

20:59 Ticket #520 (postgis install script triggers "obsolete major version 8.3" message) closed by wildintellect
fixed: Yes as far as I know this is now fixed.
16:18 Ticket #471 (grass data: symlink to other datasets) closed by hamish
fixed: ortho drape documented in r3254. didn't bother with making the …
14:52 Ticket #479 (udig data directory buried) closed by hamish
14:39 Ticket #485 (marble needs a desktop icon) closed by hamish


03:33 Ticket #537 (Documentation not up-to-date) closed by hamish
fixed: documentation (and everything else) is added to the ISO at build time. …


05:48 Ticket #537 (Documentation not up-to-date) created by pka
Documentation in 3.0rc seems to be generated on 20/02/10. There are …


03:20 Ticket #477 (Add symbolic link to data directory from /home/user) closed by camerons
03:03 Ticket #464 (set startup sound to be a Kookaburra call) closed by camerons
wontfix: As the FOSS4G conference in Australia is over, we missed our best …
03:00 Ticket #499 (Updated GeoNetwork install scripts to be tested) closed by camerons
fixed: Issue was checked as part of version 2.0.3 testing. Hence this issue …
02:56 Ticket #478 (deegree start user confusion) closed by camerons
fixed: Close this issue, based on recommendation by jmays


15:55 Ticket #532 (VMware client Xorg unable to log in) created by wildintellect
On VMWare Server 2.x It does appear that using any kernel newer than …


04:35 Ticket #519 (livedvd: new way to set desktop background) reopened by hamish
Replying to wildintellect: > I did not get this error in …
02:51 Ticket #519 (livedvd: new way to set desktop background) closed by camerons
invalid: I can confirm that the desktop background was loaded successfully when …


02:59 Ticket #461 (remove old dev ISOs to free up disk space) closed by camerons
fixed: Old ISOs were removed a while back.
02:58 Ticket #497 (click2try - no way svn update files in gisvm/bin/) closed by camerons
fixed: This was fixed some time ago in version 2.0
02:57 Ticket #495 (click2try VM user/password should be same as LiveDVD) closed by camerons
fixed: Resolved in version 2.0.
02:56 Ticket #429 (Create a rsync system to sync local VMs with a master) closed by camerons
wontfix: We have other ways now to collaborate development. In particular, we …
02:36 Ticket #476 (localhost not viewable in offline mode) closed by camerons
fixed: I was able to verify that this was fixed in arramagong 3.0alpha3 In …
02:35 Ticket #525 (pgrouting data import off) created by wildintellect
pgrouting seems to build ok but the data import doesn't work out, for …
02:22 Ticket #524 (consistent /tmp/ build dir) closed by camerons
fixed: Updated tmp filenames in scripts in revision 2984.


12:23 Ticket #524 (consistent /tmp/ build dir) created by hamish
Hi, as per …


05:02 Ticket #481 (deegree shutdown) closed by jmays
fixed: The deegree stop script has been moved to OSGeo SVN into folder …
04:21 Ticket #522 (livedvd: update pgrouting script) created by hamish
Hi, the pgrouting install script needs its package depends updated …
03:55 Ticket #470 (write an install script for GMT) closed by hamish


21:58 Ticket #466 (further deinteractivate apt-get install) closed by hamish
fixed: seems this one is done.


12:24 Ticket #520 (postgis install script triggers "obsolete major version 8.3" message) created by camerons
In building the 3.0-alpha3 version of the liveDVD, I'm getting the …


20:19 Ticket #519 (livedvd: new way to set desktop background) created by hamish
Hi, our install_desktop.sh script uses the xfconf-query program to …


00:31 Ticket #448 (All files should be owned by root, and writable by all) closed by camerons
fixed: As we have already built an ISO successfully, I think the problems …


13:31 Ticket #499 (Updated GeoNetwork install scripts to be tested) created by ticheler
I updated the GeoNetwork install scripts in the hope they resolve the …


15:44 Ticket #498 (Click2try apt sources are not updated) created by springmeyer
'jaunty-updates' needs to be added to '/etc/apt/sources.list' on the …
04:44 Ticket #497 (click2try - no way svn update files in gisvm/bin/) created by erilem
I've been trying to svn update /home/user/gisvm/bin/install_mapfish.sh …
03:38 Ticket #442 (Resolve java and servlet container versions) closed by camerons
fixed: Java version numbers resolved by release 2.0.3 (although not in the …
03:29 Ticket #494 (Remove screen saver on click2try image) closed by camerons


