Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#2315 closed task (fixed)

Strings do not get translated

Reported by: cvvergara Owned by: osgeolive@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: OSGeoLive Keywords:


This issue was commented by @sanak

Attaching an image of what is expected and what is happening

The strings that are not translated are on a toctree

.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 1

  Getting started with OSGeoLive <quickstart/osgeolive_quickstart>
  Change language or keyboard type <quickstart/internationalisation_quickstart>
  Install OSGeoLive on your hard disk <quickstart/osgeolive_install_quickstart>
  Run OSGeoLive in a Virtual Machine <quickstart/virtualization_quickstart>
  Create an OSGeoLive bootable USB thumb drive <quickstart/usb_quickstart>
  Running in a Hyper-V Virtual Machine <quickstart/hyperv_quickstart>
  Command Line basics <quickstart/commandline_quickstart>

Solution, is to use the titles from the pages

.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 1


Change History (7)

by cvvergara, 4 years ago

Attachment: osgeolive-ja_toppage.png added

Expected look VS actual looks

by cvvergara, 4 years ago

Attachment: osgeolive-ja_toppage.jpg added

Expected loos vs actual looks

comment:2 by cvvergara, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:3 by sanak, 4 years ago

@cvvergara Thanks for fix about this!

The solution is nice, but as a result, each sentences become different from original and may not be user friendly.

(Original => Current)

  1. Getting started with OSGeoLive

=> OSGeoLive Quickstart

  1. Change language or keyboard type

=> OSGeoLive Internationalisation Quickstart

  1. Install OSGeoLive on your hard disk

=> Install OSGeoLive to Hard Disk

  1. Run OSGeoLive in a Virtual Machine

=> OSGeoLive Quickstart for Running in a Virtual Machine

  1. Create an OSGeoLive bootable USB thumb drive

=> Creating an OSGeoLive Bootable USB flash drive

  1. Running in a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

=> OSGeoLive Quickstart for Running in a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

  1. Command Line basics

=> Command Line Quickstart

So, I am thinking to make PR which changes each quick start page's title side, but is that okay ?

comment:4 by cvvergara, 4 years ago

I am ok with that

comment:5 by sanak, 4 years ago

Okay, thanks! I will do that now.

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