Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#132 closed enhancement (fixed)

Extend GRASS-command history (at least to 1000) by default

Reported by: nikos Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Default Version: unspecified
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


Why not extend the command-history by default?

Change History (5)

comment:1 by neteler, 17 years ago

I fully agree, it is too small (but was recently enlarged to 3000 for bash), esp. for csh:

grep -in hist lib/init/
888:    echo "set history = 500 savehist = 500  noclobber ignoreeof" >> "$cshrc"
889:    echo "set histfile = $HOME/.history" >> "$cshrc"
927:    # save command history in mapset dir and remember more
928:    export HISTFILE="$LOCATION/.bash_history"
929:    if [ -z "$HISTSIZE" ] && [ -z "$HISTFILESIZE" ] ; then
930:    export HISTSIZE=3000

History size should at least be identical for all shells.


comment:2 by hamish, 17 years ago

ok, updated to 3000 for csh and cygwin cases in r31030.

Before closing this wish, I notice that for Ubuntu (/bin/sh -> SHELL=dash) it may miss out on all that nice stuff. Could an Ubuntu user with a fresh checkout test?

# from the GRASS> prompt echo $HISTSIZE

? Hamish

comment:3 by hamish, 17 years ago

(2nd call)

Before closing this wish, I notice that for Ubuntu (/bin/sh -> SHELL=dash) it may miss out on all that nice stuff. Could an Ubuntu user with a fresh checkout test?

# from the GRASS> prompt echo $HISTSIZE

what does it say?


comment:4 by epatton, 17 years ago

Using fresh svn update from today, I get a $HISTFILE size of 5000...but HISTSIZE gets exported to 3000 in

888:    echo "set history = 3000 savehist = 3000  noclobber ignoreeof" >> "$cshrc"
889:    echo "set histfile = $HOME/.history" >> "$cshrc"
927:    # save command history in mapset dir and remember more
928:    export HISTFILE="$LOCATION/.bash_history"
929:    if [ -z "$HISTSIZE" ] && [ -z "$HISTFILESIZE" ] ; then 
930:	export HISTSIZE=3000

But I can't remember if this difference is due to some change I made elsewhere on my system.

~ Eric.

comment:5 by hamish, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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