14:13 Ticket #495 (click2try VM user/password should be same as LiveDVD) created by camerons
Currently the click2try username and password is: user/password. …
13:49 Ticket #494 (Remove screen saver on click2try image) created by camerons
The click2try version of the Virtual Machine switches to a variable …


23:36 Ticket #488 (no curl on LiveDVD) created by darkblueb
sudo apt-get install curl fails…


13:45 Ticket #487 (List project licenses) created by camerons
It seems that there are some projects which are not purely Open …


15:44 Ticket #433 (Change Language, Country and Keyboard-Layout at first boot) closed by hamish
duplicate: merged this report into #463; see also #484.
14:21 Ticket #486 (ECW and Mrsid for GDAL) created by wildintellect
I know with the ubuntugis repo adding both of these is possible, but …
12:08 Ticket #485 (marble needs a desktop icon) created by hamish
Hi, currently the very cool Marble app only has a menu entry …
12:06 Ticket #484 (provide language support) created by hamish
Hi, currently the available language options are about a dozen …
11:22 Ticket #483 (maptile exe download crawls) created by wildintellect
For some reason when re-running the build iso a couple of windows …


20:51 Ticket #482 (crazy font size on mac computers) created by hamish
Hi, as Jody reported the font size on the startup screen and in QGIS …
18:33 Ticket #481 (deegree shutdown) created by wildintellect
deegree shutdown doesn't seem to work as expected. Java processes …
18:32 Ticket #480 (Mapfish shutdown) created by wildintellect
There's no clear way to shutdown mapfish once you start it, which …
18:31 Ticket #479 (udig data directory buried) created by wildintellect
udig data directory is buried one level lower than it should be.
17:37 Ticket #478 (deegree start user confusion) created by wildintellect
deegree for some reason didn't like launching without sudo privaleges. …
17:24 Ticket #477 (Add symbolic link to data directory from /home/user) created by camerons
We should have a symbolic link from the home directory to the data …
13:40 Ticket #476 (localhost not viewable in offline mode) created by camerons
When the network is disconnected, the http://localhost url is not …
02:38 Ticket #475 (Test Install of ISO) created by wildintellect
Can someone test if clicking the install button works work on a real …
02:37 Ticket #444 (Default resolution is way to big.) closed by hamish


10:04 Ticket #474 (include postgis 1.4) created by hamish
We all agree it would be great to include PostGIS 1.4 on the live DVD. …
06:42 Ticket #473 (install_arram2_fixes.sh ?) created by hamish
Idea: create a install_arram2_fixes.sh script in the release …
06:35 Ticket #472 (user should own the desktop) created by hamish
for future a couple of scripts and packages don't chown the desktop …
06:06 Ticket #471 (grass data: symlink to other datasets) created by hamish
in the GRASS sample data for North Carolina in …
06:04 Ticket #470 (write an install script for GMT) created by hamish
Hi, for future: write a script to install GMT on the disc. I was …
06:00 Ticket #469 (cleanup unused -dev packages with autoremove) created by hamish
Hi, for future: at the end of setdown.sh we should try apt-get …


19:46 Ticket #468 (doc path on disc does not correspond to svn) created by wildintellect
So the svn path to documentation is trunk/doc with descriptions being …
03:40 Ticket #467 (remove bulky orphaned packages) created by hamish
the build script hog list has these on it. are they actually installed …
03:14 Ticket #444 (Default resolution is way to big.) reopened by hamish
not quite fixed yet, r2391 only works if the attribute already exists. …


