Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#368 closed defect (fixed)

g.mkfontcap: extradirs=path seems to fail

Reported by: neteler Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Default Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: fonts Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


In Scietific Linux, I have additional TTF fonts in /usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/ but they aren't picked up:

g.mkfontcap -o -s extra=/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera
gothgbt|Gothic Great Britain triplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/gothgbt.hmp|0|utf-8|
gothgrt|Gothic German triplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/gothgrt.hmp|0|utf-8|
gothitt|Gothic Italian triplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/gothitt.hmp|0|utf-8|
greekc|Greek complex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/greekc.hmp|0|utf-8|
greekcs|Greek complex script|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/greekcs.hmp|0|utf-8|
greekp|Greek plain|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/greekp.hmp|0|utf-8|
greeks|Greek simplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/greeks.hmp|0|utf-8|
italicc|Italian complex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/italicc.hmp|0|utf-8|
italiccs|Italian complex small|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/italiccs.hmp|0|utf-8|
italict|Italian triplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/italict.hmp|0|utf-8|
romanc|Roman complex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/romanc.hmp|0|utf-8|
romancs|Roman complex small|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/romancs.hmp|0|utf-8|
romand|Roman duplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/romand.hmp|0|utf-8|
romans|Roman simplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/romans.hmp|0|utf-8|
romant|Roman triplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/romant.hmp|0|utf-8|
scriptc|Script complex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/scriptc.hmp|0|utf-8|
scripts|Script simplex|0|/home/neteler/binaries/grass-6.4.svn/fonts/scripts.hmp|0|utf-8|

ls /usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/
VeraBd.ttf  VeraBI.ttf  VeraIt.ttf  VeraMoBd.ttf  VeraMoBI.ttf  VeraMoIt.ttf  VeraMono.ttf  VeraSeBd.ttf  VeraSe.ttf  Vera.ttf

rpm -qa | grep -i freety

uname -a
Linux fep.cealp.local 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jun 25 12:38:37 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Change History (4)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by glynn, 16 years ago

Replying to neteler:

In Scietific Linux, I have additional TTF fonts in /usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/ but they aren't picked up:

g.mkfontcap -o -s extra=/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera


Is that the entire output from g.mkfontcap? Because I only see stroke fonts there, which leads me to wonder whether g.mkfontcap (or GRASS generally) was built without FreeType support.

Try ldd `which g.mkfontcap` . Does it have a dependency upon libfreetype?

comment:2 by neteler, 16 years ago

Aarg, GRASS was built on that machine with --with-freetype=no , so no surprise any more.

What about encapsulating the extradirs parameter with


or to print a related warning that no FreeType support was compiled in?

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by glynn, 16 years ago

Replying to neteler:

What about encapsulating the extradirs parameter with


One problem with conditional options is that the online manual should ideally document all options, not just those which work in the specific build of GRASS used to generate the documentation.

or to print a related warning that no FreeType support was compiled in?

A warning would probably be appropriate here.

comment:4 by neteler, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I have added the warning in r34387 and r34388.

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