
Version 33 (modified by helena, 16 years ago) ( diff )


GRASS GIS 6.4.0RC1 Release


Overview of changes since 6.3.0

For changes between 6.2.3 and 6.3.0, see the 6.3.0 release announcement.

New modules

  • d.split.frame (Hamish)
  • g.mlist, g.mremove replaced with faster C version (Huidae Cho)
  • r.colors.stddev (Hamish)
  • r.external (Glynn)
  • r.grow.distance (Glynn)
  • r.sun (rewritten), r.horizon (Jaroslav Hofierka, Marcel Suri, Thomas Huld, Markus)
  • v.buffer replaced with improved version (Rosen Matev; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • v.colors (Hamish)
  • v.delaunay replaced with improved version (Martin Pavlovsky; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • v.out.gpsbabel (Hamish)
  • v.parallel replaced with improved version (Rosen Matev; Google SoC 2008 project)
  • (Martin Landa) #82
  • NVIZ for wxPython and nviz_cmd module (Martin Landa; Google SoC 2008 project)

Major module changes

  • r.cost: Sped up by >50x (Glynn)
  • r.watershed: Sped up by orders of magnitude (Markus Metz)
  • v.random: Ability to generate random attribute data (Maris)
  • v.extract: Random feature extraction support (Maris)
  • v.out.ascii: New parameters 'columns' and 'where' - merged from addons module v.out.ascii.db (Martin)
  • wxGUI digitizer improvements including 'undo' (Martin)
  • The entire source code was re-indented (Glynn, Markus)

Minor module changes

  • d.rast.leg: added position parameter (Markus)
  • (Markus)
  • g.gisenv: -s/n flags added (Glynn)
  • g.mlist: added exclude= option (Glynn)
  • gis.m: various crashes fixed (Maris), menus extended (Hamish)
  • save pattern file for legend (Bob)
  • allow placement of vector legend left of the map (Hamish)
  • r.colors: added -a (log-abs) flag (Glynn)
  • r.colors: new color tables (Glynn, Markus, Cristina Castellani)
  • fixed g.parser to avoid crash (Glynn)
  • r.reclass.area: fix fully qualified input name (Martin)
  • r.quantile: added flag to output recode table (Dylan, Glynn)
  • r.sim.*: cleanup (Yann, Helena)
  • r.texture: write history (Markus)
  • v.db.dropcol: fix if layer > 1 (Markus)
  • v.drape: where support (Maris)
  • fix broken xerces-c test; use curl instead of lynx for MacOSX (Markus)
  • v.mkgrid: output optionally points not areas (Ivan)
  • fix qlayer (Martin, Markus)
  • Various modules: message standardization (Martin)
  • New geology symbols (Hamish)
  • Batch mode: plain text percentage support added (Markus)

Library changes

  • Vector library: new Vect_line_get_intersection function (Maris)
  • Vector library: new Vect_restore_line function (Martin)
  • Doxygen: source code documentation improved (Markus)

Portability changes

  • various MacOSX fixes (William)
  • various WinGRASS compilation fixes (Paul)
  • WinGRASS white space in home path fixes (Markus)

Build changes

  • Improved generation of Python/SWIG interface
  • New Python library giving standardized access to GRASS modules

Message translation updates

Managed by Carlos Davila, Markus Neteler:

  • Amharic: Solomon Gizaw
  • Chinese: Su Yongheng
  • Czech: Martin Landa, Jan Trochta
  • French: Vincent Bain, Benoit Andre
  • German: Georg Lösel, Robert Nuske
  • Greek: Vasilios Antoniou
  • Indonesian: Firman Hadi
  • Italian: Tobias Vigl, Luca Delucchi
  • Polish: Robert Szczepanek, Monika Tylus, Milena Nowotarska
  • Portugese: Fernando Ferreira
  • Russian: Maxim Dubinin and team
  • Spanish:Carlos Davila
  • Thai: Sarawut Ninsawat, Man
  • Turkish: Osman Yalçın Yilmaz

