Custom query (1065 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1065)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Resolution
#2154 GeoMoose website is down osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2155 data file missing from recent 52nWPS osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 invalid
#2157 Iris sample_data directory missing osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 wontfix
#2158 Release ppa disk space allocation osgeolive@… task normal Unplanned fixed
#2159 pySAL deb missing color osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 wontfix
#2160 missing pgRouting DBB osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2162 test osgeolive@… defect trivial OSGeoLive13.0 invalid
#2163 openlayers_quickstart fails osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2164 rasdaman demo page not working osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 invalid
#2168 geonode WSGI takes port 80 root osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 invalid
#2169 zoo-project OTB demo fails osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 wontfix
#2170 actinia endpoint not responsive? osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 worksforme
#2171 otb Monteverdi crashes on image open osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2174 RC1 iso not booting properly under VirtualBox osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2175 CJK Fonts missing osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2177 Rasdaman service delays shutdown osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive14.0 wontfix
#2178 web link broken to ossim osgeolive@… defect normal Unplanned wontfix
#2180 "osgeo" user instead of "user" in the vmdk osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive13.0 invalid
#2181 GRASS freezes when using r.import on file without projection osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive13.0 fixed
#2201 SAGA Processing Provider in QGIS not available osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2235 Update the OSM Quickstart osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2238 Inconsistent logos and naming on Lubuntu menu items osgeolive@… enhancement normal wontfix
#2245 QGIS error concerning user access rights and wrong QGIS Server url osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2246 Focal LXQt Desktop osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2247 Python and Jupyter osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2248 R 4.0 on Focal osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2256 python3-datacube needs cachetools osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2259 tomcat9 dead at startup osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2262 provide pgAdmin4 instead of pgAdmin III osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2263 VirtualBox installation fails osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2264 52nWPS not starting osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2265 52nSOS not starting osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2266 actinia demo fails osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2267 eoxserver client error osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2269 geostyler installer review osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2270 Iris packaging review for focal osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 duplicate
#2271 istsos python3 package missing osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2272 Include gvSIG in iso? osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 wontfix
#2273 mapproxy demo fails with 500 osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2274 marble missing from geospatial menu osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2275 move ncWMS to VM only osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2276 pgrouting missing from the recent builds osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2277 qgis server demo not working osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2278 re3gistry to be moved to vm only? osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2280 t-rex breaks apt osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2282 zoo-project packages missing for focal osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2284 Upgrade to pygeoapi 0.9.0 causes demo error osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2285 OpenEO python osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive16.0 wontfix
#2286 pygeoapi service not running on VM version osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive16.0 fixed
#2287 duplicate Marble launcher in **Other** sub menu osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 worksforme
#2288 libgdal-java needs to be added to the nightly osgeo repo osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2289 OTB 7 Cookbook osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive15.0 wontfix
#2291 Suggestions in GRASS quickstart osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2293 natural_earth2 database import: change geometry column name to geom instead of the_geom osgeolive@… task normal fixed
#2295 Python DASK osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2300 Update OSGeoLive PSC list osgeolive@… task critical Unplanned fixed
#2305 Apache service fails to start osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 worksforme
#2309 vbox notify-send errors on v14-beta osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2312 apt upgrade is broken osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 invalid
#2313 add installation of the guest addition to the documentation osgeolive@… task normal fixed
#2315 Strings do not get translated osgeolive@… task normal fixed
#2316 update to libgeos osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2317 firefox - set start page / new tab page to osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2318 Update previously available projects page with projects that got retired after 10.5 osgeolive@… task major Unplanned fixed
#2320 ol14 docs broken links osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2321 update jupyter notebook quickstart as notebooks changed osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 invalid
#2323 cesium does not show a map as the cesium access token is not falid osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2324 sqlite quickstart causes an error at 6. osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 invalid
#2325 welcome.txt refers to wiki page osgeolive@… task normal fixed
#2326 OTB Tools in QGIS is not activated osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive15.0 wontfix
#2327 GeoServer sample data is missing and Admin GeoServer show GeoWebCache landing page osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 invalid
#2328 Virtualbox guest utils addon not installed in OL14-rc2 osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive14.0 wontfix
#2329 Latest MapServer patch breaks GeoMoose osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2330 opendatacube jupyter notebooks osgeolive@… enhancement major OSGeoLive16.0 fixed
#2331 click on desktop icon Sample Data runs into error and does not open the folder osgeolive@… defect blocker OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2332 Tomcat fails to start on installed systems osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive14.0 fixed
#2335 Jupyter Notebook R example osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 duplicate
#2344 gmt packages osgeolive@… defect normal fixed
#2345 Transifex changes osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2346 Link problems osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive16.0 fixed
#2347 sphinx problems osgeolive@… task major fixed
#2348 iso customization fails in Ubuntu 22.04 osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2349 QGIS/QGIS Server: Permission for data folder after install osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2350 Email list headers TEST osgeolive@… enhancement trivial OSGeoLive15.0 wontfix
#2351 openJUMP 2.0 install osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2352 mapnik python demo ol15 osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2354 Remove snap packages osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2355 Install pgadmin or replacement osgeolive@… task major OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2356 create images for spinning icon for startup osgeolive@… task normal OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2357 t-rex startup issue osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2358 py3 scipy removed osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2359 geomoose examples not found on download server osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2360 EOxServer fails to launch osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2362 libssl versions osgeolive@… defect normal OSGeoLive15.0 invalid
#2363 gdal's ogr2ogr misses osgeolive@… defect major OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2364 create osgeo_menu image for the Desktop Image osgeolive@… task normal fixed
#2365 python3 package for cfunits depends osgeolive@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive16.0 fixed
#2366 52NorthSOS fails to launch osgeolive@… defect critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2367 Lightweight R-spatial bundle osgeolive@… task critical OSGeoLive15.0 fixed
#2369 GeoExt fails to launch osgeolive@… defect critical fixed
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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