
Version 8 (modified by neteler, 15 years ago) ( diff )

updated from Changelog

GRASS GIS 6.4.0RC6 Release


SVN Source Code

Overview of changes since 6.3.0

For changes between 6.2.3 and 6.3.0, see the 6.3.0 release announcement. Since the 6.3.0 release in April 2008 almost 2,700 source code modifications have been made to the 6.4.0 release branch. Between 6.4.0RC5 and the current 6.4.0RC6 more than 560 updates have been included.

New modules

Major module changes

  • see also list of bugfixes below
  • Fixes for spaces in path names:
  • db.login: Now saves database login credentials to ~/.grasslogin64 which is safe for spaces in path names.
  • v.db.addtable: Now uses default mapset database settings instead of locking you into what was already used by the map.
  • v.lidar.correction, v.lidar.edgedetection, v.lidar.growing, v.outlier, fix Lidar tools

Minor module changes

  • g.parser: backport of -s flag for improved scripting
  • i.atcorr: Backported LISS (IRC 1C) and ASTER sensors
  • i.landsat.rgb: : work with >8bit data, e.g. Quickbird
  • i.pca: : Glynn: Fix bug in calc_mu
  • r.colors, v.colors: several new color tables
  • r.terraflow: : don't use hardcoded /var/tmp/ ; use TEMP variable on windows
  • r.univar, r3.univar: Percentile now accepts non-integer requests (e.g. sigmas at 68.2689%, 95.45%, and 99.73%) (trac #873)
  • r.sun: Fixed problem with 0 incidence angle (trac #610; Thomas Huld) - now the value is null. Note that this is also the case if the pixel is in shadow.
  • v.split: create 3D vector map if input is 3D
  • v.what.vect: now also works with vector polygon maps

Library changes

  • Update Swiss datum parameters to CH1903+ (trac #35)
  • New symbol: extra/ring
  • Added Swedish datum RT90
  • New symbol: extra/ring
  • DBMI: activated OFTDate, OFTTime, OFTDateTime (treat as strings as in DBF driver)
  • Segment library: use LFS if available

Driver changes

  • see also RC4 and RC5 release notes

GUI changes

  • see also RC4 and RC5 release notes

Portability changes

  • Many WinGrass package fixes (spaces in path names, etc.)
  • winGRASS: use default browser

Build changes

Documentation updates

  • see also RC4 and RC5 release notes

Message translation updates

  • complete Japanese translation
  • several other language translations improved

Closed tickets

  • Support external data sources in the wxPython-GUI (trac #643) (Martin Landa)
  • Add dropdown selector (trac #661) (Martin Landa)
  • Fix broken location and region creation in RC5 (trac #654) (Hamish)
  • v.db.addtable uses wrong postgres schema (trac #673) (Martin Landa)
  • problem with gui wx with module v.db.join (trac #490) (Martin Landa)
Closed bugs since branching