22:00 Ticket #453 (R script compiles from source, debs available) closed by wildintellect
worksforme: As far as I know yes, but I haven't done a compare of the R packages …
21:52 Ticket #466 (further deinteractivate apt-get install) created by hamish
a quick one: these apt-get installs should use --assume-yes […] …
21:49 Ticket #465 (rename desktop Install icon to something ubuntu specific) created by hamish
Considering all the installers we have floating around a user may …
21:42 Ticket #464 (set startup sound to be a Kookaburra call) created by hamish
if sticking with the Arramagong theme in future it would be nice to …
21:06 Ticket #441 (Updating the VM) closed by hamish
fixed: apt-get update && apt-get --yes upgrade added to setup.sh
21:02 Ticket #424 (Add windows and mac installers to the LiveDVD) closed by hamish
18:38 Ticket #438 (Postgres 8.3 install script) closed by hamish
fixed: nor perfect, but seemingly good 'nuff. closing ticket.
17:09 Ticket #444 (Default resolution is way to big.) closed by hamish
fixed: done in r2391 (image mode = 3: stretch to fit)
16:58 Ticket #420 (Set up a Mapserver example) closed by wildintellect
16:55 Ticket #463 (Nice boot screen with Language option) created by wildintellect
The current remastersys option has a very plain text based load screen …
16:48 Ticket #455 (Geonetwork Launch Fails) closed by wildintellect
fixed: Fixes made after beta4 appear to be working.
16:38 Ticket #462 (cpuload and terminal to taskbar) created by hamish
no solution yet, but so what has been learned so far isn't for …


11:05 Ticket #456 (Deegree Launchers Fail) closed by wildintellect
fixed: Seems to be fixed in in Beta4
06:34 Ticket #461 (remove old dev ISOs to free up disk space) created by hamish
Hi, livedvd/ now consumes more than 40gb on the download server. …


19:10 Ticket #460 (Compressing the vmdk) created by wildintellect
So when we moved to remastersys for the building the iso we missed the …
10:09 Ticket #452 (tilelite prompts user when run a 2nd time) closed by springmeyer


22:30 Ticket #456 (Deegree Launchers Fail) created by wildintellect
Similar to Geonetwork degree fails to launch, primarily due to …
21:55 Ticket #455 (Geonetwork Launch Fails) created by wildintellect
Geonetwork startup scripts rely on relative paths, the launcher on the …
21:48 Ticket #422 (Load sample data into postgis) closed by wildintellect
fixed: Currently works using sed on original file, preference is for …
21:46 Ticket #439 (Mapserver install not complete) closed by wildintellect
worksforme: Appears to be working in beta3.
21:46 Ticket #451 (Beta2 doesn't boot) closed by wildintellect
worksforme: Beta3 using remastersys doesn't seem to have this issue. Remastersys …


23:53 Ticket #453 (R script compiles from source, debs available) created by wildintellect
The current way the R script was written pulls source packages from …
17:38 Ticket #452 (tilelite prompts user when run a 2nd time) created by camerons
If the /tmp/ directory has already been populated (as happens when you …
13:39 Ticket #450 (Some install scripts for LiveDVD beta2 are outdated) closed by camerons
fixed: In the build process, I do a fresh checkout of the scripts from svn …
11:49 Ticket #451 (Beta2 doesn't boot) created by wildintellect
The beta 2 iso doesn't boot. Unable to find kernel:linux We might …
00:06 Ticket #450 (Some install scripts for LiveDVD beta2 are outdated) created by klokan
I was reviewing the "build log" of LiveDVD beta2. It seems that some …


17:04 Ticket #428 (Postgres 8.4) closed by hamish
wontfix: ok.
14:00 Ticket #447 (PgRouting Install Fails) closed by wildintellect
worksforme: fixed in changeset:2189 Caused by libboost package install failure. …
13:51 Ticket #449 (All files should be owned by root, and writable by all) closed by wildintellect
duplicate: Duplicate of ticket:448
13:49 Ticket #449 (All files should be owned by root, and writable by all) created by camerons
Stefan Hansen wrote: Hi all! I played in the last couple of days a …
13:45 Ticket #448 (All files should be owned by root, and writable by all) created by camerons
Stefan Hansen wrote: Hi all! I played in the last couple of days a …
10:10 Ticket #447 (PgRouting Install Fails) created by darkblueb
svn rev 2185 ------------------------ ... INSERT 0 1 ERROR: function …
06:03 Ticket #445 (Geonetwork START fails) closed by simonp
fixed: Fixed in svn revision 2184
05:19 Ticket #427 (QGIS - GRASS Repository conflict) closed by hamish
fixed: everything seems fine in the latest beta2 build. only possible issue …


09:09 Ticket #417 (Create desktop icons for Geoserver) closed by darkblueb
fixed: Fixed in B2
09:07 Ticket #445 (Geonetwork START fails) created by darkblueb
after LiveDVD is built, try manually running start.. fails …