Closed tickets

  • "Additional tools" menu dialog broken in digitizer (trac #208)
  • "Set options" for scale and N arrow fails (trac #288)
  • "Stop" button should not be active until the module starts running (trac #219)
  • 'Move line' and 'Delete line' when digitizing (trac #25)
  • *.tcl installed as executable (trac #388)
  • ./configure: cosmetics (trac #44)
  • Ability to handle subgroups with general commands as all other datatypes (trac #324)
  • Add "Help" button as in gis.m (trac #221)
  • Add created map into layer tree: errors for import modules (trac #305)
  • Compiler error while building python swig (trac #308)
  • Compiling QGIS from svn has a compiler error related to GRASS api (trac #364)
  • Convert tcl grc to wxpython version (trac #80)
  • Could not set snapping threshold (trac #92)
  • Enhancement to r.cross - add more layers to cross (trac #330)
  • Erase display crashes (trac #292)
  • Error in in defining new location via EPSG code in wxpython Location Wizard (trac #191)
  • Error with r.drain with gdal 1.5.2 and 1.6.0 (trac #351)
  • Extend GRASS-command history (at least to 1000) by default (trac #132)
  • GRASS will bould nviz eaven without tcl/tk (trac #164)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms. (trac #16)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not updating input fields. (trac #18)
  • Grass63 -wx gui function form not consistent with other wx gui forms. (trac #17)
  • Grass63 -wx gui menu item referes to incorrect function (trac #15)
  • Location wizard: browse button half-cut (trac #216)
  • Location wizard: scroll issue in EPSG code selection (trac #4)
  • Location wizard: show sample map in region settings dialog (trac #8)
  • Location wizard: sort list from EPSG browser (trac #5)
  • MySQL driver: create table command cut (trac #188)
  • NVIZ displays points (sites) allways as thematic (trac #49)
  • NVIZ. Shrinking of the surface when the surface resolution is increased (GRASS6.2.3-GRASS6.3) (trac #56)
  • NVIZ: pack menu to the left (trac #348)
  • New v.example proposal (trac #120)
  • Query vector map (edit mode): does not work (trac #277)
  • SQL builder prints the name of the vector map to the terminal (trac #206)
  • Setting to have the computational region extent, like the one on the display (trac #183)
  • Sqlite driver doesn't handle blank numeric entries (trac #180)
  • Suggestion for the new (wx) grass-gui "File" menu (trac #393)
  • Support for multiple 'percentile' arguments in r.univar (trac #19)
  • TODO: move high priority incubated modules into main (trac #344)
  • Tcl version of v.digit's background colour doesn't work (trac #74)
  • Typo in "i.oif.html" and wording (trac #329)
  • Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup (trac #133)
  • Unable to create file [REF] for subgroup [sub-test] of group [test in neuba] (trac #174)
  • Update config.guess in SVN (trac #158)
  • Using barin option in r.flow produce segmentation fault (trac #403)
  • ValueError: unsupported format character '<' (0x3c) at index 4 (trac #366)
  • Vlib patch that provides Vect_line_get_intersections function (trac #357)
  • WinGRASS Tcl/Tk GUI - Text formatting error in Output window (trac #127)
  • WinGRASS: fails (trac #168)
  • WinGRASS: incompatability issue (trac #160)
  • Wxgrass: Set computational region to the minimum necessary to enclose map data extent (trac #157)
  • Zoom in / Zoom out enhancement (trac #24)
  • add a minimum distance threshold to v.distance (trac #253)
  • adding other layer than plain raster or vector (shaded relief, thematic vector etc.) returns an error (trac #258)
  • can't edit a vector map if the name has no @mapset suffix (trac #236)
  • can't overwrite vector map if it's name is fully qualified (i.e. contains @mapset) (trac #246)
  • computational region extent frame should be semi-transparent (trac #294)
  • cairo and ffmpeg checks (trac #33)
  • wxwidgets and python checks (trac #38)
  • copy command syntax does not work (trac #245)
  • d.labels doesn't place labels exactly on coordinate point in label file. (trac #340)
  • d.legend: apply arbitrary labels to a smooth floating-point colorbar (trac #124)
  • d.mon doesn't work (Wingrass commandline) (trac #339)
  • d.vect / v.univar does not work for layer > 1 ; v.db.join has bugs (corrected here) (trac #338)
  • d.vect: disp=cat or attr draws area shapes (trac #71)
  • d.vect: flag to print mininal region extent (trac #262)
