: allow more choices in output of information
- #3329
- d.erase requires a delay to actually clear the monitor
- #3347
- Account for length limit of the PATH variable on MS Windows
- #3348
- wxGTK3: Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkSpinButton
- #3373
- Lock file message
- #3376
- Rendering failed: Expecting image 390x240 but got 10x10
- #3378
- add support for raster legends in g.gui.mapswipe
- #3379
- add support for decorations in all the panels of g.gui.animation
- #3382
- d.text align does not work in wx0 and Map Display
- #3383
- d.rast.num is not saved from d.mon wx0
- #3406
- g.gui.animation: save to workspace
- #3451
- module GUIs: selected subgroup not taken into account in created command line
- #3458
- A vector consistently crashes digitizer
- #3479
- command line history access
- #3494
- r.thin crashes the wxGUI after 84 passes
- #3503
- Map Display control button highlights do not reflect active mode
- #3517
- UnicodeDecodeError in OnRenderDone (core/
- #3520
- colorize vector layers in GUI by default
- #3521
- wxGUI datacatalog: allow actions on multiple selected files
- #3532
- g.gui.tplot: add zonal statistics support
- #3540
- graphical modeler problems with sql in v.extract
- #3576
- Show recent GRASS Databases in the Data tab
- #3580
- Show info about a Location in Datacatalog
- #3581
- Show info about a Mapset in Datacatalog
- #3584
- Remember recent mapsets
- #3588
- Minor cleanup items
- #3595
- d.rast.edit: entering new value requires ENTER to be hit, GUI should be changed
- #3596
- d.rast.edit: aspect map editing broken with AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'NamedColor'
- #3623
- wxGUI Layer Manager: changed display name of layer gets lost when layer properties are changed
- #3633
- wxGUI: wording of menu entries for data import
- #3660
- wxGUI fails to parse correctly Addons composed by more commands
- #3661
- Data Catalog should show also space time datasets
- #3663
- Histogram tool does not create histogram but a line plot
- #3664
- d.text: background color cannot be disabled
- #3668
- gselect for space-time dataset stops working when creating a new mapset
- #3671
- Multiple map frames in cartographic composer
- #3678
- Map Display is not updated after r.mask in executed in the Console
- #3744
- Vector query error
- #3750
- Grass 7.7.svn (r74061): CLI location creation: cannot read .prj file for new location
- #3778
- where field in wxgui layer manager d.vect display missing value on workspace import
- #3809
- Imported map name not editable in r|v.import
- #3824
- grass python editor: add templates based on pygrass
- #3843
- cartographic composer only previews and outputs in profile aspect (no landscape)
- #3847
- Bivariate scatterplot mapset handling and color preferences
- #3884
- items selected on drop-down controls not inserted into GRASS command
- #3886
- Importing vector training areas in g.gui.iclass (interactive)
- #3910
- nviz: Switching to 3d view kills the wxGUI
- #3923
- g.gui.gmodeler: scroll bar not shown or too short
- #3940
- Error Reading settings from Roaming file
- #3956
- Allow interface text to be copyable with mouse
- #4017
- run addon failed > name 'unicode' is not defined
GRASS 6.4 ¶
No results
GRASS 6.5 ¶
- #215
- digitizer: let add attributes to category-less features
- #497
- Add keyboard shortcuts to v.digit (like pre-6-GRASS
- #668
- export and share region settings
- #694
- Add point option as input for v.overlay
- #918
- i.atcorr lacks add to layer
- #952
- 'Highlight selected features and zoom' gives error when SQL display query is in effect
- #989
- wx georectify: implement best features of i.points
- #1100
- Trim mapset name from maps list in wxGUI
- #1381
- wxgui: add monitor calibrate option to prefs
GRASS 7.0 ¶
No results
Assigned bugs/wishes ¶
GRASS 6.4 ¶
No results
GRASS 6.5 ¶
No results
GRASS 7.0 ¶
No results
Reopened bugs/wishes ¶
- #686
- wxgui: georectify need to set region in XY location to extension of map to be able to see it
- #1723
- G_OPT_DB_COLUMNS does not allow input of multiple column names
- #1759
- Selecting maps in dropdown menu: slider to move up/down maps does not work
- #2117
- GRASS 7: NVIZ: Transparency error for constant surface in
- #2247
- bivariate scatterplot: undefined variable issue
- #2524
- wxGUI wrapper fails to find any layers if file path contains non-latin letters
- #2989
- g.gui.gmodeler - not possible to rename existing variable in model
- #3117
- d.mon wx0: GtK issues
- #3294
- g.gui.tplot: error when trying to plot a STVDS
- #3304
- db.copy GUI does not allow to enter from_table name
- #3471
- Custom dropdown control doesn’t recognize mouse events
GRASS 6.4 ¶
No results
GRASS 6.5 ¶
- #686
- wxgui: georectify need to set region in XY location to extension of map to be able to see it
GRASS 7.0 ¶
No results
Closed bugs/wishes ¶
- #20
- Vector point shift in wxgrass after pan
- #26
- please let people find their EPSG on the web
- #40
- Copy button on wxgrass function forms does not work
- #61
- vdigit makefile uses hardwired compile and link flags
- #86
- d.rast.edit.tcl: doesn't start from wxPython without aspect map
- #103
- wx-python gui: NVIZ (tcltk) not starting
- #106
- wxgrass: zoom to computational region does not respect resolution set with g.region
- #114
- wxPython GUI fails in Windows Vista if GISDBASE contains spaces
- #137
- wxgrass: Error in profile tool
- #145
- wxgrass: Error in applying display overlay properties to rasters in Layer Manager
- #157
- Wxgrass: Set computational region to the minimum necessary to enclose map data extent
- #159
- wxpython: Layer Manager crashes when trying to edit vector properties
- #186
- wxpython gui crashes when importing xyz files.
- #187
- CUPS warning when starting wxpython gui.
- #191
- Error in in defining new location via EPSG code in wxpython Location Wizard
- #196
- wxGUI interface hangs, when adding maps to display
- #201
- wxGUI window crashes or freezes when "Verbose module output" is checked
- #204
- warnings printed on GRASS startup when selecting Location and Mapset
- #205
- warnings and errors when trying to print the display
- #206
- SQL builder prints the name of the vector map to the terminal
- #207
- table manager tools print plenty of warnings to the terminal
- #208
- "Additional tools" menu dialog broken in digitizer
- #209
- let visualize line directions in digitizer
- #210
- digitizer: don't ask to save changes when there have been none
- #211
- digitizer: errors at removing vertex
- #212
- digitizer: errors at querying
- #213
- digitizer: errors at copying categories
- #214
- digitizer: errors at editing line
- #216
- Location wizard: browse button half-cut
- #217
- wxGUI startup windows don't fit 800x600; are not down-scalable
- #218
- wxGUI modules don't refresh the list of available maps
- #219
- "Stop" button should not be active until the module starts running
- #220
- i.rectify should not let choose a raster not inside the selected group
- #221
- Add "Help" button as in gis.m
- #225
- vdigit crashes on some GRASS vectors I try to edit
- #227
- various error messges during digitizing
- #228
- error printed to the terminal after executing command from wxGUI cmd line
- #233
- type description corrupted in wxGUI
- #234
- v.type,, GUI and WinGRASS
- #235
- table manager: edits in the table are not saved
- #236
- can't edit a vector map if the name has no @mapset suffix
- #238
- error at wxGUI startup
- #239
- crash if zooming in too much
- #241
- v.proj: broken (?) -z description and missing -l description in wxGUI
- #245
- copy command syntax does not work
- #246
- can't overwrite vector map if it's name is fully qualified (i.e. contains @mapset)
- #254
- wxpython Layer Manager: higher raster hides the lower
- #255
- wxGUI: db.droptable button opens db.login
- #257
- wxGUI: can't really cancel adding layer
- #258
- adding other layer than plain raster or vector (shaded relief, thematic vector etc.) returns an error
- #259
- wxGUI: visualization problems with multiple rasters and vectors. not stable bug...