grass-6.2.3 and flex-2.5.34, missing the description.html
Location wizard: scroll issue in EPSG code selection
Location wizard: sort list from EPSG browser
Location wizard: should predefine DB connection for new location
Grass63 -wx gui menu item referes to incorrect function
Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms.
Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms.
Grass63 -wx gui function form not updating input fields.
Vector point shift in wxgrass after pan
v.out.ogr exports only attribute data in CSV format
error when digitizing new feature
#34 documentation lists incorrect values for vlines "type" option
Verify and uncomment Swiss datum parameters
v.generalize Assertion failed.
Copy button on wxgrass function forms does not work
g.mapsets crash
NVIZ fly mode broken on 64bit systems
NVIZ displays points (sites) allways as thematic
g.copy segfaults ( package) [and latest SVN]
wxPython/pseudodc.h not found
NVIZ fails to display all points in a point vector map
g.remove mixes raster and vector maps: "Remove reclassed map first"
NVIZ. Shrinking of the surface when the surface resolution is increased (GRASS6.2.3-GRASS6.3)
wx version of v.digit relies upon non-portable hacks
vdigit makefile uses hardwired compile and link flags
grass build fails when build with -as-needed linker flag
d.vect: disp=cat or attr draws area shapes
Tcl version of v.digit's background colour doesn't work
gis.m: Raster Legend text selection button gives error
#91 doesn't remove .tmp files when it is done
Could not set snapping threshold
db.table -p does not list all tables -> deeper problems in PostgreSQL driver
PROJ file sometimes not created with location
r.random fails with bus error on Mac OS X 10.5
r.los broken on Mac
new tabs in GUI have required last
wx-python gui: NVIZ (tcltk) not starting
saving display to tiff or ppm garbled when NVIZ is not top window
wxgrass: trying to set options for scalebar or legend gives TypeError
wxgrass: trying to add legend gives UnicodeDecodeError
wxgrass - d.vect and d.vect.chart: changing default checkbox options in GUI results in KeyError
db/drivers/dbf fail to build due to undefined reference to 'SASetupDefaultHooks' (SHAPELIB)
r.los fails with high values for max_dis parameter
wxPython GUI fails in Windows Vista if GISDBASE contains spaces
r.statistics: output should be optional
r.digit: make guarantee_xmon fail nicely on WinGrass
r.patch fails on Vista
wxgrass: ticking -m options in legend dialog cause general GUI freeze
g.region should not duplicate the code of G3d_regionToCellHead ()
#123 import bug when using scanned extent
v.outlier & sqlite
WinGRASS Tcl/Tk GUI - Text formatting error in Output window
Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup
wxgrass: Some statusbar modes obscure mouse-over help text of gui tools
sqlite: confusing error message
wxgrass: Error in profile tool
wxgrass: Error in applying display overlay properties to rasters in Layer Manager
wxgrass gui help is missing from 6.4.svn
r.what.colors: not working
#155 the "M" highlight problem
wxpython: Layer Manager crashes when trying to edit vector properties
WinGRASS: incompatability issue
r.regressionline incompatability issue in WinGRASS
g.transform no longer calculating error for 2nd order transformation
GRASS will bould nviz eaven without tcl/tk
WinGRASS: fails
d.vect: -c type=area doesn't draw boundary
r.recode truncates last character in rules file.
Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup [sub-test] of group [test in neuba]
wxpython gui crashed while importing dxf
wxpython gui for defaults to overwrite
Sqlite driver doesn't handle blank numeric entries
division with dbf driver leads to protocol error
#186 wxpython gui crashes when importing xyz files.
CUPS warning when starting wxpython gui.
MySQL driver: create table command cut
Error in in defining new location via EPSG code in wxpython Location Wizard
i.fusion.brovey: remove temp region file?
wxGUI interface hangs, when adding maps to display
sfd support for r.terraflow
#201 wxGUI window crashes or freezes when "Verbose module output" is checked
#202 fails on Polish dataset
warnings printed on GRASS startup when selecting Location and Mapset
warnings and errors when trying to print the display
SQL builder prints the name of the vector map to the terminal
table manager tools print plenty of warnings to the terminal