  • db.table -p does not list all tables -> deeper problems in PostgreSQL driver (trac #93)
  • db/drivers/dbf fail to build due to undefined reference to 'SASetupDefaultHooks' (SHAPELIB) (trac #110)
  • description for v.db.reconnect.all (trac #385)
  • develbranch6 r33422 fails to configure on regex (trac #310)
  • digitizer: don't ask to save changes when there have been none (trac #210)
  • digitizer: errors at copying categories (trac #213)
  • digitizer: errors at editing line (trac #214)
  • digitizer: errors at querying (trac #212)
  • digitizer: errors at removing vertex (trac #211)
  • division with dbf driver leads to protocol error (trac #185)
  • error at wxGUI startup (trac #238)
  • error in table manager (trac #285)
  • error printed to the terminal after executing command from wxGUI cmd line (trac #228)
  • error querying a layer being edited (trac #264)
  • error when adding another text layer (trac #301)
  • error when digitizing new feature (trac #30)
  • g.copy segfaults ( package) [and latest SVN] (trac #50)
  • g.findfile element=colr2 (trac #326)
  • g.mapsets crash (trac #41)
  • g.mkfontcap: extradirs=path seems to fail (trac #368)
  • g.parser buffer overflow terminates shell script (trac #356)
  • g.parser terminated when execute scripts just like g.manual, etc. (trac #347)
  • g.region segmentation violation when creating EPSG:4326 location (trac #367)
  • g.region should not duplicate the code of G3d_regionToCellHead () (trac #122)
  • g.region should set (top, bottom) from the 3d vector specified by vect= (trac #121)
  • georectifier: add options to invoke/not invoke -c flag for i.rectify (trac #249)
  • gis.m: Raster Legend text selection button gives error (trac #79)
  • grass build fails when build with -as-needed linker flag (trac #69)
  • grass-6.2.3 and flex-2.5.34, missing the description.html (trac #2)
  • i.fusion.brovey: remove temp region file? (trac #194)
  • cleanup session $tmp on exit and require -c to create mapset from the command line (trac #53)
  • let visualize line directions in digitizer (trac #209)
  • moving of vector object by mouse (trac #29)
  • multiple tools should not be selectable (trac #265)
  • new module g.gui (trac #43)
  • new tabs in GUI have required last (trac #102)
  • once enabled, autorendering mode can't be disabled in the current session (trac #269)
  • precompiled Cygwin Windows grass 6.3.0 does not have sqlite driver support (trac #316)
  • documentation lists incorrect values for vlines "type" option (trac #34)
  • generates invalid postscript when vlegend item does not appear on map (trac #355)
  • manual - spearfish example (trac #362)
  • patch to set customized scalebar units (trac #64)
  • the "M" highlight problem (trac #155)
  • query tool crashes when the user presses mouse buttons fast (trac #281)
  • r.colors -e flag does not use full color range if map values are between 0. and 1. (trac #336)
  • r.digit: make guarantee_xmon fail nicely on WinGrass (trac #117)
  • r.grow.distance, r.random.surface ignores raster MASK (trac #387)
  • zscale parameter addition patch (trac #105)
  • in 6.3.1 svn doesn't work (trac #231)
  • r.los broken on Mac (trac #101)
  • r.los: patch to support earth curvature (trac #63)
  • r.mask -r shouldn't require input (trac #223)
  • r.patch fails on Vista (trac #118)
  • r.random fails with bus error on Mac OS X 10.5 (trac #97)
  • r.regressionline incompatability issue in WinGRASS (trac #162)
  • r.sim.*: use G_command_history() (trac #48)
  • r.statistics: output should be optional (trac #116)
  • r.watershed: speed improvement (trac #237)
  • r.what in wxGUI should not depend on computational region (trac #282)
  • r.what.colors: not working (trac #152)
  • region corrupted (trac #295)
  • saving display to tiff or ppm garbled when NVIZ is not top window (trac #104)
  • sfd support for r.terraflow (trac #197)
  • short integer overflow with (trac #166)
  • some commands dialogs have their name crippled (trac #272)
  • table manager tools print plenty of warnings to the terminal (trac #207)
  • table manager: edits in the table are not saved (trac #235)
  • text layer overlay: font and rotation don't work (trac #302)
  • the "command layer" in wxGUI does not work (trac #268)
  • update demolocation/ for GRASS 6 (trac #144)
  • use a different default for wxGUI displays (trac #290)
  • v.db.join fails in winNative Grass 6.3 for sqlite driver (trac #315)