- #261
- wxGUI: patch for columns listing
- #263
- wxgui:'s SQL column defintion text box is uneditable
- #264
- error querying a layer being edited
- #265
- multiple tools should not be selectable
- #266
- vdigit is missing a tool to delete categories
- #268
- the "command layer" in wxGUI does not work
- #269
- once enabled, autorendering mode can't be disabled in the current session
- #270
- autorendering interferes with layer selection
- #271
- some tabs of command dialogs are too narrow
- #272
- some commands dialogs have their name crippled
- #274
- vdigit: cursor and vertex are apart when moving vertices
- #275
- wxNVIZ fails to start
- #276
- vdigit: please render closed areas transparent
- #279
- wxGUI: "Color rules" prints an error when "Preview" is pressed
- #280
- wxGUI doesn't handle removing maps
- #281
- query tool crashes when the user presses mouse buttons fast
- #282
- r.what in wxGUI should not depend on computational region
- #283
- wxGUI "Mapset access" prints warnings on the terminal
- #284
- vdigit: an improvement for "Copy features from (background) map"
- #285
- error in table manager
- #286
- vdigit: changing a tool should cancel current edits
- #288
- "Set options" for scale and N arrow fails
- #289
- setting 'at=' to anything crashes raster legend
- #291
- font settings not saved
- #292
- Erase display crashes
- #293
- wxGUI should provide a switch for region-constrained/free display mode
- #294
- computational region extent frame should be semi-transparent
- #295
- region corrupted
- #297
- wxNVIZ: crash or failure
- #299
- wxGUI fails to handle illegal region extent
- #300
- wxNVIZ: error pressing "All" button
- #301
- error when adding another text layer
- #302
- text layer overlay: font and rotation don't work
- #304
- quering disables vector transparency
- #305
- Add created map into layer tree: errors for import modules
- #306
- hidden tabs are hard to spot in wxGUI module windows
- #311
- overlaying wxNVIZ window with another one provokes a redraw
- #314
- wxgrass: delete point map geometry when deleting attribute
- #365
- wxGUI: ** (python:3840): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1280
- #366
- ValueError: unsupported format character '<' (0x3c) at index 4
- #371
- wxGUI: can't render layer different than 1
- #381
- wxgui: Show attribute data depends on global db connection, not file db connection parameter
- #384
- wxGUI: vdigit crashes on a big map
- #393
- Suggestion for the new (wx) grass-gui "File" menu
- #395
- wxGUI: can't handle whole-Earth extent
- #407
- Can not set vector layer properties
- #408
- Profile tool does not work
- #414
- bogus rectangles on map display
- #415
- querying vector map crashes wxGUI
- #418
- Display log of histogram in wxgui
- #421
- wizard for
- #423
- "please wait loading attribute data..." and no way to see data..
- #427
- wxNVIZ: crash when only vector map present
- #433
- Enable (de)selection of map layers in workspace via CTRL or Shift
- #437
- 'Set computational region from display' button in doesn't change region settings
- #439
- 'Zoom to saved region' button on Map Display gives error
- #440
- wxgui 'Save display geometry to named region' button gives error
- #441
- Add 'Collapse all except current' to wxgui User GUI Settings in General Settings/Element List
- #442
- wxgui measure distance tool gives error
- #444
- wxGui gives error with xy location
- #445
- grass_nviz.LoadSurface not returning id when called a 2nd time
- #447
- Remove "Experimental Prototype" from GIS Layer Manager window title
- #448
- Remove ability to cripple attribute table manager (could not find a better name)
- #449
- "Show database connection toggle" dysfunctional
- #450
- "Create new workspace file" needs a cancel button.
- #451
- After exiting the WxGUI, display a little help on the console
- #452
- Ask user to save current workspace(s) before quitting wxGUI
- #453
- Ask user for confirmation before closing a Workspace tab.
- #457
- wxGui, layer manager: copy/paste/save layer; workspace load in Display n (not only in 1)
- #458
- Unknown lib -lgdi when linking gui/wxpython/vdigit
- #460
- can't close wxGUI layer manager window
- #464
- wxGUI: georectify tool fails to create a group
- #470
- vector georect broken in wx gui
- #472
- wxPython profiling tool fails to detect missing numpy
- #476
- Map Display Window position does not remember saved position settings
- #479
- wxgui mapset access module broken
- #480
- wx NVIZ prints debug info to terminal
- #481
- clicking on wx NVIZ map canvas causes an error
- #482
- wx NVIZ crashes when adding a vector map
- #483
- "return to previous zoom" brakes "zoom to selected map"
- #484
- Cannot reload maps to wxnviz
- #486
- wx-GUI - SQL-Builder
- #490
- problem with gui wx with module v.db.join
- #493
- wxgui: segfault in g.region causes crash of GUI
- #501
- wxgui: g.message getting squashed
- #504
- wxGUI location wizard: set bounds by drawing a box on world map
- #514
- Python GUI extremely slow on selecting large vector datasets in dropdown box
- #524
- wxGUI: map display not refreshed at times in vdigit
- #525
- error: ‘wxGCDC’ has not been declared
- #527
- layer type <rastleg> is not supported yet
- #528
- wxGUI cmd: r.mapcalc fails (quoting + args with spaces)
- #532
- Vector editing not possible with wx tools
- #534
- g.gui doesn't work in ms-windows
- #535
- toolbar "add vector" and "add raster" buttons have a regression in usability from gis.m
- #539
- Error on "Display Map" in wxpython
- #540
- wxGUI - Map Display only in the task bar
- #541
- wxDigit on windows fails (osgeo4w 6.4.svn)
- #547
- Raster query in wxGUI
- #553
- wx and tcltk GUI: changing default GUI returns error
- #554
- wxGUI location wizard: Search in description with 0 hits
- #557
- wxGUI startup gui: shade start and double click mapset
- #566
- Add encoding suggestions to GUI
- #572
- Remember recent GIS Data Directory
- #580
- WinGRASS: $GISBASE/etc/gui/scripts/ require something like $(EXE) to run
- #581
- from wxGUI in wingrass fails to getInterfaceDescription
- #582
- import of multiple rasters does not do anything
- #586
- WinGRASS: 3D view wxNVIZ does not work
- #589
- wxGUI: About GRASS GIS window doesn't let you view full lic or devs
- #590
- wxGUI vector display forgets layer selection
- #594
- wx GUI won't start (Mac OS X 10.5.6) / Python 2.6 / wxWidgets 2.8.10 / wxPyhton
- #597
- Digitize tool won't work
- #615
- Error querying vectors in Grass 6.5
- #622
- grass64 startup error with wxpython
- #626
- layers re-renamed after change properties (wxpython)
- #627
- wingrass native: wxNVIZ exits with lib compat error
- #628
- wingrass native: vdigit error on new map
- #630
- "Mapset Access" broken (wxpython)
- #639
- Wingrass native doesn't work
- #642
- Refresh button / auto refresh button for Attribute Table viewer while using wxvdigit
- #643
- support external data sources in the wxPython-GUI
- #644
- increase visibility of GUI status bar
- #646
- v.clean GUI enhancement
- #650
- No warning when querying grid layer
- #651
- Profile tool forgets "Profile text settings"
- #652
- GIS Manager map properties (wxpython)
- #661
- add dropdown selector
- #665
- enable copying from statusbar
- #666
- add a scripting console
- #669
- let users save/load mapcalc expressions
- #670
- add support for alternative coordinates
- #671
- wxgui: v.distance to_column option inaccessible
- #678
- wrong coordinates after zoom to named region
- #681
