Opened 14 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#1188 closed defect (fixed)

wxgui quits when starting vdigit

Reported by: huhabla Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: wxGUI Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: digitize Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


I try to edit vector maps using the wx gui in grass 7.

The GRASS GIS Layer Manager quits without warning or throwing an error when right-clicking on an already loaded and displayed vector map choosing "start editing".

I use the latest grass7 svn version on openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64). GRASS GIS was compiled using this configuration: ./configure --without-freetype --with-wxwidgets --with-sqlite --with-postgresql --with-cxx --with-python

Version wxWidgets: 2.8.10.

Wx version of vdigit compiled without errors.

Here some debug output from the wxgui from start to quit:

GRASS 7.0.svn (hsmu):~/src/tag2e/Modules/Python > g.gui                
Launching 'wxpython' GUI in the background, please wait ...            
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=548, label=newdisplay bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3254c20> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=549, label=workspaceLoad bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3254c40> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=550, label=workspaceOpen bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3254c60> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=551, label=workspaceSave bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3264a40> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=552, label=addrast bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3245d70> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=553, label=addrast3d bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32e53c0> >    
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=554, label=addshaded bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x328e6d0> >    
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=555, label=addvect bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3245d40> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=556, label=addthematic bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x328e6a0> >  
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=557, label=addgrp bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3290510> >       
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=558, label=addovl bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32e53e0> >       
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=559, label=delcmd bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32e5400> >       
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=560, label=attrtable bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32904e0> >    
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=562, label=modeler bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32e9d00> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=561, label=preferences bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x32ed010> >  
GUI D1/5: GMFrame.NewDisplay(): idx=0                                                                                                   
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): g.proj -p                                                                                                  
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=563, label=displaymap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333e1f0> >   
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=564, label=rendermap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333e290> >    
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=565, label=erase bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333e240> >        
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=566, label=pointer bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333da60> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=567, label=query bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333f190> >        
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=568, label=pan bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333e260> >          
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=569, label=zoom_in bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333fbe0> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=570, label=zoom_out bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333fc00> >     
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=573, label=zoom_extent bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333f050> >  
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=571, label=zoom_back bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333eff0> >    
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=572, label=zoommenu bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333efd0> >     
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=574, label=analyze bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333f010> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=575, label=overlay bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x333f030> >      
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=576, label=savefile bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3340f00> >     
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=577, label=printmap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3340ee0> >     
GUI D2/5: MapFrame.__InitDisplay():                                                                                                     
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=770, height=545                                                                                    
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): g.region -ugpc                                                                                             
GUI D3/5: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 870.0, 'e': 4680000.0, 'cells': 591600.0, 'cols': 680.0, 'center_northing': 3115000.0, 'n': 3550000.0, 'center_easting': 4340000.0, 's': 2680000.0, 'w': 4000000.0, 'ewres': 1000.0, 'nsres': 1000.0}                                                                                                                                                                           
GUI D3/5: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                                                                                                                                                        
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.ZoomHistory(): hist=[(3550000.0, 2680000.0, 4680000.0, 4000000.0)]                                                                                                               
GUI D3/5: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                                                                                                                                                        
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                                                                                                                                                        
