Opened 13 years ago

#989 new defect

GeoNetwork Z39.50 harvest stops half way through

Reported by: murrayh Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.6.5
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


We are attempting to harvest BRS using GeoNetwork's Z39.50 harvester and it stops half way through.

We suspect that the harvester breaks when it encounters a duplicate record. Debug log extract is below.

We can retrieve all of the records using GeoNetwork's own Remote Search feature, so we don't think there is an issue with BRS's server.

Cheers, Murray

2012-07-13 00:19:38,117 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server BRS and Australian Natural Resources Data Library (ANRDL)

2012-07-13 00:19:38,119 INFO [geonetwork.harvester] - - Adding metadata with

2012-07-13 00:19:38,162 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server BRS and Australian Natural Resources Data Library (ANRDL)

2012-07-13 00:19:38,164 INFO [geonetwork.harvester] - - Adding metadata with

2012-07-13 00:19:58,227 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - There are 10 children in the results (1011 to 1020)

2012-07-13 00:19:58,227 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server BRS and Australian Natural Resources Data Library (ANRDL)

2012-07-13 00:19:58,231 INFO [geonetwork.harvester] - - Adding metadata with

2012-07-13 00:19:58,514 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server BRS and Australian Natural Resources Data Library (ANRDL)

2012-07-13 00:19:58,518 INFO [geonetwork.harvester] - - Adding metadata with

2012-07-13 00:19:58,571 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server null

2012-07-13 00:19:58,571 ERROR [geonetwork.harvester] - JZKit could not retrieve record - returned <error message="Unable to retrieve record 1013" />

2012-07-13 00:19:58,571 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server null

2012-07-13 00:19:58,571 ERROR [geonetwork.harvester] - JZKit could not retrieve record - returned <error message="Unable to retrieve record 1014" />

2012-07-13 00:19:58,572 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server null

2012-07-13 00:19:58,572 ERROR [geonetwork.harvester] - JZKit could not retrieve record - returned <error message="Unable to retrieve record 1015" />

2012-07-13 00:19:58,572 DEBUG [geonetwork.harvester] - Processing record from server null

2012-07-13 00:19:58,572 ERROR [geonetwork.harvester] - JZKit could not retrieve record - returned <error message="Unable to retrieve record 1016" />

Change History (2)

by murrayh, 13 years ago

Attachment: harvest-config.PNG added

by murrayh, 13 years ago

Attachment: harvest-result.PNG added
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