Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#293 closed defect (fixed)

Jeeves Dbms class uses wrong result set metadata item.

Reported by: justinrowles Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.6.0
Component: General Version: v2.6.0RC0
Keywords: Cc:


(Line 43)

The column name attribute for a result set represents the original name of a column, and ignores any 'as' clause.

This means that on correctly written drivers (mysql in this case), the 'as id' clause from line 45 of is ignored, meaning that Admin cannot see any users but himself.

The correct attribute would be column label.

Change History (4)

by justinrowles, 15 years ago

Attachment: columnLabel.diff added

comment:1 by justinrowles, 15 years ago

It appears that the McKoi driver returns the 'as' clause value as column name. I /think/ this is actually wrong behaviour, which makes GeoNetwork work correctly in McKoi!

comment:2 by justinrowles, 15 years ago

Milestone: v2.5.1v2.6.0 RC2
Version: v2.5.0v2.6.0RC0

comment:3 by josegar74, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

For a query like SELECT groupId AS id...

Postgres and Mckoi drivers are returning ColumName and ColumnLabel = id MySql driver returns different values. ColumnName = groupId, ColumnLabel = id

With the fix seem working ok in all three: Mysql, Mckoi and Postgres

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