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                                                                                                                                                        
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=True                                                                                                                                                        
wxGCDC is not available on this platform.                                                                                                                                                                 
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 499.0, 'e': 4680000.0, 'cells': 383232.0, 'cols': 768.0, 'center_northing': 3115000.0, 'n': 3550000.0, 'center_easting': 4340000.0, 's': 2680000.0, 'w': 4000000.0, 'ewres': 885.41666666666663, 'nsres': 1743.4869739478959}                                                                                                                                                
GUI D3/5: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 1743.486974; n-s resol3: 1023.52941176; rows: 499; north: 3550000.0; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom: 0; rows3: 850; west: 4000000.0; top: 1; cols: 768; cols3: 641; depths: 1; e-w resol: 885.416667; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 1060.8424337; east: 4680000.0; south: 2680000.0;                                                                                                   
GUI D5/5: BufferedWindow.Draw(): id=None, pdctype=clear, coord=[0, 0, 0, 0]                                                                                                                               
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                                                                                                                                               
GUI D2/5: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True -> time=0                                                                                                                            
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=True                                                                                                                                                        
wxGCDC is not available on this platform.                                                                                                                                                                 
GRASS 7.0.svn (hsmu):~/src/tag2e/Modules/Python > GUI D3/5: LayerTree().AddLayer(): ltype=vector                                                                                                          
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                                                                                                                                               
GUI D3/5: Layer.__init__(): type=vector, cmd='', name=None, active=1, opacity=1, hidden=0                                                                                                                 
GUI D3/5: Map.AddLayer(): layer=None                                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: LayerTree.PropertiesDialog(): ltype=vector                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=None                                                                                                                                                                   
GUI D3/5: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd=''                                                                                                                                                                          
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                                                                                                                                               
GUI D4/5: LayerTree.ReorderLayers(): items=vector (double click to set properties),                                                                                                                       
GUI D4/5: Map.ReoderLayers(): layers=vector (double click to set properties),                                                                                                                             
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499                                                                                                                                                      
GUI D3/5: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 499.0, 'e': 4680000.0, 'cells': 383232.0, 'cols': 768.0, 'center_northing': 3115000.0, 'n': 3550000.0, 'center_easting': 4340000.0, 's': 2680000.0, 'w': 4000000.0, 'ewres': 885.41666666666663, 'nsres': 1743.4869739478959}                                                                                                                                                
GUI D3/5: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 1743.486974; n-s resol3: 1023.52941176; rows: 499; north: 3550000.0; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom: 0; rows3: 850; west: 4000000.0; top: 1; cols: 768; cols3: 641; depths: 1; e-w resol: 885.416667; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 1060.8424337; east: 4680000.0; south: 2680000.0;                                                                                                   
GUI D5/5: BufferedWindow.Draw(): id=None, pdctype=clear, coord=[0, 0, 0, 0]                                                                                                                               
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                                                                                                                                               
GUI D2/5: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True -> time=0                                                                                                                            
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=True                                                                                                                                                        
wxGCDC is not available on this platform.                                                                                                                                                                 
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): g.mapsets --q -p fs=newline                                                                                                                                                  
GUI D1/5: gselect.VectorDBInfo._DescribeTables(): table=validation driver=sqlite database=/home/soeren/grassdata/hsmu/PERMANENT/sqlite.db                                                                 
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): v.db.connect -g map=validation@PERMANENT fs=;                                                                                                                                
GUI D3/5: utils.GetVectorNumberOfLayers(): vector=validation@PERMANENT -> 1                                                                                                                               
GUI D3/5: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=vector (double click to set properties)                                                                                                                                
