
Thesaurus Manager Panel

Date 2011/07/15
Contact(s) François Prunayre
Last edited
Status Call for vote
Assigned to release 2.7.0
Resources Available
Ticket # #556


Migrate existing thesaurus admin interface to ext.js creating a ThesaurusManagerPanel for the widget interface:

  • easy edit with editable grid
  • simple upload from file, URL or thesaurus repository
  • activate or desactivate thesaurus

Proposal Type

  • Type: User interface
  • App: GeoNetwork
  • Module: User interface

Voting History

  • Vote proposed by Francois on 15 July 2011 , result was +1 Francois, Jeroen


  • Simplify interface
  • Move admin panels to the widget client
  • Cleaning : Move all thesaurus configuration to config-thesaurus.xml and xsl/thesaurus folder

Backwards Compatibility Issues

  • None

New libraries added

  • None
  • Removed thesaurus.js and keywordsearching.js


  • Benjamin Chartier
  • François Prunayre
  • Funding : BRGM
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Jul 19, 2011, 1:03:51 PM

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