- wxpython gui-module 'g.remove' remembers all files after deleting
- #687
- wxgui - georectify: tab order in GCP editing window should be altered
- #688
- wxgui - georectify: after finishing editing a point, next point should be activated
- #689
- wxgui - georectify: group does not exist
- #690
- wxnviz tools panels broken - old pages overwrite new pages
- #693
- wxGUI menus: locks up GUI
- #695
- Can't create a location using Select Coordinate System option with WXGUI Location Wizard
- #703
- Location wizard: does not create WIND, PROJ_INFO and PROJ_UNITS files from EPSG code
- #705
- Python error with winGRASS 6.4RC5
- #707
- wxGUI: v.digit broken for new maps: "No vector map selected for editing." although selected
- #708
- wxgui georectify: i.rectify runs with -c flag even if "clip to computational region..." box is not checked
- #709
- wxgui georectify: cannot see files to be displayed in grass65svn and grass7 and cannot create new group
- #716
- The GRASS-Addons crash related to wx.SpinCtrl
- #723
- wxGui sqlbuilder: can't launch it
- #724
- wxGUI: Attribute Table editor lets you modify tables from other mapsets
- #725
- wxGUI: bind ctrl-q to exit
- #728
- wxgui: georectify zooming and panning don't work
- #734
- wxGui sqlbuilder: a few bugs
- #737
- ZBulkLabeling don't work
- #738
- wxGUI: Attribute Table editor refresh & cosmetics
- #748
- Inconsistency (?) in GUI v.db.connect
- #749
- SQL Builder; buttons reversed
- #750
- wxGUI: scalebar loses focus
- #751
- wxGUI: conflicting messages when you close a map display window
- #752
- wxGUI: wrong map layer adjustment for opacity
- #756
- Dragging instead of just clicking for profile transect and measurement zooms window
- #757
- WinGRASS: GUI window from cmd line
- #760
- Location wizard: region, UTM, search for EPSG
- #765
- g.gui fails to launch wxpython IU
- #766
- wxGUI fails to start 3D view
- #770
- Close wxGUI on GRASS CLI exit
- #776
- wxvdigit not functional with 3D vector maps
- #779
- v.digit doesn't work after moving to Ubuntu karmic
- #780
- Selection subgroup - wxgui/win32
- #785
- wx location wizard: doesn't show all datum transform opts
- #796
- Measurement broken
- #797
- Cmd-C on Mac closes display
- #799
- Add -o option to muliple import of GDAL data
- #806
- WinGRASS: Problem with special characters (wxpython GUI)
- #808
- module name cut off in wxGUI
- #813
- Location wizard - false path to the epsg-file
- #822
- enhance "Save display to graphic file" in wxGUI
- #824
- Wx-Attribute table manager - add column - error
- #825
- wxGUI: add imported maps automatically to map list in layer manager
- #828
- wxPython GUI: gtk error message when viewing vectors and attributes
- #832
- menu tree in help menu won't run commands
- #833
- Preferences not saved
- #839
- wxGUI: About GRASS menu item broken
- #840
- strange title for
- #842
- wx location wizard: spincontrol busted for UTM zone
- #849
- command line completion and tips do not show up
- #860
- wxGUI: About Copyright missing its middle
- #861
- localised wx-gui - german umlaut not correctly dislpayed
- #868
- wxGUI: UnicodeEncodeError in Help -> GIS GUI help
- #877
- wxGUI: Location wizard bug when creating LatLong location
- #880
- Grass 6.5 wxpython location wizard: UTM zone selector widget is frozen
- #882
- i18n enabled winGRASS: properties dialog not opening
- #886
- improve module wxGUI tab logic
- #888
- Error in
- #892
- use d.rast -o in the wxGUI raster dialogs
- #897
- WinGrass: error with "Query vector map (edit mode)"
- #907
- v.label and v.labels sa out of order in wx-python gui, windows XP
- #921
- Error querying vector map in wxpython Map Display window
- #923
- r.mapcalc lacks add to layer
- #925
- add copy command to r.mapcalc
- #926
- Error writing workspace file: 'bool object has no attribute replace'
- #931
- wingrass7 - wxgui not starting
- #943
- wxpython gui hangs after switching to cairo display driver
- #944
- strip out & key shortcut hint
- #946
- Opening Properties Dialog in Layer Manager gives error
- #948
- wxGUI vector layer field broken
- #950
- Error opening workspace file
- #951
- Error querying rasters in wxgui
- #960
- Some hotkeys disabled in 6.5 wxgui
- #962
- wxGUI crash when moving an undocked map display toolbox
- #963
- wxGUI: frequent Pango-CRITICAL errors
- #965
- Location wizard: doesn't create MYNAME
- #972
- Provide visual feedback when loading available vector map list
- #973
- Unable to scroll map selection dropdown lists with mouse scroller
- #975
- WxGUI should provide area measurement tool
- #976
- WxGUI histogram tool-bar icons messed up in WinGRASS
- #978
- wxGUI: files without extensions are not visible in file dialogs
- #979
- WxGUI fails to display vector attribute table if default db connection is missing
- #987
- Location wizard choose from EPSG robustness issues
- #995
- WxGUI startup screen fails if GISDBASE path contains non-latin characters
- #998
- v.colors color column selection bug - default GRASSRGB not show in dialog
- #1003
- WxGUI measure tool activation should switch Map Display to "Pointer" tool
- #1004
- WxGUI CMD fails if command contains non-latin letters
- #1007
- WxGUI should provide visual feedback when adding new db column
- #1010
- WxGUI d.vect/rast modules stuck in running state with d.mon
- #1012
- Preselect geodetic datum
- #1014
- wxgui: display labels doesn't work
- #1017
- WinGrass7 - wxgui error
- #1018
- Bad file descriptor: Files
- #1019
- winGRASS: 'layer manager' window hidden by 'mapdisplay' windows
- #1035
- Querying vectors in Map DIsplay WIndow gives error
- #1050
- wxgui: `Rename mapset' does not work in Polish locale
- #1051
- wxgui: SEARCH_PATH corruption
- #1059
- wxGUI: No menu option for r.mapcalc
- #1066
- Typo in Bulk raster import for USGS ASCII DEM (.dem)
- #1067
- Creating a new Vector Layer for digitize crashes grass with sys.excepthook
- #1069
- wxGUI: don't let rename, remove PERMANENT mapset
- #1070
- cannot enter useful values to r.param.scale curvature tolerance in wxPython GUI
- #1072
- It is too easy to accidentally delete all your data columns in the Attribute Table Manager
- #1079
- wxpython GUI error in d.vect
- #1084
- GUI Mapset acess gives an error
- #1085
- grass64 svn:42488; TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ctstyle'
- #1087
- wxGUI: Load multiple maps
- #1093
- wxModeler does not accept r.mapcalc action
- #1096
- wxModeler: r.mapcalc action should allow to insert maps
- #1097
- Can't run r.mapcalc by GUI after loading raster layers in map display
- #1102
- Subgroup option is not "inserted" in command-line
- #1104
- rfe: easier to read wx map layer list
- #1112
- grass7 wxGUI fails to start as can't find embeddedimage
- #1113
- layertree to be compatible with DataCatalog
- #1115
- splash image problem in wxgui
- #1121
- WxPython GUI Hangs when adding Vector Map
- #1126
- 3D view crashing when started with vector data
- #1132
- wxNviz and wxVdigit missing from 6.4svn
- #1134
- WinGrass - 3D view mode crashes
- #1136
- wxGUI: inconsisent number of &s in buttons
- #1137
- wxGUI doesn't work in Windows
- #1138
- wx modeler: Gtk warnings
- #1141
- GLWindow.OnPaint() broken on Windows
- #1150
- Cannot open vector for editing in digitize toolbar in GRASS 7.0
- #1155
- GRASS Working Environment - Mapset Access is Broken
- #1163
- wx wms import tool error
- #1167
- wx location wizard: proj4 terms fall off edge of window
- #1177
- gives an error when adding a mutiband raster to the layers tree.