  • v.generalize Assertion failed. (trac #36)
  • v.generalize: which options apply to which methods? (trac #374)
  • has no progress bar in any GUI (same as v.proj) (trac #244)
  • wxpython gui crashes when importing xyz files. (trac #186)
  • - detect gpstrans or gardump instead of user flag (trac #184)
  • fails on Polish dataset (trac #202)
  • wxGUI window crashes or freezes when "Verbose module output" is checked (trac #201)
  • v.label.editor (trac #409)
  • v.mkgrid - segmentation fault (trac #361)
  • v.out.gpsbabel (trac #349)
  • v.out.ogr does not correctly encode NODATA in attribute tables (trac #333)
  • v.out.ogr does not export features when 'dsn' AND 'layer' options are given (trac #327)
  • v.out.ogr exports only attribute data in CSV format (trac #28)
  • v.out.ogr: bad DB read for format=GPX (trac #354)
  • v.proj has no progress bar in any GUI (trac #243)
  • v.proj: broken (?) -z description and missing -l description in wxGUI (trac #241)
  • v.random: add random sampling from vector points map (trac #229)
  • segfault in dig_alloc_points (trac #380)
  • example incorrectly uses "type=area" (trac #360)
  • type description corrupted in wxGUI (trac #233)
  • segfaults in G_close_gdal_link() (trac #319)
  • v.what returns "Line:" attribute for points and centroids (trac #267)
  • various error messges during digitizing (trac #227)
  • vdigit crashes on some GRASS vectors I try to edit (trac #225)
  • vdigit is missing a tool to delete categories (trac #266)
  • vdigit: an improvement for "Copy features from (background) map" (trac #284)
  • vdigit: cursor and vertex are apart when moving vertices (trac #274)
  • vdigit: please render closed areas transparent (trac #276)
  • warnings printed on GRASS startup when selecting Location and Mapset (trac #204)
  • wrong translations break wxGUI (trac #296)
  • wxGUI doesn't handle removing maps (trac #280)
  • wxGUI fails to handle illegal region extent (trac #299)
  • wxGUI modules don't refresh the list of available maps (trac #218)
  • wxGUI should provide a switch for region-constrained/free display mode (trac #293)
  • wxGUI: "Color rules" prints an error when "Preview" is pressed (trac #279)
  • wxGUI: can't handle whole-Earth extent (trac #395)
  • wxGUI: can't really cancel adding layer (trac #257)
  • wxGUI: can't render layer different than 1 (trac #371)
  • wxGUI: db.droptable button opens db.login (trac #255)
  • wxGUI: patch for columns listing (trac #261)
  • wxGUI: visualization problems with multiple rasters and vectors. not stable bug... (trac #259)
  • wxNVIZ fails to start (trac #275)
  • wxNVIZ: crash or failure (trac #297)
  • wxNviz does not start (trac #404)
  • wxPython GUI fails in Windows Vista if GISDBASE contains spaces (trac #114)
  • wxgrass - d.vect and d.vect.chart: changing default checkbox options in GUI results in KeyError (trac #109)
  • wxgrass gui help is missing from 6.4.svn (trac #146)
  • wxgrass: Allow disabling of remove layer promp in GIS Layer Manager (trac #139)
  • wxgrass: Error in applying display overlay properties to rasters in Layer Manager (trac #145)
  • wxgrass: Error in profile tool (trac #137)
  • wxgrass: Remember the position of gui windows on Grass exit (trac #130)
  • wxgrass: Some statusbar modes obscure mouse-over help text of gui tools (trac #135)
  • wxgrass: delete point map geometry when deleting attribute (trac #314)
  • wxgrass: should automatically open display if layer added with no open display (trac #113)
  • wxgrass: show module name in bottom line of main window (trac #10)
  • wxgrass: ticking -m options in legend dialog cause general GUI freeze (trac #119)
  • wxgrass: trying to add legend gives UnicodeDecodeError (trac #108)
  • wxgrass: trying to set options for scalebar or legend gives TypeError (trac #107)
  • wxgrass: zoom to computational region does not respect resolution set with g.region (trac #106)
  • wxgui: Show attribute data depends on global db connection, not file db connection parameter (trac #381)
  • wxgui:'s SQL column defintion text box is uneditable (trac #263)
  • wxpython Layer Manager: higher raster hides the lower (trac #254)
  • wxpython gui crashed while importing dxf (trac #176)
  • wxpython gui for defaults to overwrite (trac #177)
  • wxpython: Layer Manager crashes when trying to edit vector properties (trac #159)

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