Opened 16 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#738 closed defect (fixed)

wxGUI: Attribute Table editor refresh & cosmetics

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: wxGUI Version: 6.4.0 RCs
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: All



just exploring the latest version of the wx Attribute manager + new sqlbuilder GUIs. It's really nice work Martin, congrats.

some minor feedback/issues WRT the wx vector layer attribute manager GUI: (latest 6.5svn)

  • 'manage tables' tab: [Add] and [Rename] buttons fall off right side of GUI unless you stretch the window a bit wider manually.
  • column name: if you put in something silly like ";;" you get a nice pop-up window with a SQL error, but then it gets added to the list anyway. Luckily the GUI lets you drop that column from the list (with another SQL "what are you talking about?" error popup).
  • "Column name: _" : probably [Add] at the right makes this obvious so no action needed, but maybe put the word "new" in there?
  • if you add a new column then add another or drop another, you then have to hit [ok] to a number of errors saying it can't perform each of the prior actions because it already exists, etc. I guess the SQL queue needs to be flushed after each execution.
  • (trivial) if you add a new column the data-length value for int/double is not displayed until you close & reenter the attribute GUI.
  • after adding a new column, then going back to the 'Browse data' tab and clicking [Refresh], the new column doesn't show up. you can to close & reenter the attribute GUI to see/edit them. Right clicking on the column list in the 'manage tables' tab and selecting 'Reload' from the context meny makes the newly added columns disappear! (until you exit & reopen the attrib. manager)
  • Layer manger: right click on a vector layer entry the context menu has an option for "Show attribute data". Better to show off the power of the GUI by renaming that "Show/edit attribute data" ?

All the while a stream of errors are printed to the Command Output tab in the layer manager, hopefully after the above are fixed they'll go away. If not I'll post them.

cheers, Hamish

Change History (2)

comment:1 by neteler, 15 years ago

Platform: LinuxAll
Priority: minornormal
Version: svn-develbranch66.4.0 RCs

Yes, the manager looks great. I have tried it as well (6.4) and found that adding an invalid column name (e.g. "RRR:GGG:BBB" with DBF driver) exists with failure (ok) but still adds the invalid column name into the manager list (not ok). I assume that this is the same refresh issue.


comment:2 by wenzeslaus, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

All reported issues were fixed in the past. I have tested 6.4.3svn (r52855) and 7 (r52863) and everything works now. Closing ticked. Details and discussion bellow.

  • manage tables tab: [Add] and [Rename] buttons fall off...: layout was changed and this should be ok now
  • column name: if you put in something silly like ";;"...gets added to the list...: ok now (probably the handling of events was changed)
  • "Column name: _" ...put the word "new"...: Now there is a field named 'Column' in group box 'Add column'. Someone could find label 'Name' (instead of 'Column') more describing. But this is probably mater of taste.
  • if you add a new column then add another...: No such behavior after multiple 'Add' or 'Rename' now.
  • if you add a new column the data-length value... and after adding a new column...: Both 'Browse data' and 'Manage tables' are reloaded after adding/renaming column. It takes some time and the refresh is done even on SQL error (e.g. wrong column name) which is probably useless but everything is fresh. Both 'Reload' (from context menu) and 'Refresh' do not make the newly added columns disappear.
  • Layer manger... "Show attribute data"...: In atm you can browse data, edit data, manage table and manage layers (or better say manage layer-table connections). The menu item in layer context menu and the tooltip for toolbar item are only 'Show attribute table'. But I think that 'Show attribute table' is sufficient. 'Open attribute table' would be similar. 'Show/edit attribute table' and any other text longer than 3 words is harder to read. We can consider another menu item like 'Edit attribute table' somewhere but I think that it is not necessary. And about 'Show/edit attribute table' text, we have to keep in mind that editing is of course disabled when map is from different mapset.
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