GUI D3/5: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd='d.vect map=validation@PERMANENT layer=1 type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary'                                                                                       
GUI D4/5: LayerTree.ReorderLayers(): items=validation@PERMANENT (opacity: 100%),                                                                                                                          
GUI D4/5: Map.ReoderLayers(): layers=validation@PERMANENT,                                                                                                                                                
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=499
GUI D3/5: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 499.0, 'e': 4680000.0, 'cells': 383232.0, 'cols': 768.0, 'center_northing': 3115000.0, 'n': 3550000.0, 'center_easting': 4340000.0, 's': 2680000.0, 'w': 4000000.0, 'ewres': 885.41666666666663, 'nsres': 1743.4869739478959}
GUI D3/5: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 1743.486974; n-s resol3: 1023.52941176; rows: 499; north: 3550000.0; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom: 0; rows3: 850; west: 4000000.0; top: 1; cols: 768; cols3: 641; depths: 1; e-w resol: 885.416667; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 1060.8424337; east: 4680000.0; south: 2680000.0;
GUI D3/5: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=validation@PERMANENT
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): d.vect --q map=validation@PERMANENT layer=1 type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary
GUI D3/5: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=validation@PERMANENT
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): g.pnmcomp opacity=1.0 mask=/tmp/tmptTxpXQ.pgm height=499 width=768 background=255:255:255:255 input=/tmp/tmptTxpXQ.ppm output=/tmp/tmpV8TiCJ.ppm
GUI D3/5: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpV8TiCJ.ppm
GUI D5/5: BufferedWindow.Draw(): id=99, pdctype=image, coord=[0, 0, 0, 0]
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
GUI D2/5: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True -> time=0.03
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=True
wxGCDC is not available on this platform.
GUI D4/5: LayerTree.OnContextMenu: layertype=vector
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=593, label=digAddPoint bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3525190> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=594, label=digAddLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3568870> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=595, label=digAddBoundary bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x2d03f00> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=596, label=digAddCentroid bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x34cca80> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=597, label=digMoveVertex bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3598a30> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=598, label=digAddVertex bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x28f7130> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=599, label=digRemoveVertex bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x351b780> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=600, label=digSplitLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3598b10> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=601, label=digEditLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x34ab7c0> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=602, label=digMoveLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x34cd530> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=603, label=digDeleteLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3550640> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=605, label=digDispCats bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3598ad0> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=607, label=digCopyCats bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x28f9c20> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=606, label=digDispAttr bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x3590a90> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=604, label=digAdditionalTools bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x352a4c0> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=608, label=digUndo bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x352a4a0> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=609, label=digSettings bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x352b270> >
GUI D3/5: CreateTool(): tool=610, label=digExit bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x352b250> >
GUI D4/5: VDigitToolbar.UpdateListOfLayers(): updateTool=1
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.ClearLines(): lineid=None, plineid=None
GUI D3/5: BufferedWindow.OnSize():
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=455
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1
GUI D2/5: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=768, height=455
GUI D3/5: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 455.0, 'e': 4680000.0, 'cells': 349440.0, 'cols': 768.0, 'center_northing': 3115000.0, 'n': 3550000.0, 'center_easting': 4340000.0, 's': 2680000.0, 'w': 4000000.0, 'ewres': 885.41666666666663, 'nsres': 1912.0879120879122}
GUI D3/5: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 1912.087912; n-s resol3: 1023.52941176; rows: 455; north: 3550000.0; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom: 0; rows3: 850; west: 4000000.0; top: 1; cols: 768; cols3: 641; depths: 1; e-w resol: 885.416667; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 1060.8424337; east: 4680000.0; south: 2680000.0;
GUI D3/5: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=validation@PERMANENT
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): d.vect --q map=validation@PERMANENT layer=1 type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary
GUI D3/5: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=validation@PERMANENT
GUI D1/5: gcmd.RunCommand(): g.pnmcomp opacity=1.0 mask=/tmp/tmptTxpXQ.pgm height=455 width=768 background=255:255:255:255 input=/tmp/tmptTxpXQ.ppm output=/tmp/tmpV8TiCJ.ppm
GUI D3/5: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpV8TiCJ.ppm
GUI D5/5: BufferedWindow.Draw(): id=99, pdctype=image, coord=[0, 0, 0, 0]
GUI D3/5: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
GUI D2/5: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True -> time=0.03
GUI D4/5: BufferedWindow.OnPaint(): redrawAll=True
wxGCDC is not available on this platform.
GUI D3/5: Map.ChangeLayerActive(): name='validation@PERMANENT' -> active=0
GUI D3/5: AbstractDigit.__init__(): map=None
GUI D3/5: AbstractDigit.SetMapName map=validation@PERMANENT

GRASS 7.0.svn (hsmu):~/src/tag2e/Modules/Python >

Change History (1)

comment:1 by wenzeslaus, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Now Start editing works as well as other ways to start editing (new map, select existing from combo box). Works in trunk and 70 branch. There are some problems with vdigit but they are for separate tickets. Closing this one as fixed.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.