#315 closed defect (wontfix)
Schematron rules fire wrongly due to geonet:element entries in XML.
Reported by: | justinrowles | Owned by: | |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | v2.6.1 |
Component: | General | Version: | v2.6.0RC2 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
We have a custom (UK Gemini) Schematron rule, which I have confirmed works correctly if I save a metadata record and then apply with Saxon (from geonetwork source tree).
When run in GeoNetwork 'check' service, the rules fail.
I have used "new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).output(d, System.out);" to dump the content at the time it is being validated.
There are geonet:element tags present in the xml. If I remove these, then the rules do not fail.
I don't think that those geonet:element tags should still be present at the time user defined schematron rules are applied.
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 15 years ago
comment:2 by , 15 years ago
Milestone: | v2.6.0 → v2.6.1 |
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
Please take this issue up on the devel list. Not a blocker for the software at this stage.
comment:3 by , 15 years ago
I think this is a blocker: You can't use Schematron unless you re-write your rules to take into account geonet tags. This is just wrong. Can you reconsider opening this.
Can I provide you with a demo to convince you?
Presumably the webapp/xsl/conversion/export/XXXXX.xsl stylesheets are exactly the right ones to be applied before Schematron rules.