"Additional tools" menu dialog broken in digitizer
digitizer: don't ask to save changes when there have been none
digitizer: errors at removing vertex
digitizer: errors at querying
digitizer: errors at copying categories
digitizer: errors at editing line
Location wizard: browse button half-cut
wxGUI startup windows don't fit 800x600; are not down-scalable
wxGUI modules don't refresh the list of available maps
"Stop" button should not be active until the module starts running
i.rectify should not let choose a raster not inside the selected group
r.mask -r shouldn't require input
vdigit crashes on some GRASS vectors I try to edit
various error messges during digitizing
error printed to the terminal after executing command from wxGUI cmd line
#231 in 6.3.1 svn doesn't work
#233 type description corrupted in wxGUI
v.type,, GUI and WinGRASS
table manager: edits in the table are not saved
can't edit a vector map if the name has no @mapset suffix
error at wxGUI startup
crash if zooming in too much
v.proj: broken (?) -z description and missing -l description in wxGUI
i.rectify; what does -a actually do?
v.proj has no progress bar in any GUI
#244 has no progress bar in any GUI (same as v.proj)
copy command syntax does not work
can't overwrite vector map if it's name is fully qualified (i.e. contains @mapset)
wxpython Layer Manager: higher raster hides the lower
wxGUI: db.droptable button opens db.login
wxGUI: can't really cancel adding layer
adding other layer than plain raster or vector (shaded relief, thematic vector etc.) returns an error
wxGUI: visualization problems with multiple rasters and vectors. not stable bug...
wxGUI: patch for columns listing
d.vect: flag to print mininal region extent
wxgui:'s SQL column defintion text box is uneditable
error querying a layer being edited
multiple tools should not be selectable
vdigit is missing a tool to delete categories
v.what returns "Line:" attribute for points and centroids
the "command layer" in wxGUI does not work
once enabled, autorendering mode can't be disabled in the current session
autorendering interferes with layer selection
some tabs of command dialogs are too narrow
some commands dialogs have their name crippled
v.example leaks memory in db_open_select_cursor
vdigit: cursor and vertex are apart when moving vertices
wxNVIZ fails to start
Query vector map (edit mode): does not work
wxGUI: "Color rules" prints an error when "Preview" is pressed
wxGUI doesn't handle removing maps
query tool crashes when the user presses mouse buttons fast
r.what in wxGUI should not depend on computational region
wxGUI "Mapset access" prints warnings on the terminal
error in table manager
vdigit: changing a tool should cancel current edits
"Set options" for scale and N arrow fails
setting 'at=' to anything crashes raster legend
font settings not saved
Erase display crashes
wxGUI should provide a switch for region-constrained/free display mode
computational region extent frame should be semi-transparent
region corrupted
wrong translations break wxGUI
wxNVIZ: crash or failure
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output
wxGUI fails to handle illegal region extent
wxNVIZ: error pressing "All" button
error when adding another text layer
text layer overlay: font and rotation don't work
Add created map into layer tree: errors for import modules
Compiler error while building python swig
#309 aborts on shapefile with many polygons and large extend
develbranch6 r33422 fails to configure on regex
overlaying wxNVIZ window with another one provokes a redraw
v.db.join fails in winNative Grass 6.3 for sqlite driver
WinGRASS MSYS Console doesn't run correctly
#319 segfaults in G_close_gdal_link()
Exporting centroids
v.out.ogr does not export features when 'dsn' AND 'layer' options are given
v.out.ogr does not correctly encode NODATA in attribute tables
d.vect / v.univar does not work for layer > 1 ; v.db.join has bugs (corrected here)
d.mon doesn't work (WinGrass commandline)
Wording correction in description of i.pca
g.parser terminated when execute scripts just like g.manual, etc.
NVIZ: pack menu to the left
Error with r.drain with gdal 1.5.2 and 1.6.0
v.out.ogr: bad DB read for format=GPX
#355 generates invalid postscript when vlegend item does not appear on map
g.parser buffer overflow terminates shell script
#360 example incorrectly uses "type=area"
v.mkgrid - segmentation fault
Compiling QGIS from svn has a compiler error related to GRASS api
