Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1846 closed defect (fixed)

Query vector map tool does not work

Reported by: pvanbosgeo Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: wxGUI Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: query Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


The query vector/raster map tool on a vector layer does not work. When clicking on a layer, the rendering bar in the map display window get's stuck somewhere on 50-75%. Moreover, the mouse cursor keeps on spinning when hovering over any GRASS window, also after I close the map display window (I thought it was related to the rendering of the map).

I am working on GRASS 7 r54557 (but it started in a previous revision), on Ubuntu 12.10, with Python 2.7.3 and wxPython I marked this as a major problem as this affects a key functionality i.m.h.o.

The command line output when trying to query a vector layer is:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/map

disp/", line 969, in MouseActions


File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/map

disp/", line 1164, in OnLeftUp

self.frame.Query(self.mousebegin[0],self.mousebegin[ 1], layers)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/map

disp/", line 685, in Query

self.QueryVector(east, north, qdist, posWindow, layers[0])

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/map

disp/", line 837, in QueryVector

self.MapWindow.UpdateMap(render = False, renderVector = False)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/map

disp/", line 612, in UpdateMap

self.mapfile = self.Map.Render(force = False, mapWindow = self.frame)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/cor

e/", line 963, in Render

maps, masks, opacities = self.GetMapsMasksAndOpacities(force, mapWindow, windres)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/cor

e/", line 933, in GetMapsMasksAndOpacities

return self._renderLayers(force, guiFrame)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/cor

e/", line 901, in _renderLayers

if not layer.Render():

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/cor

e/", line 148, in Render

ret, msg = self._runCommand(c)

File "/usr/local/grass7/grass-7.0.svn/etc/gui/wxpython/cor

e/", line 192, in _runCommand

self.cmd[1]) IndexError : list index out of range

Change History (6)

comment:1 by pvanbosgeo, 12 years ago

This bug is related to the rendering of the map. If I disable rendering in the Map display window, the query tool works. Also note that the query tool works without problems in 6.4.3 (obviously the vector layer has to be rebuild first).

comment:2 by pvanbosgeo, 12 years ago

Priority: majortrivial
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

OK, not sure what has happened, but reinstalled (the same version of) grass 7.0, and it works correctly again. Marking this as invalid.

comment:3 by martinl, 12 years ago

Component: DefaultwxGUI

in reply to:  2 ; comment:4 by mmetz, 12 years ago

Priority: trivialmajor
Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

Replying to pvanbosgeo:

OK, not sure what has happened, but reinstalled (the same version of) grass 7.0, and it works correctly again. Marking this as invalid.

Reopening because I get the exact same error with r54582. No changes in my local copy, a brand new .grass7/wx file.

Markus M

in reply to:  4 ; comment:5 by mmetz, 12 years ago

Replying to mmetz:

Replying to pvanbosgeo:

OK, not sure what has happened, but reinstalled (the same version of) grass 7.0, and it works correctly again. Marking this as invalid.

Reopening because I get the exact same error with r54582.

Hopefully fixed in r54585, but the change needs review.

Markus M

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by annakrat, 12 years ago

Keywords: query added
Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Replying to mmetz:

Hopefully fixed in r54585, but the change needs review.

Thanks for the fix, it seems to be only a copy & paste error. I think we can close this.

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