- #1181
- r.le.setup fails on WinGRASS due to missing xterm
- #1184
- "d.vect display=attr" imply grass open process but doesn't close them.
- #1188
- wxgui quits when starting vdigit
- #1192
- wxGUI: propagate option key_desc
- #1198
- Error while parsing file paths in WinGRASS with Scripts
- #1202
- Error after loading projection
- #1211
- freeze of wxgui when changing properties of a displayed vector map
- #1217
- d.vect -a flag locks up the wxGUI on windows
- #1223
- g.mapsets access from menu broken
- #1232
- gui modeler don't works as aspected
- #1233
- MacOSX: layer manager and mapdisplay - bad startup position
- #1234
- wxnviz - cause a gui crash
- #1239
- wxGUI command layer broken and unusable
- #1240
- wxGUI: attribute manager reports db connection not set while existing
- #1243
- polygon creation does not seem to be working
- #1249
- unexpected error from the wxguy using "show attribute table" from the toolbar.
- #1251
- tweaking new feature in file selection drop-down of layer manager
- #1257
- Georectifier is broken
- #1260
- Georectifier: RMS broken
- #1261
- import raster dialog bugs
- #1263
- GUI d.legend tool gives error
- #1267
- Error on zoom to selected [vector] map
- #1270
- wingrass: Error in Attribute Table Manager
- #1273
- profile analysis plot scaling not converting from meters when PROJ_UNITS is feet
- #1285
- "Silk" error on display wxGUI manager
- #1289
- wingrass65 - Vector digitizer not available: Reason: xdr not found
- #1292
- Profile tool incorrectly processes no data values
- #1294
- Module dialog offers tab close button but no undo or tab open button
- #1295
- Wx location wizard fails to create location if it's title contains non-latin letters
- #1296
- wx gui close shortcuts
- #1297
- db.out.ogr fails to start in 6.5
- #1299
- Provide user-friendly error message when trying to edit vectors in Windows
- #1300
- WxGUI measure tool gives wrong results
- #1304
- wx: map selection with LANG=C causes error
- #1305
- WXGUI raster map calculator should quote map names
- #1306
- WGUI doesn't strip quotes from map name when adding to layer manager after module run
- #1307
- wingrass: new wxgui dialog for in windows7 does not show *.shp files
- #1309
- Error launching 6.5 wxgui
- #1319
- [wx vdigit] DebCheck QA: Mismatching allocation and deallocation
- #1329
- 3D view silently crashes in pl_PL.UTF-8
- #1330
- wxGUI: "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters" in pl_PL.UTF-8
- #1334
-'s wxGUI should support python 2.4+
- #1336
- wxgui crashes with wx
- #1340
- wxGUI uses improper .grassrc syntax and may cause .grassrc file corruption
- #1348
- wxGUI: Command console": Click here to show search module engine fails
- #1352
- Mismatch between overwrite parameter in GCPManager and v.transform
- #1355
- Error starting wxpython v.digit session
- #1362
- wxpython GUI closes suddenly
- #1365
- Import raster files - Batch import
- #1374
- psmap window does not open
- #1375
- wxGUI: vector digitizer: cannot close (empty) vector map
- #1376
- Interactive spectral plot gui
- #1377
- wingrass7 hotkey Ctrl+V an have unexpected behaviour from windows user point of view
- #1378
- Error when clicking 'Set Font' dialog in wxGUI settings
- #1380
- WxGUI, menu does not work at all (languages using double-byte characters)
- #1383
- wxGUI crashes if settings file .grasswx6 does not exist
- #1384
- wxGUI Preferences: apply or save settings erases Layer Manager menu
- #1386
- wxGUI output gone
- #1387
- wingrass65 - wxgui compiling error and not starting
- #1396
- wxnviz command not compiling
- #1398
- problem with multiple entry selection
- #1400
- preferences apply doesn't seem to do anything
- #1404
- wxGUI console chokes on r.mapcalc command in GRASS 7
- #1407
- confusing error message after grass7 crash
- #1408
- WxNviz is crashing in GRASS 7 svn
- #1409
- wxGUI command console does not parse correctly "help" and first parameter
- #1411
- closing area boundary crashes entire GUI
- #1412
- Different problem with scalebar in GRASS 6.5
- #1413
- overwrite problem
- #1425
- error in python from wxNVIZ
- #1426
- v.colors resetting vector display
- #1432
- wxGUI GDAL/OGR Importer: changing format doesn't affect list of layers
- #1441
- Hard Copy Map Utility (wxPython wrapper for text overlay is broken
- #1443
- GRASS 7: d.vect grid drawing problem
- #1448
- run model menu item does not seem to work
- #1450
- grass 6.4.svn nightly build fails on startup
- #1457
- Zoom in Georectify Does not Work
- #1459
- X Window System error
- #1463
- Legend, Zoom to map, Map analysis and Map query does not work in Python wxgui using command line d.mon + d.rast
- #1469
- wxgui vector query doesn't work for maps without attribute table
- #1471
- Interactive geometry selection and export tool for wxgui
- #1473
- wxgui fails to set computational region from display extent
- #1483
- need error trapping in cartographic composer
- #1484
- GRASS6.4.2SVN WX-Python GUI, menu does not work at all
- #1485
- Cannot save workspace from wxGUI
- #1486
- wxGUI: legend "hanging", not updated after map change
- #1488
- wrapper not working
- #1493
- wxgui About GRASS fails with UnicodeDecodeError
- #1496
- GRASS 7 nightly build: Python script commands not shown from GUI (missing Python collections module)
- #1497
- OSGeo4W-GRASS: r.shaded.relief starts Windows XP mode (VM)
- #1512
- problem sql query on wingrass
- #1513
