
ESA meeting Amsterdam, October 30th and 31st, 2008

present: Erik van Ingen, Heikki Doeleman, Jeroen Ticheler, Jose Garcia


In this 2-day meeting we have discussed the current status of the ESA ebXML project, made some design decisions as to how to move forward, and made a list of work items.

Relevant OGC specs

CSW-ebRIM Registry Service - Part 1: ebRIM profile of CSW (1.0.0) - 07-110r2

CSW-ebRIM Registry Service – Part 2: Basic extension package (1.0.0) - 07-144r2

OGC Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W (0.1.7) - 07-038

Next meeting

The next meeting is Tuesday November 11th at 21:30 using Skype.

Work Items

To summarize the currently assigned work items per person:

Erik van Ingen

  • Hibernate Search. Will probably be used, needs more research
  • create DAO layer
  • create Hibernate mapping for the DAOs

Heikki Doeleman

  • model Basic Extension Package
  • model ISO Extension Package
  • decorate the above with JiBX

Jose Garcia

  • support Filter Expressions 1.1 (refer also to GeoTools)

This is the full list of work items:

Service Layer

  • implement Java classes to handle CSW/ebRIM operations
    • Prio: 2
  • expose these as Web Services using (probably) Axis2
    • Prio: 2
  • decorate these with a SOAP/WSDL interface
    • Prio: 2

CSW/ebRIM model

  • model the CSW/ebRIM operations' payload in Java
    • Prio: 2
  • decorate these with JiBX
    • Prio: 2

Search Engine

  • XPATH support. How to implement this w.r.t. our DBMS / Lucene index is not immediately obvious and needs more research
    • Prio: 3
  • Hibernate Search. Will probably be used, needs more research
    • Prio: 1
    • Erik van Ingen
  • support Filter Expressions 1.1 (refer also to GeoTools)
    • Prio: 1
    • Jose Garcia
  • the search engine needs an interface so we can actually use it to search
    • Prio: 1

ebRIM / Registry / Information Model

  • model Basic Extension Package
    • Prio: 1
    • Heikki Doeleman
  • model ISO Extension Package
    • Prio: 1
    • Heikki Doeleman
  • decorate the above with JiBX
    • Prio: 1
    • Heikki Doeleman

Persistence Layer

  • create DAO layer
    • Prio: 1
    • Erik van Ingen
  • create Hibernate mapping for the DAOs
    • Prio: 1
    • Erik van Ingen
  • implement Lucene index
    • Prio: 2
  • implement spatial query support (beyond Bounding Box)
    • Prio: 3

Access Control

  • read the specification and research how to do this
    • Prio: 3


  • integrate the new code with the legacy codebase
    • Prio: 3
  • ebRIM Updater: create a system that updates the new persistent storage everytime an update is done to the existing persistent storage
    • Prio: 2
  • finalize work related to Maven, Ant, and Installer
    • Prio: 3
  • create a GeoNetwork Maven repository
    • Prio: 1
  • write documentation and tutorials
    • Prio: 3

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Nov 6, 2008, 6:14:04 AM
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