Custom Query (78 matches)


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Status: closed (78 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1315 52 North Quickstart improvements live-demo@… enhancement minor fixed 11 years
#1212 52nSOS stop memory and processes live-demo@… enhancement minor fixed 11 years
#789 add casoil lab docs to the LiveDVD live-demo@… enhancement minor wontfix 13 years
#1301 Add python-mapnik live-demo@… enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1336 Add ubuntugis repo for easy activation live-demo@… enhancement minor fixed 11 years
#1387 Apache Crash live-demo@… defect major worksforme 11 years
#1344 AtlasStyler : expired key in's deb repo live-demo@… defect normal duplicate 11 years
#1392 Cannot upload new data in GeoNode live-demo@… defect normal wontfix 10 years
#1304 cartaro help page refers to PostGIS 1.5 live-demo@… defect trivial wontfix 11 years
#1073 Cartaro Quickstart review: Openlayers version Warnings appear in the process live-demo@… enhancement minor wontfix 12 years
#1050 check SEXTANTE Help screens live-demo@… task minor fixed 12 years
#1390 Contact Us - Nabble link is invalid live-demo@… task normal fixed 10 years
#1275 Create a Marble 1.7 backport for the latest OSGeo LiveDVD live-demo@… enhancement normal wontfix 11 years
#1389 deegree starts firefox in sudo, taking ownership of .mozilla profile live-demo@… defect critical fixed 10 years
#1347 DNS not working on live session live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#891 docs: the sponsor pages are different between the different translations live-demo@… task major duplicate 13 years
#1381 Duplicate pywps logo live-demo@… task major fixed 11 years
#1353 EOxServer failing to install live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1030 gdal quickstart and natural_earth2 live-demo@… task normal fixed 12 years
#1384 GeoMOOSE demo: blank browser jimk defect normal fixed 11 years
#1225 GeoNetwork quickstart requires updated screenshots live-demo@… defect minor fixed 11 years
#1218 GeoNode: Can't register new user as per quickstart live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1354 GeoNode deb files need to be ported to 14.04 live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1219 GeoNode throws 404 when creating a map live-demo@… defect normal wontfix 11 years
#1388 GeoServer can't be started live-demo@… defect critical invalid 11 years
#1345 Geoserver INSPIRE extensions: 404 Not Found live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1188 geoserver: server errors in cartaro and geonode live-demo@… defect minor fixed 12 years
#1373 Geospatial menu missing in LXDE hamish defect major fixed 11 years
#1120 gpsbabel works only as root live-demo@… defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1107 gvSIG throws a java error when trying to zoom in jsanz defect minor fixed 12 years
#1343 ipython scipy stack on Trusty live-demo@… enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1361 IRIS cartopy needs pyshp ? live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1355 Iris fails to build in 14.04 live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1334 kernel update issues on ubu 14.04 live-demo@… defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1356 Kosmo fails to startup in 14.04 sbcalvo defect critical fixed 11 years
#1310 libpostgis-java contains wrong jar file live-demo@… defect critical fixed 11 years
#836 link beginner docs for linux and xfce desktop from main help page live-demo@… enhancement normal wontfix 13 years
#1179 Link python-gisdata to Live data dir ingenieroariel task normal fixed 12 years
#1363 lx menu opening empty lxterminal for .desktop icons with Terminal=true live-demo@… defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1350 Mapbender3 Apache ALIAS does not work with Apache 2.4 astrid_emde defect normal fixed 11 years
#1352 MapProxy not compatible with PIL 2.3.0 available in 14.04 olt defect critical fixed 11 years
#1358 Mapserver not ready for Apache 2.4 astrid_emde defect major fixed 11 years
#1391 maptiler: fails on epsg code 900913 live-demo@… defect major fixed 10 years
#1298 netCDF et al live-demo@… enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1379 No data loaded in GeoNode demo live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1399 OpenJUMP fails on system with more than 4gb ram live-demo@… defect major fixed 10 years
#629 osgearth script improvements live-demo@… task minor wontfix 14 years
#1220 osgEarth: some keys not working live-demo@… defect minor wontfix 11 years
#1359 OSSIM installer fails on Trusty live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1215 ossim ipython profile not working from chroot live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1228 otb: can't find qb_RoadExtract.tif dataset listed in quickstart live-demo@… defect minor fixed 11 years
#1217 Out of sync translations missing renamed image links live-demo@… defect normal invalid 11 years
#1085 PostGIS Quickstart review - remove command line description? live-demo@… enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1230 Postgres Disk Activity on Boot live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1047 Python applications shall share common dependencies live-demo@… task normal fixed 12 years
#1256 python liblas error live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1367 QGis 2.4 by pkg gives error live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1081 QGIS Quickstart review feedback live-demo@… task normal fixed 12 years
#1383 qgis_server demo brings the OSGeo Live VM down live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1400 QGIS settings point to wrong 52nSOS postgis db name live-demo@… defect minor fixed 10 years
#1349 qgis: sphinx tutorial build fails live-demo@… defect minor duplicate 11 years
#1398 QGIS's processing (sextante) toolbox hijacks grass's .rc file live-demo@… defect major fixed 10 years
#1366 Rasdaman install failing with error while loading shared libraries: live-demo@… defect critical fixed 11 years
#1232 Rasdaman quickstart doesn't follow quickstart format live-demo@… defect normal fixed 11 years
#1376 SAGA missing launchers live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1386 sahaha: login fails live-demo@… defect major fixed 11 years
#1156 Sextante - new docs on disk live-demo@… task normal wontfix 12 years
#1380 Some German items left in MapBender UI live-demo@… defect minor fixed 11 years
#1103 Some overviewes translated into Spanish with typing errors live-demo@… defect minor invalid 12 years
#1203 suspicious log messages in dvd remastering live-demo@… defect minor wontfix 12 years
#1297 Three GDALs live-demo@… enhancement normal wontfix 11 years
#1153 tomcat not starting on installed systems under custom user live-demo@… defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1362 Ubuntu updates break build process live-demo@… defect critical fixed 11 years
#1192 uDig Quickstart should not use external WMS Service live-demo@… enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1175 Update Kosmo Desktop quickstart sbcalvo task normal wontfix 12 years
#1080 Ushahidi Quickstart review live-demo@… task minor wontfix 12 years
#1290 Zoo Project needs packaging kalxas defect major fixed 11 years
#1222 Zoo Project zoom not working live-demo@… defect normal wontfix 11 years
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.