Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#338 closed defect (fixed)

d.vect / v.univar does not work for layer > 1 ; v.db.join has bugs (corrected here)

Reported by: aprasad Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Vector Version: 6.3.0
Keywords: layers > 1 Cc:
CPU: x86-32 Platform: MSWindows XP


Two bugs: 1) d.vect does not work for layer > 1 (blank display) - hence d.vect.thematic does not work. d.vect.thematic has a bug i.e., does not include the layer option in v.univar it uses - However, including this option does NOT help ... BECAUSE v.univar does not work for layers > 1 (gives no values) - so used which works (since it uses database, driver and table options - DON'T DEPRECATE IT YET)....BUT THEN, d.vect does not work for layers > 1 (blank display) - which is used by d.vect.thematic. I was playing with sqlite database commands with multiple layers.

2) v.db.join: The layer option was missing in v.db.addcol and, in db.execute, 'driver' and 'database' options were missing thus breaking it for layer > 1 I have corrected the errors and attaching the corrected version here...tested OK.

NOTE: I have a feeling that the v.* commands involving layer= is very buggy and insufficiently tested for layer > 1

Change History (2)

by aprasad, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

in reply to:  description comment:1 by mlennert, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Replying to aprasad:

Two bugs: 1) d.vect does not work for layer > 1 (blank display)

I cannot confirm this. Can you be more precise, including output of 'v.category [...] option=report' on your map ?

d.vect.thematic has a bug i.e., does not include the layer option in v.univar it uses - However, including this option does NOT help ... BECAUSE v.univar does not work for layers > 1 (gives no values)

Again, I cannot confirm. Same remark as above.

  • so used which works (since it uses database, driver and table options - DON'T DEPRECATE IT YET)....BUT THEN, d.vect does not work for layers > 1 (blank display) - which is used by d.vect.thematic. is different in that it is not linked to a specific vector map (its man page is misleading in that sense), you can use it to interrogate any column of any table in any database supported by grass, but no need for any link to specific maps.

2) v.db.join: The layer option was missing in v.db.addcol and, in db.execute, 'driver' and 'database' options were missing thus breaking it for layer > 1

Fixed in Revision 33971.

NOTE: I have a feeling that the v.* commands involving layer= is very buggy and insufficiently tested for layer > 1

I rather strongly suspect that you are not using layers properly.

Closing the bug. Moritz

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