- Location Wizard's misleading label for XY new location creation method
- #1515
- nviz fails to launch from the command line
- #1516
- plots combo-box
- #1519
- Opening a saved workspace doesn't display all layers correctly in 6.4.2RC2
- #1521
- grass crashed on Fedora 14
- #1522
- fails with multilayer maps
- #1526
- "Diplay/update attributes" can freeze GUI
- #1531
- bug in cartographic composer
- #1535
- winGRASS problems
- #1538
- wxGUI: Common raster formats importer python error for single file
- #1541
- wxGUI: adding map to layer tree fails for r.mapcalculator and r.shaded.relief
- #1542
- problem starting r.mapcalc from the wxGUI command prompt
- #1543
- WXGUI GDAL/OGR import dialogs fail to open in WinGRASS
- #1544
- (Windows/osgeo4w) libtiff.dll is broken
- #1545
- wxGUI Cartographic Composer
- #1547
- wxGUI Cartographic Composer: division by zero
- #1550
- CPU dramatically increases while digitizing, no console output
- #1554
- wxGUI Cartographic Composer: preview broken on Windows
- #1563
- wxGUI will not start
- #1564
- The options of 'Create histogram of raster map' are not working in wxpython GUI
- #1565
- wxGUI: command console with no map display open causes error
- #1567
- Map display: saving image with scale and legend
- #1570
- In GRASS6.4.2RC3 with wxpython GUI the option Add raster cell numbers doesn't work
- #1571
- GRASS help not displayed from GUI menu in GRASS 7
- #1574
- WXGUI Launch script: "output already exists"
- #1580
- wxGUI crashes when editing script that has been launched at least once
- #1582
- wxgui will not start
- #1590
- new vector map crashing GUI in 6.4.3 svn
- #1592
- GRASSCatalog
- #1593
- location wizard setting default extents broken
- #1601
- output map GUI pulldown broken
- #1602
- Error in i.points
- #1604
- WXGUI regression. d.vect by default incorrectly says that it's displaying vectors from all layers
- #1605
- WXGUI d.vect doesn't offer all vector map layers in a dropdown list
- #1606
- WXGUI regression - attribute query tool reports "nothing found" when clicking on a vector object
- #1614
- WXGUI regression - attribute table management doesn't work
- #1616
- WXGUI selecting to render a map and map selection bind to same event in layer manager
- #1617
- WXGUI identify tool on vector layer triggers map canvas rendering even if it's disabled
- #1630
- g.gui error on startup of March 24th 6.4.3 snapshot
- #1633
- Unable to display shapefile attribute table due to pipe characters in dbf field
- #1639
- wingrass: launching wxNviz fails
- #1642
- Recognition of standard option G_OPT_M_DIR in wxGUI
- #1643
- no way to set icon parameter through d.vect menu
- #1651
- Map display Query Vector tool fails
- #1661
- Wish: port the new wxgui histogram plotting tool from grass7 to grass6
- #1670
- LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
- #1672
- gcpmanager fails to list source mapsets if non-ascii characters in grass data dir path
- #1675
- Grass GIS wxPython startup error
- #1679
- d.histogram fails to start
- #1681
- WXGUI vector editing fails with python unicode error
- #1697
- zoom out centering problem
- #1699
- language setting in wxGUI preferences does not work; could cause GUI crash
- #1700
- wingrass6.4.3svn: changing vector point symbol doesn't work
- #1702
- column selector for v.distance in wxGUI doesn't work
- #1703
- wxGUI vector and raster querying
- #1706
- wingrass: open attribute table fails
- #1715
- Preview on cartographic composer broken
- #1716
- Bulk import from multilayer geotiff adds wrong map names to layer tree
- #1717
- layer remove does not work on multiple selections
- #1719
- GRASS 7 Monitor command line support
- #1724
- wxGUI interface to g.mlist
- #1729
- Add 3d raster does not open GUI
- #1736
- wxNVIZ volume display crashes Mac
- #1737
- Windows users cannot access manage table controls in attribute manager
- #1738
- Cannot view vector table in wxGUI
- #1742
- WXGUI layer manager window doesn't show all menubar entries
- #1743
- WXGUI About GRASS dialog should allow to copy version information
- #1746
- Map Display Output Save Issue
- #1748
- Location wizard creating incorrect locations for selected projections and datums
- #1749
- d.vect fails to use user specified layer
- #1750
- Typing '= in a WXGUI Command prompt results in a ValueError
- #1764
- Map Swipe - Add option to export the display to graphics file (PNG)
- #1766
- unable to save display of d.rast.num
- #1769
- wingrass6.x: addons' manual tab not there in wxgui
- #1773
- Map selection expand broken
- #1774
- color selection for d.vect.chart only affects first data column
- #1782
- wingrass7: installing addons by wxgui-extensions manager fails
- #1787
- Profile Analysis Tool Problems
- #1791
- gui modeler: cannot load file with r.mapcalc expression containing '&&' operator
- #1793
- WXGUI r3.mapcalc adds layer to layer manager as a raster layer
- #1799
- Selecting multiple columns in window does not work
- #1806
- interrupting a command with CTRL+c closes wxGUI
- #1808
- g.remove WXGUI interface causes buffer overflow in g.findfile
- #1814
- g.remove wxGUI version generates "Illegal filename" warnings
- #1815
- Problem with menu "path to GRASS database" in v.proj en r.proj windows
- #1816
- gui crashes when setting color table
- #1817
- Map Swipe
- #1819
- problems compiling map swipe, animation, modeler, and
- #1820
- WinGRASS -- Multiple Map Display Lockup?