11:18 Ticket #444 (Default resolution is way to big.) created by wildintellect
Not sure if it was intentional but a resolution of 2000+x? was way to …


07:41 Ticket #440 (gvSIG install script) closed by jsanz
fixed: I've added gvSIG install script call on main.sh at r2015 changeset, so …
04:44 Ticket #443 (Desktop appearance) created by jsanz
I suppose this topic will araise sooner or later, so I start it. * …


15:43 Ticket #442 (Resolve java and servlet container versions) created by camerons
Ideally we should only have one Java version on the LiveDVD. This is …
15:26 Ticket #436 (apt-get install -y) closed by camerons
fixed: resolved for 2.0alpha5
15:25 Ticket #415 (Live DVD should use US keyboard) closed by camerons
05:26 Ticket #441 (Updating the VM) created by jsanz
There are lots of packages to update at the VM, including some "geo" …
05:15 Ticket #440 (gvSIG install script) created by jsanz
I've tested alpha 5 of the gisvm and gvSIG again is not installed. …


00:04 Ticket #439 (Mapserver install not complete) created by darkblueb
boot the LiveDVD cat /etc/apache2/httpd2.conf empty ??


18:10 Ticket #438 (Postgres 8.3 install script) created by darkblueb
script install_postgres.sh attempts to make a postgres user "user" as …


21:05 Ticket #436 (apt-get install -y) created by camerons
change all apt-get install commands to "apt-get install --yes" This …


11:46 Ticket #433 (Change Language, Country and Keyboard-Layout at first boot) created by rpinho
I would like to ask suggestions for configuring Xbuntu to ask for …


07:36 Ticket #427 (QGIS - GRASS Repository conflict) reopened by jachym
Packages recompiled and uploaded to Les-ejk. I did not sign them, …
03:53 Ticket #432 (deegree: deegre_stop.sh does not do what it should) closed by jmays
fixed: With the new update of the relevant scripts, this issue has been fixed.
03:52 Ticket #432 (deegree: deegre_stop.sh does not do what it should) created by jmays
Due to "I don't know how..." the "stop deegree" desktop icon doesn't …


00:53 Ticket #430 (Create documentation for the LiveDVD) created by camerons
User level documentation needs to be added for each application. I'm …


19:01 Ticket #429 (Create a rsync system to sync local VMs with a master) created by camerons
As we have a number of people collaborating in the building of the …
18:54 Ticket #428 (Postgres 8.4) created by darkblueb
Why oh why not Pg 8.4 ? Its a great release.. and then PostGIS and …
14:41 Ticket #427 (QGIS - GRASS Repository conflict) closed by wildintellect
worksforme: I included a specific version in the apt-get install […] It was the …
13:05 Ticket #427 (QGIS - GRASS Repository conflict) created by wildintellect
The current QGIS(launchpad ppa) and GRASS(Jachym) repos will conflict …


23:21 Ticket #425 (Add Marble to LiveDVD) closed by wildintellect
fixed: changeset:1868
14:24 Ticket #426 (Install VirtualBox helper application) created by camerons
The FOSS4G GISVM seems to work quite well in Sun's Open Source version …
14:08 Ticket #425 (Add Marble to LiveDVD) created by darkblueb
Marble is a light weight, edu globe browser
12:40 Ticket #424 (Add windows and mac installers to the LiveDVD) created by camerons
Previous Arramagong Live DVD releases have had windows installers on …
00:19 Ticket #422 (Load sample data into postgis) created by shansen
Just like Mapserver Postgis has been installed and works fine, but …
00:17 Ticket #421 (Put common sample data on the DVD/VM) created by shansen
So far most projects provide their own sample data. this is probably …
00:15 Ticket #420 (Set up a Mapserver example) created by shansen
So far Mapserver is running and works, but doesn't serve data, which …


23:23 Ticket #419 (Add all installed application to the menu at the top of the desktop.) created by shansen
It probably would be good to have a separate submenu.
23:20 Ticket #418 (Create desktop icons for Mapserver) created by shansen
Create desktop icons for mapserver. Clicking on one icon should start …
23:15 Ticket #417 (Create desktop icons for Geoserver) created by shansen
All applications should have a desktop icon; also geoserver. Clicking …
05:49 Ticket #415 (Live DVD should use US keyboard) created by camerons
The FOSS4G2009alpha1 version of the Live DVD should use a US keyboard, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.