wxGUI: ** (python:3840): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1280
ValueError: unsupported format character '<' (0x3c) at index 4
g.region segmentation violation when creating EPSG:4326 location
g.mkfontcap: extradirs=path seems to fail
r.mapcalc not correctly determining null space around r.external data set
wxGUI: can't render layer different than 1
v.generalize: which options apply to which methods?
v.generalize: chaiken reduces vertices to 0 always
v.generalize: index.c:153: RTreeInsertRect: Assertion
gis.m/Map Display fails to handle vector layers with multiple databse layers
g.mapsets: unwanted mapset duplication with add= parameter
#380 segfault in dig_alloc_points
wxgui: Show attribute data depends on global db connection, not file db connection parameter
r.grow.distance, r.random.surface ignores raster MASK
*.tcl installed as executable
Georectify tool adds two EN coord pairs to one point in POINTS file
SQLite driver doesn't complain enough with stupid mistakes
wxGUI: can't handle whole-Earth extent
v.clean creates polygons instead of holes
Bogus SQL error message handling in db_execute_immediate
#402 buffer overflow
Using barin option in r.flow produce segmentation fault
wxNviz does not start
#406 does not support 3D maps
Can not set vector layer properties
Profile tool does not work
Makefile uses LD instead of GCC for linking leads to undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_local
bogus rectangles on map display
querying vector map crashes wxGUI
NVIZ Clear Scaled difference causes segfault
r.quantile returns wrong values
AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR added in of 6.4.x causes rpmbuild failure
wxNVIZ: crash when only vector map present
g.proj -c defines wrong default values
i.pca's output and history logged "Comments" disagree
vector operations crash in 64bit OSX
Can't scroll gis.m with keyboard keys
Remove "Experimental Prototype" from GIS Layer Manager window title
Remove ability to cripple attribute table manager (could not find a better name)
"Show database connection toggle" dysfunctional
"Create new workspace file" needs a cancel button.
Ask user to save current workspace(s) before quitting wxGUI
Ask user for confirmation before closing a Workspace tab.
d.what.rast segfault
Undefined references when building grass 6.4 rc4
Unknown lib -lgdi when linking gui/wxpython/vdigit
can't close wxGUI layer manager window
wxGUI: georectify tool fails to create a group
Wrong detection on cairo
crash in GPJ_grass_to_wkt() on windows
vector georect broken in wx gui
wxnviz broken on RC3
wxPython profiling tool fails to detect missing numpy
GRASS fails to compile without curses
r.quantile: segfaults with percentile=100
Map Display Window position does not remember saved position settings
d.vect: segfault if zcolor= does not exist
clicking on wx NVIZ map canvas causes an error
wx NVIZ crashes when adding a vector map
"return to previous zoom" brakes "zoom to selected map"
r.external crash
wx-GUI - SQL-Builder
v.db.addcol/v.rast.stats not working
problem with gui wx with module v.db.join
v.out.ascii: layer=2 column output wrong
g.rename vect=Map1,map1 doesn't work
wxgui: g.message getting squashed
wxgui / osgeo4w: db.describe execution failed
wx-GUI: html-manual
Grass 6.4.0RC3 - add cell values layer
i.pca: close map before writing out metadata?
NVIZ fails to start
wxGUI: map display not refreshed at times in vdigit
error: ‘wxGCDC’ has not been declared
layer type <rastleg> is not supported yet
wxGUI cmd: r.mapcalc fails (quoting + args with spaces)
r.walk fails to build in GRASS 6.5 r36362
#530 - pj_transform() failed: latitude or longitude exceeded limits
win grass6.4.0RC3 - started with --help returns no help
Vector editing not possible with wx tools
Unusable shell for wingrass through osgeo4w
g.gui doesn't work in ms-windows
g.proj.exe crashes on Windows Vista (osgeo4w)
#544 lacks -g switch
r.mfilter should _respect_ i.fft outputs for use with i.ifft
#550 column name case sensitive
WinGRASS-6.4_RC3 error creating location with EPSG codes.
add vector map layer in layer manager doesn't show any paramter window
wx and tcltk GUI: changing default GUI returns error
wxGUI location wizard: Search in description with 0 hits
#555 on wingrass: g.proj error
wingrass stand-alone installer: MSys console doesn't work
startup problem with standalone winGRASS install and custom python