- #1824
- wxGUI should offer a vector geometry query tool
- #1826
- New d.mon doesn't allow querying
- #1827
- Measure Distance - Bearing
- #1831
- wxgui d.vect: layer option should show default applied (1), not -1
- #1837
- d.rast.edit error when attempting to edit a raster
- #1846
- Query vector map tool does not work
- #1868
- g.mapset now broken
- #1873
- winGrass hangs when issuing exit command from the console if not GUI hasn't been closed first
- #1876
- pressing "save" on Digitization settings dialog raises error
- #1879
- Error at generating plot statistics within histogram tool
- #1882
- new query display needs to update on mouse click
- #1888
- r.terraflow won't run
- #1889
- wxPy loc'n wiz: don't auto-launch into PERMANENT
- #1893
- d.vect on re-opening switches to default layer
- #1894
- r3.mapcalc fails with "unable to fetch interface description"
- #1896
- d.graph in console tries to add mapset
- #1897
- grass7 wxgui query: allow copying individual elements from query results
- #1909
- remove deleted layer from layer tree
- #1910
- GIS manager: allow dataset managing directly
- #1913
- map calculator inserts if when int is selected
- #1916
- Map loader just shows maps of current and PERMANENT mapset
- #1926
- g.gui.animation: parallel rendering with d.rast and d.vect
- #1936
- wxGUI command console: "Protocol" isn't really the right word & cleanup
- #1941
- wxGUI fails with Japanese locale --> mixed Python installs on Windows
- #1949
- module gui doesn't release if no map display window
- #1954
- wxGUI 3D view - save position in workspace
- #1955
- wxGUI 3D view - command for `m.nviz.image`
- #1956
- Cartographic Composer: Raster map is not shown in preview
- #1960
- wingrass wx carto composer: adding north arrow causes Error and traceback
- #1961
- wxNVIZ: error if no raster map selected
- #1963
- wxGUI command console: "ls -" causes a traceback error
- #1965
- wingrass wx carto composer: please add grid and geogrid
- #1967
- wxPy loc'n wiz: doesn't allow ellipsoid without datum
- #1968
- traceback error in wxgui on save command output
- #1972
- wrapper fails with UnicodeEncodeError
- #1982
- v.rast.stats: running generates "Unable to fetch interface description for command" error
- #1985
- wxGUI: Find module in "Search module" tab fails on Windows
- #1987
- wxGUI: traceback in map selection drop down
- #2003
- wxGUI carto composer: traceback on exit
- #2004
- wxgui: ctrl-t to tile layer manager and map window full screen
- #2011
- WxGUI, menu does not work at all (languages using double-byte characters)
- #2012
- d.vect wx module GUI forgets column names
- #2013
- wxgui: vector colors menu confused with raster one
- #2026
- window too wide
- #2028
- SetVirtualSizeHints is deprecated in wxWidgets 2.9
- #2030
- wxgui doesn't allow to query invisible map layers
- #2033
- Moving g.pnmcomp to lib/display to improve render performance of wxGUI
- #2038
- wingrass7: v.db.addcolumn fails in attribute table manager
- #2041
- wxgui: error attempting to display imported raster map that was imported as three bands
- #2042
- wxgui: no more menu access to /
- #2043
- wxgui data import wizard: format choice before import really necessary ?
- #2054
- d.barscale module gui doesn't start from the command line
- #2066
- wxGUI rendering fails with cairo driver
- #2068
- Saving the display as an image in wxGUI fails
- #2072
- Unable to load workspace.gxw in 3D View
- #2075
- Browse in and causes entire GUI to crash
- #2077
- implement drop-down menu for barscale styles
- #2078
- New tool: Ability to draw a region (computation range) from the map display module
- #2080
- wxGUI: changing properties of barscale or legend
- #2088
- G7: digitizer python error
- #2091
- r.series error in GRASS7 wxGUI
- #2102
- Digitize doesn't delete records in the attribute table when merging features.
- #2115
- wxgui renders disabled layers on map change
- #2119
- wxgui: attribute table manager fails with "Inconsistent number of columns in the table"
- #2120
- wxgui: encoding errors
- #2135
- wxGUI: failed to show legend when PIL is missing
- #2137
- wxGUI: unable to stop running module
- #2141
- Linking or importing raster with non-ascii characters in filename fails in wxGUI with UnicodeEncodeError
- #2144
- winGRASS6.4.svn - GUI problems with postgres as database backend
- #2145
- wxGUI network analysis tool: fails to launch in French locale
- #2148
- wxGUI modeler: allow to name elements in the model schema
- #2152
- cd command does not work in GUI Command console
- #2159
- v.external gui exceeds the border of the screen
- #2161
- "About GRASS GIS" - invalid column index
- #2162
- can't close vector map query results window
- #2163
- Vector map objects rendered at wrong place in latlon location
- #2167
- Support for wxWidgets/wxPython 3.0
- #2177
- g.gui.animation fail to create gif
- #2188
- GRASS fails to start on Windows since r58807
- #2198
- g.gui.iclass doesn't work
- #2200
- #2202
- wxGUI: interactive raster color tool treats int map as float
- #2205
- Unicode unequal comparison in location wizard when title contains non-ascii letters
- #2212
- Map display fails to display top layer if 29 or more layers are in the list
- #2214
- animator fails to render a second time
- #2217
- Win 7 Grass 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 - location wizard not creating mapset AND cannot launch with any mapset
- #2220
- d.vect fails to update layer list on map selection
- #2225
- Improvements python shell
- #2234
- wxGUI d.mon and g.gui monitor rendering is slow
- #2243
- wxGUI: raster importer single file GdalImportDialog crash after import
- #2250
- d.text unsupported from command line
- #2251
- highlight selected features and zoom - display not centered over the highlighted feature
- #2252
- wxGUI vector digitizer passing unescaped text to database
- #2253
- WinGRASS doesn't allow to close console window
- #2257
- Clicking on layer group in layer manager gives error
- #2260
- wxGUI: encoding error in French locale when trying to delete layer with opacity level set
- #2273
- g.gui.animation ignores search path for spatio-temporal datasets
- #2274
- g.gui.timeline datasets with the same name
- #2275
- g.gui.timeline datasets with the same name
- #2277
- graphically set up region bounds
- #2279
- wingrass71: rendering problems with raster layers automatically added by finished modules
- #2293
- MapSwipe query maps
- #2312
- browse button in import vector/raster wrapper for and crashes entire GUI
- #2313
- display commands: add copy button to GUI
- #2315
- wxGUI mapswipe: icon AddLayerRGB wish
- #2316
- Map name completion in wxGUI console
- #2330
- r.proj - 'MapsetSelect' object has no attribute 'SetItems'
- #2339
- wxGUI.Nviz flickering
- #2369
- Include map elements into GRASS workspaces
- #2374
- Vector digitizer does not show scalebar
- #2377
- wxGUI mapswipe: refresh issue
- #2378
- t.list output lines mixed in wxGUI
- #2380
- d.legend "use" argument makes legend disappear
- #2381
- lighting/shading for vector objects backward in nviz
- #2384
- v.vect.stats not in GUI
- #2386
- wxGUI: check for old vector topology format
- #2391
- font setting for map display broken on Mac
- #2397
- $GISBASE/etc/gui to $GISBASE/gui
- #2405
- WXGUI-3D view, workspace not saving all the position changes made
- #2423
- r.series.interp missing in wxGUI menu
- #2439
- g.gui.iclass crashes
- #2449
- zooming by mouse doesn't work
- #2450
- Grass7: improve font selection dialog in GUI option for map display
- #2454
- wxgui: list of db columns only becomes available after entering layer number by hand
- #2469
- Zoom to saved region in Map Display not working
- #2470
- wxgui: Unknown tag subtoolbox when launching the gui
- #2471
- wxgui digitizer "update categories" dialog is not closable
- #2476
- vector digitizer crashing with _breakLineAtIntersection
- #2481
- g.gui.iclass: cannot display analysis results because of "No graphics device selected"
- #2482
- g.gui.iclass: temp maps are not erased when tool is closed
- #2484
- store map elements in workspace file
- #2493
- wxgui file import wizards: all files should be defined as '*', not '*.*'
- #2498
- yet another problem with GUI toolbox menu
- #2502
- wxdigit: "don't save" is not respected
- #2503
- wxdigit: wrong undo & redo
- #2504
- Dotted line guiding digitization tool disappeared
