Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#639 closed defect (fixed)

Wingrass native doesn't work

Reported by: lroach Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: wxGUI Version: 6.4.0 RCs
Keywords: wingrass,, nviz Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: MSWindows Vista


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:/GRASS-6-SVN/etc/wxpython/", line 523, in


menuform.GUI().ParseCommand(cmd, parentframe=self)


"C:\GRASS-6-SVN\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 1809, in ParseCommand

xml.sax.parseString(getInterfaceDescription(cmd[0]).decode(e nc).encode("utf-8"),


"C:\GRASS-6-SVN\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line 1748, in getInterfaceDescription

raise IOError, _("Unable to fetch interface description for command '%s'.") % cmd IOError : Unable to fetch interface description for command ''.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by hamish, 16 years ago

Keywords: wingrass added

comment:2 by hamish, 16 years ago

can you run it from the (grass+)msys command line?

comment:3 by hamish, 15 years ago

Component: RasterwxGUI
Keywords: added

can anyone else reproduce this?

comment:4 by neteler, 15 years ago

Keywords: nviz added

a new colleague of mine signals this problem on Windows (AFAIK Vista):

MENU File 
  |--- NVIZ (requires Tcl/Tk)

One receives the following message:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "c:/GRASS/etc/wxpython/", line 523, in


menuform.GUI().ParseCommand(cmd, parentframe=self)

  File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line

1809, in ParseCommand



  File "c:\GRASS\etc\wxpython\gui_modules\", line

1748, in getInterfaceDescription

raise IOError, _("Unable to fetch interface description for

command '%s'.") % cmd


Unable to fetch interface description for command 'nviz'.

comment:5 by neteler, 15 years ago

See also #553

comment:6 by hamish, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

now it works.

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