Opened 16 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#726 closed defect (invalid)


Reported by: pvanbosgeo Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Raster Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: MASK, r.mask, startup Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Unspecified


When starting GRASS in a mapset (work_ethiopia) that has a MASK I get the following message:

" GRASS 6.4.0svn (latlon):~ > WARNING: 'cell/MASK' was found in more mapsets (also found in


WARNING: 'cell/MASK' was found in more mapsets (also found in <LUVC>) WARNING: Using <MASK@livestock> "

It seems though that it still uses the mask in the opened mapset (work_ethiopia). I am getting sometimes similar messages when carrying out a r.mapcalc calculation. Again, it seems the correct MASK is used nonetheless.

When opening GRASS in a mapset (e.g., mapset work_ethiopia, but with MASK previously removed) without MASK, I get the following message:

" GRASS 6.4.0svn (latlon):~ > WARNING: 'cell/MASK' was found in more mapsets (also found in <LUVC>) WARNING: Using <MASK@livestock> "

Maybe related to this, when I want to create a MASK in a mapset that has not yet a MASK, I get the following error message (in the r.mask window this time, previous messages were in the terminal):

--- r.mask input=mask_eth@climate 'cell/MASK' was found in more mapsets (also found in <LUVC>) Using <MASK@livestock> ERROR: MASK already found in current mapset. Delete first or overwrite ---

The only way to still create a MASK in this mapset is by using the 'overwrite' option.

I am running GRASS 6.4 svn r38795 on Ubuntu 0.04

Best wishes


Change History (2)

comment:1 by pvanbosgeo, 16 years ago

Update: I tried the same in different mapsets, and the only mapsets that seem to show the above-described behavior are the ones I have copied from a backup into the current location (the original location from which the mapsets were copied matches the current one, it is in fact an earlier backup of the current location). I guess therefore that something has gone wrong when copying the mapsets and this is not a general bug. It would be good though to know if and how one can copy mapsets from a backup into the current location.


in reply to:  1 comment:2 by hamish, 12 years ago

Component: DefaultRaster
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Replying to pvanbosgeo:

I guess therefore that something has gone wrong when copying the mapsets and this is not a general bug. It would be good though to know if and how one can copy mapsets from a backup into the current location.

usually 'cp -rp' should do it; just make sure the location is identical and any SEARCH_PATH in the mapset dir is in sync with the new layout.


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