Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#989 new enhancement

wx georectify: implement best features of i.points

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.5.0
Component: wxGUI Version: svn-develbranch6
Keywords: georectify i.rectify Cc:
CPU: All Platform: All


wishes from #728:

  • would it be possible to change the color of GCP lines which are 1 standard dev. out from the mean GCP error as orange and 2 S.D. out as red? that is a nice way in i.points to see where your typos are. Or failing that, allow sort rows by clicking on column so you could group the worst offenders to the top.
  • is it possible to bind the arrow keys to move the currently selected GCP 1 pixel on the map display window?
  • more i.points goodness: can you change the color of the map marker to orange if that is the currently selected GCP data row? and have it still display on the map but turn to red if it the Use box is unticked?
  • long shot wish: i.vpoints lets you select a vector map from the target mapset to overlay on the fly based on the current tansform calculation. The other nice thing it has is left and right panels, in the left one you click on a feature in the source image, and in the right you click on what you know to be the same point in another map (rast or vect) in the target location. It then uses the x,y from the left pane and the east,north from the right pane to create the GCP without having to know or type any coords.
  • from there is the grass5 addon magic auto GCP image tool, but one (or 5) things at a time :)

thanks, Hamish

Change History (6)

comment:1 by hamish, 15 years ago

  • it would be nice if there is only one raster map in the group if it was automatically selected; like is done if there is only one group in the mapset.

comment:2 by hamish, 15 years ago

  • the tool needs a help page.

comment:3 by hamish, 15 years ago

  • it would be nice if it asked you "are you sure?" on exit: [Save and exit] / [Abandon changes and exit] / [Cancel]

very easy to lose half an hour's work by clicking the wrong button & no safety net.


in reply to:  description ; comment:4 by mmetz, 14 years ago

I am finfished with a wxGUI version of i.points, based on the georectifier. Some comments on the suggestions:

Replying to hamish:

wishes from #728:

  • would it be possible to change the color of GCP lines which are 1 standard dev. out from the mean GCP error as orange and 2 S.D. out as red? that is a nice way in i.points to see where your typos are. Or failing that, allow sort rows by clicking on column so you could group the worst offenders to the top.

User can define factor for highlight threshold = mean + stddev * factor, alternatively only the point with the highest RMS error is highlighted. Additionally, columns can be sorted by clicking on the column head, works with all columns. First click sorts ascending, second click on same column head sorts descending.

  • more i.points goodness: can you change the color of the map marker to orange if that is the currently selected GCP data row? and have it still display on the map but turn to red if it the Use box is unticked?

New coloring: separate colors for regular points, points with high RMS error, unused points, the currently selected point. Display of unused points can be disabled.

  • long shot wish: i.vpoints lets you select a vector map from the target mapset to overlay on the fly based on the current tansform calculation.

Not sure how easy this is to do in the wxGUI, or more precisely, how to do this in the wxGUI.

The other nice thing it has is left and right panels, in the left one you click on a feature in the source image, and in the right you click on what you know to be the same point in another map (rast or vect) in the target location. It then uses the x,y from the left pane and the east,north from the right pane to create the GCP without having to know or type any coords.

The left and right panels are now there. Clicking on source or target display already creates GCP coordinates in the Georectifier, also in the new GCP Manager. I have put in a third panel with the points list which is in the same frame on top of the source and target map display. The points list can be grabbed and dragged outside if desired (floating pane). New feature: you can adjust the target display to the current zoom of the source display and vice versa through the toolbar (Adjust display zoom), works once there are at least 3 halfway accurate GCPs.

Replying to hamish:

  • the tool needs a help page.

Now there for the new GCP mananger, plus a help button in the toolbar.

Replying to hamish:

  • it would be nice if it asked you "are you sure?" on exit: [Save and exit] / [Abandon changes and exit] / [Cancel]

very easy to lose half an hour's work by clicking the wrong button & no safety net.

Done. Additional safety features are a confirmation message when setting GCP coords by clicking on a display (can happen accidentially), and a master copy of the POINTS file which is only updated if the user saves the points. I thought it necessary because points are saved to the POINTS file every time RMS is calculated, and I wanted a master copy as backup. [Abandon changes and exit] will overwrite the current POINTS file with the master copy, [Save and exit] will save the GCP list as you see it to the POINTS file.

Markus M

comment:5 by neteler, 14 years ago

Sidenote: this enhancement ticket #142 may be of interest, too.

in reply to:  4 comment:6 by neteler, 14 years ago

Replying to mmetz:

I am finfished with a wxGUI version of i.points, based on the georectifier.

The tool is very nice and appears to work smoothly.

  • long shot wish: i.vpoints lets you select a vector map from the target mapset to overlay on the fly based on the current tansform calculation.

Not sure how easy this is to do in the wxGUI, or more precisely, how to do this in the wxGUI.

While geocoding a scanned historic map, I came across the same problem: It would be a great help to also display vector map(s) from the target location.


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