Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#88 new enhancement

FileIdentifier replaced when harvesting ISO 19139 metadata from WebDAV

Reported by: asedgmen Owned by: heikki
Priority: major Milestone: Future release
Component: General Version: v2.2.0 Final
Keywords: Cc:


When harvesting ISO 19139 metadata records using WebDAV, GeoNetwork (GN) replaces the original FileIdentifier UUID in the metadata record with a new UUID. Metadata should not be altered during the harvest process.

Additionally, GN will blindly replace a previously harvested record in its repository if the time stamp has changed on the file being harvested. GN does not check if the FileIdentifier in the updated record being harvested matches the FileIdentifier in the corresponding record in the repository. This results in GN containing the updated record with a FileIdentifier matching the harvested source, although it upsets GN's internal record keeping as it tracks the FileIdentifier in a separate column in the database, populated during initial harvest.

Note: The original FileIdentifier is maintained in MEF based imports.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by ticheler, 16 years ago

Milestone: v2.5.0
Owner: changed from geonetwork-devel@… to heikki

comment:2 by ticheler, 15 years ago

Milestone: v2.5.0v2.5.1

comment:3 by heikki, 14 years ago

Milestone: v2.5.1v2.6.2

comment:4 by fxp, 14 years ago

Milestone: v2.6.3Future release
Type: defectenhancement
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