v.db.addcol: fails if path contains spaces
Antivirus complains about a hidden extension
stanalone installer: permission denied on mdoule execution
#577 imported GPX file results in N=0, W=0
configure doesn't like debian's wx-config 2.8 renaming
#581 from wxGUI in wingrass fails to getInterfaceDescription
import of multiple rasters does not do anything
WinGRASS: 3D view wxNVIZ does not work
wxGUI: About GRASS GIS window doesn't let you view full lic or devs
wxGUI: About GRASS GIS window doesn't let you view full lic or devs
WinGRASS GIS.m: cannot select maps from mapset GUI
wx GUI won't start (Mac OS X 10.5.6) / Python 2.6 / wxWidgets 2.8.10 / wxPyhton
WinGRASS g.version -c fails
Wrong translation
Tk interface gis.m does not switch db connection properly
/usr/lib/grass64/etc/ does not work properly when called by gis.m to execute in a external xterm
GIS.m: Lat/Lon support broken in Map Display zooms
Typo in manual
TIFFMergeFieldInfo not found
r.sim.water crashes on WinGrass
grass64 startup error with wxpython
wingrass native: wxNVIZ exits with lib compat error
wingrass native: vdigit error on new map
WinGRASS: spaces in pathnames
"Mapset Access" broken (wxpython)
Discrepancies between tcl/tk and wxpython PROJ_INFO files
g.region: double free or corruption
v.out.ogr error on Vista
Problems with paths in the TCL/TK Windows GUI
Wingrass native doesn't work
v.generalize's remove_small deletes wrong boundary
g.proj fails to create default region using Grass6.4 RC5
No warning when querying grid layer
Profile tool forgets "Profile text settings"
GIS Manager map properties (wxpython)
g.proj -c fails with ERROR: region for current mapset is not set run "g.region"
g.manual fails to open a browser
d.out.file fails to create PDF output on OSX
probable memory leak in
v.delaunay producing incorrect results
add dropdown selector
wxgui: v.distance to_column option inaccessible
v.db.addtable uses wrong postgres schema
wrong coordinates after zoom to named region
Wrong database driver (dbf instead of sqlite) for showing attribute table with tcltk gui
wxpython gui-module 'g.remove' remembers all files after deleting
wxGUI menus: locks up GUI
Can't create a location using Select Coordinate System option with WXGUI Location Wizard
"g.region -dp" doesn't work
#697 memory problems
error after running make
Location wizard: does not create WIND, PROJ_INFO and PROJ_UNITS files from EPSG code
Location wizard: does not refresh main window when creating new location (from EPSG code)
Python error with winGRASS 6.4RC5
Location wizard/g.proj: "Do you want to set the default region extents and resolution now?" dialog missing on Windows
wxGUI: v.digit broken for new maps: "No vector map selected for editing." although selected
r.horizon crashes
spawn.c differences between 6.4 and 6.5
OSGeo4W patch for DLLs
G_trim_decimal(): don't chop 0s on strings ending in e+20
wxGUI: Attribute Table editor lets you modify tables from other mapsets
wxgui: georectify zooming and panning don't work
sqlite: troubles with datetime columns: unable to parse decltype: datetime
Warning message after removing layer confusing
Warming message after removing layer confusing
r.proj fails in wingrass
ZBulkLabeling don't work
wxGUI: Attribute Table editor refresh & cosmetics
v.mkgrid parameter needs two values but is multiple=NO
v.out.ascii with column parameter: segfault
Inconsistency (?) in GUI v.db.connect
SQL Builder; buttons reversed
wxGUI: scalebar loses focus
wxGUI: conflicting messages when you close a map display window
wxGUI: wrong map layer adjustment for opacity
trying to start in mapset you don't own gives wrong error msg
Dragging instead of just clicking for profile transect and measurement zooms window
New Grass User--Snow Leopard
r.patch non-functional in WinGRASS 6.4 svn on Vista
Location wizard: region, UTM, search for EPSG
g.gui fails to launch wxpython IU
wxGUI fails to start 3D view
#773 unclean import of southern UTM zone
r.terraflow: file=/home/mlennert/STREAM/STREAM_tQhXkQ:cannot read!: Bad address
v.digit doesn't work after moving to Ubuntu karmic
Selection subgroup - wxgui/win32
r.watershed fails on wingrass
wx location wizard: fails to set datum
wx location wizard: doesn't show all datum transform opts
WinGRASS: Problem with special characters (wxpython GUI)
module name cut off in wxGUI
v.db.addtable consistently fails in winGrass
Doughnut interiors are filled in winGrass
