Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#2347 closed task (fixed)

sphinx problems

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: osgeolive@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords:


I am finding since today the following error:

exception: cannot import name 'contextfunction' from 'jinja2'

I looked around and here they have a similar problem:

I tried to solve it as they recommend in the comments. Now I am getting:

Could not import extension sphinxjp.themes.revealjs (exception: cannot import name 'Directive' from 'sphinx.util.compat'

The error does not show on this PR which use a more recent sphinx version:

(links are failing but no sphinx error)

This issue will be resolved when the PR is merged

Change History (2)

comment:1 by cvvergara, 3 years ago

Ticket opened because of this problem:

But I dont see any movement on the repository. Maybe that is why I wanted to stop using it on this PR

There is no package named python3-sphinxjp.themes.revealjs on bionic or focal (maybe due to the lack of activity on that project)

comment:2 by cvvergara, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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