- #2527
- r.relief not in menu
- #2528
- r.shade not in menu
- #2537
- v.external wxgui wizard: ValueError : need more than 3 values to unpack
- #2538
- wxgui: doesn't start, throws ImportError: cannot import name TYPE_AREA
- #2539
- error importing shapefiles: ValueError : too many values to unpack
- #2541
- wxgui vector import wizard: ValueError : too many values to unpack
- #2542
- wxGUI adding text : PyAssertionError : C++ assertion "!m_cols || idx < (size_t)m_cols" failed at ../src/common/sizer.cpp(1980) in AddGrowableCol(): invalid column index
- #2543
- Failed to query vector maps from map display
- #2548
- map display 3d view: error to display vector point
- #2552
- GRASS 7.0 RC1 wxGUI: fails to launch in Spanish locale (UnicodeEncodeError)
- #2558
- wxgui: profile surface map, bivariate scatter plot, histogram of raster map broken with wxPython 3.0.2 but work fine fine with 2.8
- #2559
- g.gui.metadata not functioning
- #2588
- wxGUI digitizer: error when adding a new column
- #2601
- Raster query fails with unicode error
- #2602
- GUI preferences dialog fails to open
- #2614
- wxgui Output save fails with UnicodeEncodeError
- #2617
- wxgui Raster query redirect to console UnicodeDecodeError
- #2644
- osx - wxpython 3 64 bit - v.digit gui freeze when digitizing new vector
- #2645
- mac OSX - wxpython 3 (64 bit) profile surface map fails to start
- #2646
- mac OSX - wxpython 3 (64 bit) create histogram of raster map fails to start
- #2647
- mac OSX - wxpython 3 (64 bit) - fails to generate map preiew
- #2650
- - dropdown menu - gui components doesn't get update
- #2653
- GRASS 6.4.3 no file chooser popup for Add raster/vector map layer
- #2661
- sqlbuilder: verify button
- #2668
- "Browse" button v.external
- #2677
- mapswipe add raster map doesn't work with wxPython 3
- #2682
- Gtk critical message starting grass
- #2694
- rendering command layer and adding 3d raster layer broken
- #2697
- data catalog does not show all raster layers, while showing some non-existing
- #2710
- vector digitizer: new vector layer is not checked in layer manager
- #2713
- GUI hangs when adding vector map from cli
- #2720
- don't start on wingrass 7.0.1
- #2722
- wxGUI vector digitizer error
- #2727
- wxGUI startup: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 15: ordinal not in range(128)
- #2728
- g.gui.animation (wx3): TypeError : in method 'new_SpinCtrl', expected argument 9 of type 'int'
- #2730
- wxGUI: wx.metadata/wx.mwprecip/etc: Unable to fetch interface description for command 'wx.metadata'
- #2741
- fails
- #2746
- g.gui.vdigit fails to start with "PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "GetEventHandler() == this" failed at ../src/common/wincmn.cpp(478) in ~wxWindowBase(): any pushed event handlers must have been removed"
- #2747
- wxgui digitizer: display/update category values button does not work
- #2756
- wxGUI CTRL+CAPS LOCK make the command line prompt font size smaller
- #2760
- Network Analysis tool doesn't work on Mac
- #2781
- gmodeler loops fail with wxpython3
- #2782
- modeler problems with variable
- #2789
- tplot doesnt unregistrate cursor(coor,cats)
- #2795
- v.krige fails to launch from wxgui menu if a vector map is selected
- #2799
- wxGUI: display toolbar size too large
- #2800
- wxGUI modeler: encoding issue
- #2801
- wxGUI modeler: overwrite flag not saved when reopening module dialog
- #2813
- wxplot tools fails with wxPython 3
- #2814
- digitizer crashes, leaves vector broken
- #2815
- Grass and Pillow > 3.0.0
- #2817
- Adding multiple raster/vector maps is slow
- #2818
- wxgui: maps ordered using "natural sort"
- #2824
- g.gui.timeline throws exception when trying to display temporal dataset.
- #2826
- wxGUI: encoding issues
- #2827
- wxGUI: encoding error in error messages
- #2835
- wxgui: encoding error in manually entered rules
- #2836
- GUI modeller: errors when changing order of commands (indexation of items seems wrong)
- #2840
- Workspace file issue
- #2848
- g.gui.vdigit: snapping distance seems to only be defined in map units, not screen pixels
- #2852
- fit frame to match region doesn't work
- #2855
- Closing GUI Cancel button doesn't work
- #2859
- wxGUI Add web service layer: small (cosmetic changes) in the behavior of some gui wxWidgets
- #2860
- The raster import gui adds layers to layer tree even if that option is deselected
- #2885
- wxGUI Location Creation Wizard: UnicodeEncoreError when GISDBASE has accents in path
- #2894
- wxGUI Histogramming Tool: small (cosmetic changes) in the gui of the plot statistics frame
- #2898
- GUI improvments for long list of mapsets or long mapset names (Location / Mapset selection)
- #2899
- d.histogram launched from map display toolbar doesn't work
- #2904
- g.gui.gmodeler - Set comment after erasure
- #2905
- g.gui.gmodeler - modul diagram as small line in model
- #2906
- g.gui.gmodeler - blue diagram when adding a raster data
- #2908
- g.gui.gmodeler - not possible to add 3D data to model
- #2909
- g.gui.gmodeler - all layers rewritten by last output for more than one parameter
- #2920
- "query raster/vector map(s)" tool does not work for raster maps
- #2928
- query tool does not work in wx display
- #2944
- g.gui.gmodeler - strange duplicity when setting comment
- #2946
- g.gui.gmodeler - raster with average values is deleted as intermediate data
- #2947
- g.gui.gmodeler - not possible to remove data from model
- #2949
- g.gui.gmodeler - g.region: rows / cols as non-erasable 0
- #2952
- g.gui.gmodeler - global overwriting option is not respected
- #2961
- Histogramming Tool illegal filename when using imagery group (windows)
- #2988
- Install additional hicolor icon sizes
- #2993
- cannot type in directly the input in the r.proj GUI
- #2994
- wxGUI start fails with module object has no attribute GRIORA_NearestNeighbour
- #2995
- wxGUI start fails with charmap codec can't decode byte from g.version
- #2997
- python editor refuses to run script with UI after closing GUI dialog
- #3003
- WinGRASS-7.0.4RC1-1-Setup-x86_64.exe crashes at startup by: UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8d in position 29: chara cter maps to <undefined>
- #3008
- Mac Cmd-C clears console window instead of copying contents
- #3009
- "Quit GRASS GIS" button only exits GUI
- #3011
- OSGeo4W-winGRASS71 r68376: starting wxgui fails
- #3036
- Bug with location wizard on OSX (version 7, homebrew)
- #3039
- "Analyze map" not working with GRASS 7.0.4 (OSX - homebrew)
- #3041
- Grass Nviz crashes
- #3045
- OSX: command-C closes window instead of copying text
- #3046
- Cannot set display font
- #3065
- v.external gui does not display layer in list of layers when selected via browse button
- #3066
- g.gui.gcp not handling vectors
- #3094
- wxGUI: error when profiling a raster map
- #3112
- wxgui scatterplot tool: C++ assertion "m_window" failed at ../src/gtk/dcclient.cpp(2043) in DoGetSize(): GetSize() doesn't work without window
- #3131
- d.legend.vect workspace file flag problem
- #3132
- d.mon + d.vect: ERROR: Option <map> does not accept multiple answers
- #3135
- Pressing Run button in GUI dialogs open a new dialog
- #3140
- g.remove UI flaws
- #3151
- raster digitizer crashes GUI in trunk
- #3152
- g.gui.animation issues with stvds and list of vector maps
- #3153
- g.gui.animation freezes when trying to add decorations
- #3175
- g.gui.tplot AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'EVT_COMBOBOX_CLOSEUP'
- #3182
- GUI of v.db.join does not display the names of columns in "other_column"
- #3187
- Attribute table manager refreshing when connecting a distant sqlite database
- #3196
- workspace - layers are in inverted order after loading saved workspace file
- #3201
- wxGUI nviz: resolution settings widget broken in wxPython 3
- #3205
- d.legend title fails with UnicodeEncodeError
- #3207
- Create histogram of raster map fails
- #3208
- Create bivariare scatterplot of raster maps fails
- #3209
- r.mapcalc gui should use raster map selector for new maps
- #3219
- wxnviz: encoding error when exporting image file with accent in name
- #3222
- Add layer with table in Attribute table manager fails
- #3237
- GetEventHandler assertation after loading workspace twice
- #3242
- Gui does not disply correctly and locks up when scrolling down to make alternative mapsets visible in d.vect and d.rast.