MYSYS shortcut starts an infinite number of windows
New installer only does partial install
Location wizard - false path to the epsg-file
r.resamp.stats memory corruption when resampling from different projection/zone
v.proj: split_q.c:69: RTreeClassify: Assertion `!p->taken[i]' failed.
g.region vect=3Dmap breaks region
r.param.scale will not accept fully qualified map names for output
Wx-Attribute table manager - add column - error
standalone-installer: execution failed on g.proj.exe -p
wxPython GUI: gtk error message when viewing vectors and attributes
#829 when pointing to a folder import of vectors can produce wrong results
v.out.ogr -c flag doesn't work?
Compile error for lib/driver
strange title for
python script modules should use pythonw on OSX; they also ignore GRASS_PYTHON
wx location wizard: spincontrol busted for UTM zone
v.digit broken on new WinGrass release
r.composite crash
v.out.ogr format=GMT ignores dsn=
r.proj fails in WinGRASS-6.4.0SVN-r40049-1
Display command from the Output window not working
wxGUI: About Copyright missing its middle
localised wx-gui - german umlaut not correctly dislpayed
WinGrass64-compiling: `libintl_printf' is an unrecognized format function type'
wxGUI: UnicodeEncodeError in Help -> GIS GUI help
wxGUI: Location wizard bug when creating LatLong location
v.external not working on WinGrass
winGRASS compilation: dumpbin: command not found
i18n enabled winGRASS: properties dialog not opening
WinGrass: displaying r.external-linked raster data not working
Error in
Msys-based commands fail when winGRASS is installed in %ProgramFiles%
shell scripts: %TMP% namespace collision
use d.rast -o in the wxGUI raster dialogs
wingrass uninstaller: left over files
Incorrect variable names: r.sim.water example
WinGrass: error with "Query vector map (edit mode)"
WinGrass: error
nviz (tcl) fails on wingrass
v.label and v.labels sa out of order in wx-python gui, windows XP
No Font Definition File, windows xp
v.parallel: user interface change in 6.x line
r3.mapcalc depth() and z() function upside down
(windows) r.external does not work in both osgeo4w and standalone packages
v.digit map creation weirdness on wingrass
GRASS installer can not install unser "program files" (Windows7 only)
no Start Menu entry created in Windows 7
Crash on starting GRASS 6.4 on a Mac OS Snow Leopard
6.4: wx module GUIs never return
add a query coordiantes under current cursor position
strings.h error when compiling recent versions of nviz
v.digit background errors
gis.m fixes for 6.4 (backport patch from 6.5)
wxGUI crash when moving an undocked map display toolbox
wxGUI: frequent Pango-CRITICAL errors
WxGUI histogram tool-bar icons messed up in WinGRASS
wxGUI: files without extensions are not visible in file dialogs
WxGUI fails to display vector attribute table if default db connection is missing
WinGRASS shouldn't use Internet Explorer as a default browser
Location wizard choose from EPSG robustness issues
gem fails to compile on ubuntu 9.1
g.proj returns wrong datumtrans
v.colors color column selection bug - default GRASSRGB not show in dialog
r.mfilter.fp segfaults when divisor is 0
v.category option=del doesn't delete multiple cats per object
r.terraflow fails to stat() stream file on Windows
WxGUI d.vect/rast modules stuck in running state with d.mon
#1018 Bad file descriptor: Files
Display of vector maps fails
v.out.ogr fails on wi7
Nviz fails to start
#1030* memory leak + patch
ErrorCommandExecution g.proj
#1038 fails in Windows 7 with "Access is denied"
winGRASS Tcl/Tk: Cannot save image files (PNG/JPG/BMP/etc)
wxgui: `Rename mapset' does not work in Polish locale
#1055 can´t found columns generated by v.rast.stats with dbf driver
unnecessary error information at GRASS startup
wxGUI: don't let rename, remove PERMANENT mapset
It is too easy to accidentally delete all your data columns in the Attribute Table Manager
georectify tool error
wxpython GUI error in d.vect
grass64 svn:42488; TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ctstyle'
Access is denied - r.statistics
trouble getting started
splash image problem in wxgui
g.proj & g.region fail after cygwin install
WxPython GUI Hangs when adding Vector Map
Command line hangs where dialog boxes work
Menu strings may be changed and not reflecting PO-files.
wxGUI: inconsisent number of &s in buttons
wxGUI doesn't work in Windows
WinGrass64RC7 - db.execute

