An open-source, Java-based geospatial metadata publishing platform.
Last modified
18 years ago
Last modified on 04/02/07 12:48:49
Back Links(279)
- #32 JavaScript error when trying to administer harvesting
- #46 Support for complex boolean queries missing in GUI
- #48 Editing user profile requires new user password
- #49 Cookie management issue
- #61 Incorrect GeoNetwork version number reported in About page
- #71 ISO 19115 wrong <dateStamp> element
- #75 gmd:characterSet should be not editable for MD_Metadata only
- #88 FileIdentifier replaced when harvesting ISO 19139 metadata from WebDAV
- #94 NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER in Oracle Internet Application Server
- #111 Add feature to reset search cache in GeoNetwork's interface or GAST.
- #135 No scrolling on keyword list in IE7, Firefox 3.5 is OK
- #146 Illegal character handling not robust
- #162 CSW Harvest in 2.4.2 issues
- #178 Trouble parsing the CQL expressions, upgrade geotools version
- #187 iso19139 XSD update
- #188 Bugs in geonetwork 242
- #189 Some inconsistency with the ISO 19115 in the new advanced editor tabs.
- #191 Jeeves Scramble method removing leading zero
- #210 Change managers (ie ThesaurusManager, SchemaManager...) to become singletons classes
- #216 gast 'metadata sync' and '115 to 139' functions to move to geonetwork servlet - system admin page?
- #223 CSW Capabilities interoperability
- #257 Screen not "released"
- #261 Increased configurability
- #284 Near-useless error
- #286 Metadata template issue
- #290 PDF "printed" metadata
- #299 Duplicated fields from metadata.xsl
- #303 Invalid character when connecting to external database
- #307 Map widget doesn't work correctly in IE 6,7,8.
- #315 Schematron rules fire wrongly due to geonet:element entries in XML.
- #322 "Migration" mis-detecting db version?
- #327 Multilingual metadata / Warning when removing a language
- #333 Update Atom syndication
- #336 Lucene / improve configuration
- #337 Metadata indexing uses old INSPIRE setting
- #339 Wildcard search broken
- #340 Move to last ExtJS stable version (3.2.1)
- #352 Configuration / Lucene and Data directory set by env variables
- #365 Allow to configure LDAP uid attribute name
- #376 Configurable stopwords
- #384 Add integration tests using maven failsafe plugin
- #400 Security hole in GeoNetwork -- search for owner
- #405 Editor / improve attribute support
- #408 Remove groupOwner from GeoNetwork
- #413 Database setup fails on case sensitive DBMS (ie MySQL on Linux)
- #414 Add a system information panel
- #448 remove hardcoding of http
- #449 remove cleartext password in logging
- #452 Detect DB connection on startup
- #454 presentation of Web Map Tiled Service layers
- #456 Catalan translation, thanks Montserrat Marco Sabaté
- #471 Oracle database and cyrillic characters
- #475 DB / H2 as default db
- #481 Schema detection / add "or" support for needle values
- #483 PDF / Improve search results output
- #492 CSW 2.0.2 ElementName processing broken
- #495 Metadata services cause out of memory issue
- #514 Migration scripts / missing CustomElementSet table
- #535 CSW Harvesting should not use PropertyIsEqualTo for a 'Free Text' search
- #545 Lightbox freezes screen
- #547 Thesaurus language selection improvement
- #570 Finnish translations
- #579 Editor / Geopublication / publish by filename
- #605 Improvement of the italian translation from the Contributions page.
