Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#917 closed defect (fixed)

v.digit map creation weirdness on wingrass

Reported by: hamish Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Vector Version: svn-releasebranch64
Keywords: wingrass, v.digit Cc:
CPU: x86-32 Platform: MSWindows XP



in the latest wingrass nightly build (r40876), but also seen before, when I make a new map with v.digit when I go to close the map everything sings along but then I get this error message at the end of the output:

Region restored to original extent.
Building topology for vector map <(null)>...
Registering Primatives...
Unable to read vector map

It's the same if I call v.digit (tcl) from the wxGUI menu, the gis.m menu, or "v.digit -n test' directly from the msys prompt with no module GUI. It's enough to start up with -n and exit intimately.

even weirder, when called from the gis.m menu/tcltk module GUI when the attribute From window should open I get an empty sqlite DOS box opening on top of everything and the tall&thin Form window stays all grey and unusable.

(apparently at some point I switched the mapset to use sqlite as the backend)

but I see the same (null) in the output even if I switch db.connect back to use dbf.

?, Hamish

Change History (6)

comment:1 by hamish, 15 years ago

Keywords: v.digit added
Priority: normalmajor

see discussion and DEBUG log in the second half of #843.

it seems to be losing contents of &Map by the time it gets to end() in centre.c.


in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by hellik, 15 years ago

Replying to hamish:

see discussion and DEBUG log in the second half of #843.

it seems to be losing contents of &Map by the time it gets to end() in centre.c.


tested with r42829 (self compiled WinGrass65 in a WinVista32-box):

v.digit -n map=testvdigit3 bgcmd="d.rast map=elevation" 
Neue, leere Karte erstellt.
Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <testvdigit3>...
Registriere Primitive...
0 Primitive registriert
0 Vertices registriert
Erzeuge Flächen...
0 Flächen angelegt
0 Inseln angelegt
Füge Inseln hinzu...
Füge Zentroide hinzu...
Anzahl der Knoten: 0
Anzahl der Primitive: 0
Anzahl der Punkte: 0
Anzahl der Linien: 0
Anzahl der Grenzen: 0
Anzahl der Zentroide: 0
Anzahl der Flächen: 0
Anzahl der Inseln: 0
Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <testvdigit3>...
Registriere Primitive...
1 Primitive registriert
15 Vertices registriert
Erzeuge Flächen...
1 Flächen angelegt
1 Inseln angelegt
Füge Inseln hinzu...
Füge Zentroide hinzu...
Anzahl der Knoten: 1
Anzahl der Primitive: 1
Anzahl der Punkte: 0
Anzahl der Linien: 0
Anzahl der Grenzen: 1
Anzahl der Zentroide: 0
Anzahl der Flächen: 1
Anzahl der Inseln: 1
Anzahl der Flächen ohne Zentroid: 1
Region auf die ursprünglich Ausdehnung zurückgesetzt.
Erstelle Topologie für die Vektorkarte <(null)>...
Registriere Primitive...
Kann Vektorkarte nicht lesen.

a loose translation of the message:

create topology for the vector map <(null)>
register primitives
vector map can't be read.


in reply to:  2 comment:3 by hellik, 15 years ago

Replying to hellik:

create topology for the vector map <(null)>
register primitives
vector map can't be read.


now the english message:

Number of nodes: 1
Number of primitives: 1
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 1
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 1
Number of isles: 1
Number of areas without centroid: 1
Region restored to original extent.
Building topology for vector map <(null)>...
Registering primitives...
Unable to read vector map

in reply to:  1 ; comment:4 by mmetz, 15 years ago

Priority: majornormal

Replying to hamish:

see discussion and DEBUG log in the second half of #843.

it seems to be losing contents of &Map by the time it gets to end() in centre.c.

It gets there twice, the second time the vector has already been closed and is no longer available:

Excerpt from #843 comment:31

Replying to marisn:


D3/3: c_update_tool()
D3/3: c_next_tool()
D2/3:   Tool_next = 1
D2/3: Quit
D1/3: end()


Building topology for vector map <bar>...


D1/3: Vect_close(): name = bar, mapset = user1, format = 0, level = 2
Region restored to original extent.

D3/3: c_next_tool()
D2/3:   Tool_next = 1
D2/3: Quit
D1/3: end()


Building topology for vector map <(null)>...

D1/3: Vect_close(): name = (null), mapset = (null), format = 0, level = 1

A bit annoying, but there is no report that the changes have not been saved, IOW, the module produces results as expected. Downgrading priority.

Markus M

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by hellik, 14 years ago

Replying to mmetz:

A bit annoying, but there is no report that the changes have not been saved, IOW, the module produces results as expected. Downgrading priority.

Markus M

changing the milestone or closing the ticket?

comment:6 by neteler, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing as suggested. Reopen if needed.

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