Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#883 closed enhancement (fixed)

Building winGRASS: on MingW calls MS-VS's dumpbin

Reported by: hellik Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Compiling Version: svn-releasebranch64
Keywords: Cc: ege
CPU: x86-32 Platform: MSWindows Vista


from the dev-ml


when following (i.e., running ./mswindows/osgeo4w/ with MinGW):

GRASS is compiled, HTML manual is built etc. Then it installs (tar xBf ...), (man/ is skipped), then "STARTING cleanup", and then

"STARTING building vc libraries" ?? Then it fails with

mswindows/osgeo4w/ dumpbin: command not found

I wonder why it tries to use VC stuff here. Is it for the QGIS interface? If so, what's the trick here? If Visual Studio is needed, shouldn't it be mentioned in the install instructions?

confused, Markus

this VC stuff is for the QGIS-interface, lines 94-136 should be commented out.

added a patch for grass64-relbranch


Change History (5)

by hellik, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

Patch for

by hellik, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

Patch for Grass65

by hellik, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

Patch for Grass7

comment:1 by neteler, 15 years ago

Cc: ege added

comment:2 by hellik, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

patches applied by r40736 (Grass65), r40737 (Grass7), r40740 (Grass64)


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