- #3266
- digitizer - moving a vertex doesn't work
- #3275
- wxGUI: encoding error when saving workspace
- #3277
- Mac wxGui : Map Layer resizing unable -
- #3291
- Zoom to selected feature not working when cat is not the first column
- #3308
- GUI generates invalid layer parameter
- #3340
- wxGUI: encoding error when saving a workspace with vector that has accents in legend_label
- #3350
- wxGUI: map decorations are not removed when creating new workspace (Ctrl-N)
- #3367
- g.gui.animation: animated GIF export generates corrupted GIF files
- #3389
- g.gui: UnicodeEncodeError when writing a workspace file including non-ASCII characters
- #3402
- g.gui.gmodeler: trying to add command pushes CPU to 100% and provokes freeze
- #3405
- encoding issue when launching modules
- #3422
- UnicodeDecodeError in metadata ( call in wxGUI
- #3423
- UnicodeDecodeError in r.category in wxGUI when category labels contain special characters
- #3429
- g.gui.iclass: segfault when loading vector layer
- #3434
- GUI: Make metadata accessible in Data tab
- #3450
- 7.4.0 new modules missing in GUI menus
- #3470
- 3D mode menubuttons for fly through and rotate scene not destroyed when switching back to 2D mode
- #3472
- g.gui.iclass crashes the GUI
- #3487
- vector digitizer unstable
- #3502
- v.proj location not set in dialog
- #3505
- Opening a workspace file
- #3506
- 3D view mode not available: Reason: name '__int64' is not defined
- #3507
- Errors during vector editing - gui crashing after saving
- #3510
- wxpython 4: fix warnings for Attribute Table Manager
- #3519
- GUI: show computational region extent by default
- #3530
- wxgui: refreshing display after erasing displayed map creates encoding error
- #3533
- g.gui.tplot: add support to export time series values in a text file
- #3542
- cannot set default font in preferences
- #3577
- Add rename and delete of Location and Mapset in Datacatalog
- #3578
- Add New Location action to the Datacatalog
- #3579
- Add New Mapset action to the Datacatalog
- #3587
- Call to deprecated item in wxGUI
- #3591
- r.import does not recognize selected file
- #3592
- cmd-c (copy on Mac) closes dialog in r.import
- #3607
- Removing map layer crashes wxGUI
- #3609
- g.gui.timeline does not show granularity of time series
- #3612
- g.gui.tplot: error when calling from terminal
- #3616
- selecting location and mapset selections from pulldowns do not register in GUI
- #3617
- save display to image button broken
- #3619
- G_OPT_DB_WHERE - non-functional 'table' icon in gui
- #3621
- Cannot create map frame in cartographic composer
- #3629
- cannot click to check/uncheck accessible mapsets in g.mapsets
- #3630
- cannot set symbol interactively in d.vect
- #3637
- Use the system temporary directory for all GUI rendering files
- #3649
- Cartographic composer: OK, pointer and pan buttons do not work
- #3652
- Map display exception when switching to vector digitizer mode
- #3657
- "Command prompt - Log files" produces empty log files
- #3658
- attribute table manager fails to start from new mapset
- #3666
- wxGUI: Save to file in 3D mode fails with Unicode error
- #3669
- graphical modeler: export UI definitions into Python script
- #3673
- wxGUI: UnicodeEncodeError when querying vector map
- #3675
- g.gui.rlisetup: cannot create the configuration file
- #3681
- g.gui.tplot does not open
- #3684
- Querying a raster layer outside its extent in wxGUI doesn't clear previous results
- #3686
- Activate "Add created map(s) into layer tree" tickbox also for AddOns
- #3687
- Activate "Add created map(s) into layer tree" tick-box also for AddOns
- #3729
- Python export in Graphical modeler does not refrect global overwrite flag
- #3733
- winGRASS 7.7svn execute command fails
- #3734
- Location wizard on python 3 seems to be broken
- #3749
- winGRASS7.7.svn python 3: GUI freezes at start
- #3752
- g.gui.animation: TypeError: 'zip' object is not subscriptable
- #3753
- g.gui.tplot and g.gui.timeline: AttributeError: 'itertools.cycle' object has no attribute 'next'
- #3755
- error when saving workspace in python 3
- #3777
- vector digitizer crashes with python 3
- #3780
- Python3 + g.gui.animation: Traceback when clicking on the settings button
- #3800
- g.gui.gcp Wizard fails
- #3808
- "Next" button inactive in EPSG selection page of Location wizard
- #3838
- r74307 breaks GUI: UnicodeDecodeError
- #3867
- global name 'error_handler' is not defined
- #3871
- winGRASS: vector digitizing error messages
- #3873
- winGRASS Version: - deprecated warning in 3D modus
- #3876
- Setting font from GUI Preferences has no effect on barscale font
- #3882
- winGRASS: not able to digitize vector polygons
- #3885
- wxGUI no longer shows start image
- #3894
- g.gui.animation fails to export animation with python3 error
- #3895
- g.gui.animation deprecation messages
- #3899
- g.gui.gmodeler: loading of modeller file broken with TypeError
- #3904
- startup warning
- #3906
- g.gui.psmap needs Python upgrade
- #3914
- v.import/r.import error: "No layer selected. Operation cancelled"
- #3915
- wxGUI: crash with ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
- #3921
- GUI fails to start if rc contains missing mapset
- #3934
- wxGUI: Python error on "Set color table interactively" tool
- #3937
- Histogram tool in the GUI: save button gives error
- #3962
- GRASS 7.8.1 GUI doesn't run on Pop! OS 18.04 (Ubuntu 18.04) because of "ImportError: cannot import name 'NewIdRef'"
- #3981
- winGRASS: defining a new location by EPSG code: TypeError: invalid result from TransList.OnMeasureItem(), an integer is required (got type NoneType)
- #4004
- "Add web service layer" broken with Python3
- #4011
- Python 3.8 SyntaxWarnings
- #4019
- g.gui.iclass: Unable to import packages needed for scatter plot
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