- #607 WAF Harvest Support
- #608 WAF Harvest Support
- #612 XML files loaded by GeoNetwork may not be in UTF-8 charset and may fail to load
- #622 Metadata viewer displays wrong values with gco:nilReason or missing children
- #645 Geonetwork harvester / Add XSL filter of harvested records
- #649 INSPIRE / Suggestion / mapping between topicCategory and INSPIRE Themes
- #655 geoserver war build process could use maven and war could include geoserver_data
- #656 Unable to specify custom default map extents in Map Viewer
- #657 On windows 7, the menu Item “Uninistaller” does not launch the uninstaller
- #659 Incorrect MIME type returned in CSW GetCapabilities response
- #663 Dublin core records do not appear in geospatial searches
- #664 Metadata URLs expose primary keys
- #677 Error when trying to change the system configuration
- #687 Add support to complex language range in keyword search
- #693 Add complex text support (wiki markup or HTML in CDATA)
- #713 GeoNetwork 2.6.4: error in kml.xsl: wrong XSL variable for layer name (with proposition of solution)
- #715 Widgets / no parameters to set default map extent in visualization mode
- #729 Hardcoded type name and attributes in spatial index feature for Oracle thru JNDI don't work
- #732 MetadataNotifier keep one active DB connection
- #756 Valid metadata fails to import if it has spurious namespace declaration
- #787 Add schema converter list to built in and plug in schemas
- #789 Feature catalogue schema in GeoNetwork is outdated
- #792 GeoNetwork must use database cursors efficiently
- #793 Incorrect ISO 693-1 code for Chinese
- #803 Harvesting / GeoNetwork protocol / Add HTTPS support
- #806 Download button when CI_OnLineFunctionCode/@codeListValue="download"
- #822 Download button when CI_OnLineFunctionCode/@codeListValue="download"
- #836 Allow register records (ISO19135) to be converted to SKOS and used as thesauri in thesaurus keyword picker
- #838 Cannot deploy GeoNetwork to the /jsp/geonetwork context path on Tomcat 5.5
- #849 CSW server incompatible with CSW client
- #851 GeoNetwork v2.6.4 - CSW Operations
- #855 CSW / Harvester / Check constraintLanguage
- #865 Place Thesaurus not populating Map Extents for ANZLIC in New GUI
- #888 Add register to the widget interface
- #895 Convert long to clobs and varchar to varchar2 in Oracle setup script and investigate
- #915 CSW searches are not logged to statistics
- #928 Search for UUID in advanced search broken
- #929 Run GeoNetwork with empty ORACLE database and ApacheDBCPool resource provider causes ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
- #989 GeoNetwork Z39.50 harvest stops half way through
- #996 IE7 Main page failes to load due to javascript error.
- #1019 IsoLanguagesMapper trigger error when used with Jeevlet
- #1026 Supplied Configuration Override files do not work on Windows
- #1037 Cope with data which span the date line
- #1042 May the value of selection.maxrecords/minValue be added in config files?
- #1043 xml resolver should only have oasis catalogs for relevant schema when doing validation
- #1044 Harvserter / CSW / OperationAbortedEx("No GET (using CQL) or POST (using FE) DCP available in this service.").
- #1106 GeoNetwork servlet hangs due to using up database connections: JNDI, Oracle and maxWritesInTransaction = 1
- #1111 Could the admin see, on the users list, which of them are online?
- #1130 Schema plugins can cause startup failure
- #1171 Category Search fails after editing the Category name
- #1174 Make Privileges/Categories set at record level persist through harvest/update
- #1183 Lucene / Create PerFieldAnalyzer for a language when required only
- #1203 Widget - Customised OtherAction menu and Metadata menu
- #1208 Use WMC or OWS to load maps in GN widget interface
- #1223 SchemaManager schema detection using elements: value test should strip space
- #1228 xml.metadata.status.values.list was replaced by / search by status broken
- #1230 Interactive Map not working correctly in the metadata-show.xsl
- #1236 Metadata not being spatially indexed in Oracle database
- #1239 GeoNetwork unusable on case sensitive DBMS (ie MySQL on Linux)
- #1260 Harvester / GeoNetwork / Add custom filter
- #1261 Schema plugin / SeaDataNet CDI metadata profile
- #1264 CSW / Add OutputSchema = own
- #1278 Reduce code duplication
- #1284 RSS link update & content
- #1300 Unable to deselect profile in user administration
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