
Version 110 (modified by awarnock, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Proposals for new functionality

Proposals are developed on the WIKI so others can get a better understanding of what a developer wants to add to GeoNetwork opensource before it is accepted in the core. When writing a proposal, you should use the proposal template as starting point. Add your proposal to the list below. Proposals require Project Steering Committee approval before they can be accepted.

2.5.0 release

DateAuthorProposalCommentStatusRelease target
20 Dec 2009 Archie Warnock, et al EnhancedHarvestingCapabilities Add support for harvesting from Z39.50 targets and web-accessible foldersProposed for vote2.5.0
17 Dec 2009 Timo Proescholdtz3950_sru Add SRU and improve Z39.50 support, update to JZKit 3 Draft 2.5.0
14 Dec 2009Michael StegherrHierarchicalKeywords Improve keyword search function through hierarchical structure Draft 2.5.0
13 Nov 2009FrancoisValidationReportImprovement Improve validation report layout and schematron compilation Proposed for vote 2.5.0
06 Oct 2009fxprunayre, mcoudertIso19139fraSupport Add ISO19139 Profil France support Proposed for vote 2.5.0
13 Aug 2008fxprunayreMEFImprovement Improve MEF Format to support multi metadata Draft 2.5.0
3 dec 2009Francois MetadataRelation Define parent/child, service/dataset and feature catalogue/dataset relations Draft 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanPerformanceImprovementInSearch Performance improvement to Lucene search (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Motion passed 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanPersistentValidationResults Persist validation results (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Motion passed 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanLocalRating Local Rating (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Motion passed - Done 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanHyperlinkAsHyperlink Display hyperlinks as (clickable) hyperlinks (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Motion passed - Done 2.5.0
1 Sep 2009simonpComposedMetadataRecords Metadata records can be composed from xlink'd fragments Draft 2.5.0
24 Aug 2009Heikki DoelemanChangesFromNGR Collection of changes originating from Nationaal Georegister RETRACTED n/a
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanOrganization Organization in GN's domain model (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Postponed 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanServiceMonitoring Service Monitoring (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Draft 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanTabbedView Tabbed Metadata View (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Draft 2.5.0
3 Sep 2009Heikki DoelemanRelevancePercentage Relevance as a percentage (originating from Nationaal Georegister) Vetoed 2.5.0
20 Jun 2008simonp, sgiaccio, JustHidden Elements: Permissions to Element level in metadata record Permissions to Element level in metadata record Done 2.5.0
02 Apr 2009 fxprunayre, nicolasStatistics Add search statitics Done 2.5.0
19 Aug 2009fxprunayreInspireReadyGeoNetwork Draft 2.5.0
14 Jan 2008ticheler,etjGeoServer Integration Upload a zipped Shapefile or a plain geotiff file and deploy it as a map service on GeoServer Draft
13 Jul 2009 justTestAutomation Test Automation Draft and Under Development 2.5.0?

Added to trunk:

DateAuthorProposalCommentStatusRelease target
22 Jul 2009fxprunayre, mcoudertIso19110Support Add ISO19110 support Motion passed 2.5.0
13 Aug 2008fxprunayre, jesseMultilingualMetadata Add multilingual metadata support in view mode and editing. (See #126) Motion passed 2.5.0
3 Aug 2009fxprunayreGeoEditorViewer ISO 19115 extent map editor and map viewer. (See #142) Motion passed 2.5.0
31 Aug 2009mcoudertKeywordSelection Improve Keyword selection (See #157) Motion passed 2.5.0

On Going proposals / Future release

DateAuthorProposalCommentStatusRelease target
19 Jun 2008etj, sgiaccioReplacing Intermap Replacing !Intermap with OpenLayers - -
10 Sep 2009Heikki Doeleman10,000 Apps Componentization under construction -
11 Sep 2009josegar74Gaap Componentization under construction -
13 Aug 2008fxprunayreNarrowYourSearchWidget Allow users to quickly narrow search using seearch summary Draft
02 Apr 2008fxprunayreSingle Sign On CAS LDAP Draft
13 Aug 2008fxprunayre, jesseMultilingualIndexMechanism Index and search multilingual metadata Done 2.5.0
20 Jun 2008simonp,fxprunayreEditor Enhancements Enhancements to the current editor and supporting other editors Draft and Under Development 2.3.0
20 Jun 2008simonpSupporting Profiles of the ISO Metadata Standard Supporting Profiles of the ISO Metadata Standard Draft and Under Development 2.3.0
15 Jan 2008fbachratyworkflow_integration Integration of a simple workflow to control the metadata editing and update Draft
26 March 2008sgrelletMinorEditAllow the editor to do MinorEdit on the Metadata (as on a Wiki) resulting the RSS latest no to be updatedDraft2.3.0
30 May 2008cameronsUserCentricGUIA GUI which presents data in user centric order instead of schema centricUnder development?
19 Jun 2008etj Persistence Using a persistence framework (e.g. Hibernate, TopLink, ...) - -
19 Jun 2008Heikki Doeleman MVC_Framework Using an MVC framework (e.g. Struts2, Spring MVC, ...) - -
21 Jul 2008simonp, gmckenzieStandardizing the HTML produced by GeoNetwork Standard HTML Draft and Under Development 2.3.0
5 Aug 2008tedhabermannComponents and Composites Managing metadata records as a collection of xlinked components nascent ?

Older release

2.4 release

DateAuthorProposalCommentStatusRelease target
23 Mar 2009simonpAjaxEditorControlsAndValidation Ajax Editor Controls and other Editor Enhancements Motion passed 2.4.0
23 Mar 2009simonpMoreMassiveOperations More operations on a selected set of metadata records Motion passed 2.4.0
23 Mar 2009simonpFileUploadAndDownload Improve user interface for file upload/download Motion passed 2.4.0
23 Mar 2009simonpPermissions Restore editing rights and ownership enhancements Motion passed 2.4.0
23 Mar 2009simonpSelfRegistration User Self-Registration Service Motion passed 2.4.0
20 Oct 2008mcoudertSelectionManager Add selection manager to perform massive actions Motion passed 2.4.0
23 Oct 2008mcoudertMetadataImport Improve the current metadata import module Motion passed 2.4.0
19 Aug 2008jdempseyShibbolethAuth Add Shibboleth as an authentication option Motion passed 2.4.0
21 Jul 2008simonpCompressing HTTP responses produced by GeoNetwork Compression filter Motion passed 2.4.0
1 Feb 2008fxprunayrePrintPdf Add PDF creation support into Jeeves & produce PDF document for search results Motion passed 2.4.0
21 April 2008awarnock2.0.2 SupportReplace existing CSW 2.0.1 implementation with support for CSW 2.0.2Motion passed 2.4.0
20 Oct 2008mcoudertCSW202Improvements CSW202 discovery improvements Motion passed 2.4.0
12 Dec 2008plagardeCommunity_FR French GeoNetwork community Motion passed

Proposals 2007

DateAuthorProposalCommentStatusRelease target
7 Dec 2007fxprunayreImplementation of ISO19119 for metadata of services Edit ISO19119 metadata / Import WxS GetCapabilities -> ISO19119 / Synchronise WxS GetCapabilities with associated metadata Motion passed2.3.0
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