Closed wishes since branching

Location wizard: show sample map in region settings dialog
wxgrass: show module name in bottom line of main window
Support for multiple 'percentile' arguments in r.univar
Zoom in / Zoom out enhancement
'Move line' and 'Delete line' when digitizing
moving of vector object by mouse
r.los: patch to support earth curvature
#64 patch to set customized scalebar units
Convert tcl grc to wxpython version
#105 zscale parameter addition patch
wxgrass: zoom to computational region does not respect resolution set with g.region
wxgrass: should automatically open display if layer added with no open display
New v.example proposal
g.region should set (top, bottom) from the 3d vector specified by vect=
d.legend: apply arbitrary labels to a smooth floating-point colorbar
wxgrass: Remember the position of gui windows on Grass exit
Extend GRASS-command history (at least to 1000) by default
wxgrass: Allow disabling of remove layer promp in GIS Layer Manager
WinGRASS Native: Ground Control Points Usability
Wxgrass: Set computational region to the minimum necessary to enclose map data extent
Update config.guess in SVN
Setting to have the computational region extent, like the one on the display
#184 - detect gpstrans or gardump instead of user flag
-g flag in r.proj/v.proj for easily-parsable output for use in scripts
let visualize line directions in digitizer
Add "Help" button as in gis.m
v.random: add random sampling from vector points map
r.watershed: speed improvement
georectifier: add options to invoke/not invoke -c flag for i.rectify
add a minimum distance threshold to v.distance
vdigit: please render closed areas transparent
vdigit: an improvement for "Copy features from (background) map"
wxgrass: delete point map geometry when deleting attribute
precompiled Cygwin Windows grass 6.3.0 does not have sqlite driver support
Ability to handle subgroups with general commands as all other datatypes
g.findfile element=colr2
Typo in "i.oif.html" and wording
Enhancement to r.cross - add more layers to cross
r.colors -e flag does not use full color range if map values are between 0. and 1.
d.labels doesn't place labels exactly on coordinate point in label file.
Vlib patch that provides Vect_line_get_intersections function
new flag for r.quantile to produce output compatible with r.recode
#362 manual - spearfish example
description for v.db.reconnect.all
Suggestion for the new (wx) grass-gui "File" menu
Added "backlink" functionality to r.walk, r.cost & r.drain
Display log of histogram in wxgui
scripts/ Makefile bug in i18N string extraction
Enable (de)selection of map layers in workspace via CTRL or Shift
access to python swig bindingsa from outside of a grass session
Add 'Collapse all except current' to wxgui User GUI Settings in General Settings/Element List
After exiting the WxGUI, display a little help on the console
shell script add-on submission : v.selmany
wxgui: segfault in g.region causes crash of GUI
fresh windows startup not very friendly
GUI menu item to swtich GUIs
Python GUI extremely slow on selecting large vector datasets in dropdown box
toolbar "add vector" and "add raster" buttons have a regression in usability from gis.m
Expand i.pca's reported eigen vectors to 3 decimal digits
r.external support for SpatiaLite
wxGUI startup gui: shade start and double click mapset
Add encoding suggestions to GUI
wxgui - georectify: tab order in GCP editing window should be altered
Reference to LibTiff website is outdated in REQUIREMENTS.html:<a href=""></a>
Generate Map and output pixel X/Y co-ordinate
Please, don't call python literally in makefiles
Please provide swig generated stuff in distributed tarballs
Update to
#787 add "-t" option
wxGUI: add imported maps automatically to map list in layer manager
winGRASS path detection fails in Japanese locale (¥ instead of \ is used for c:\ etc)
Building winGRASS: on MingW calls MS-VS's dumpbin
WinGrass: include patched msys.bat in the WinGrass-Installer
WinGrass: include patched msys.bat in the WinGrass-Installer
add a layer selector to r.region
add copy command to r.mapcalc
WinGrass-Installer - Enhancement
How to test grass6 webpage, instructions need edits
Preselect geodetic datum
winGRASS: 'layer manager' window hidden by 'mapdisplay' windows
WinGrass + R's installation path in %PATH%

Closed tasks since branching

#33 cairo and ffmpeg checks
#38 wxwidgets and python checks
new module g.gui
./configure: cosmetics
r.sim.*: use G_command_history()
#53 cleanup session $tmp on exit and require -c to create mapset from the command line
new module:
update demolocation/ for GRASS 6
short integer overflow with
TODO: move high priority incubated modules into main
#350 put photo modules in imagery section
osgeo4w build
support external data sources in the wxPython-GUI
write 6.4.0 release announcement
WinGRASS: GUI window from cmd line
WinGrass-Installer - definition of the destination folder
WinGrass: reducing size of the installer
WinGRASS-6.4.0SVN-r40852-1 installs GRASS, but it doesn't run
Wingrass needs newer tcl version due to bug in file encodings

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