
Version 4 (modified by adube, 12 years ago) ( diff )


GeoPrisma Release 1.2



Closed Tickets 1.2.0 (Fixed):

documentation component tickets:

Repository - move presentations from docs
DEPRECATED and UNSTABLE files not detected in windows
Add the MS4W version in supported libs list
Release 1.2, last tasks
Documentation on uses trunk

lib component tickets:

Ext 3.4.0

packaging/scripts/config component tickets:

Customize browser title through configuration

samples component tickets:

Remove ./config and ./src/client/templates directories
New sample templating method - doesn't work in Windows
PGSQLMapContextConfig samples don't work on
Samples using gymo services fails on
PQSQLMapContextConfig - purge "legacy" samples

server component tickets:

Use google maps v3 API
TMS new service, add in Layer widget
WPS Service, add support in PGSQLMapContextConfig
WPS, TYPE_ID is the same as WFS
ProxyFactory - Autoload error for HttpResquestProxy
Add widgets to workspace
XMLWorkspaceConfig doesn't write resource options and fields
XMLWorkspaceConfig - center and extent overrides
curl_exec outputs content with php 5.2
Update required for class PhpGetTextLocale.php

website component tickets:

#356 - change host machine

widgets component tickets:

ZoomTo widget - no default projection
FileTreePanel and File proxy - upload new files, create folders
MeasureTool - complete recreation using GeoExt.ux.Measure
FileTreePanel - cascade dir opening from path
FileTreePanel - cascade - ensure visible
EditFeature_Confirm - new widget
EditFeature_Copy - copy user-specified attributes
FileTreePanel - file upload doesn't work in IE8
WFSFilterBuilder - Automatic filtering
WFSFilterBuilder - zoomToFeature js error
WFSFilterBuilder - zoomToFeature need a maximum zoom
WFSFilterBuilder - remove defect sort
keepActiveSession widget
TemplatePopup - WMS support
WFSFilterBuilder - filter blur problem on tab switching
EditFeature Drag and Copy - load non-existant fr lang file
EditFeature_Confirm - popup stays visible if control deactivated
WFSFilterBuilder, showWindowData has fixed sizes
EditFeature, use selectorMethod resource option
EditFeature_Confirm - popup too large in IE
EditFeature - button disabling following layer visibility
HTWindow widget is not collapsible
InitialView - WFS support
MeasureTool, mark "stable" for 1.2
MeasureTool, partialmeasure on mousestop, use 'immediate'
WFSFilterBuilder - sort filter combo box items by name
TemplatePopup - Rewrite queries URL
Wheelmouse Zoom function doing it twice
Support center and zoom attributes of the mappanel object
ApplyFilter new widget using WFS SLD and WFS
API new widget
measureTool - Adding the length of the last segment (or current segment)
WFSFilterBuilder - Add fields support for titles
Measuretool - i18n units
ApplyFilter, mark as stable for 1.2
InitialView - support user-custom locations
Globals getDataStoreInfoFromResource
ApplyFilter - set srsName
ApplyFilter - show message when no results
InitialView - option to toggle layer visibility
InitialView - maxZoom bug if equal to 0
ApplyFilter - extra 3rd request
InitialView - view extent doesn't return a zoom level
Globals.xslt - support 'HTML' for getText template

Closed Tickets 1.2.0 (not fixed):

Different config_secur.xml when using XMLWorkspaceConfig
measure tool reports area mi2 for perimeter mi
MeasureTool Doc needs more information and/or sample
Borealis Authentication timeout not detected by client
MeasureTool : Hectares bug with square feets
PHPCodeSniffer report is different on Linux and Windows
WFSFilterBuilder - WFSSearch breaks when ux not included
WFSFileOpener - new widget
FileTreePanel - upload - always the same error message
FileDownloadProxy - missing French characters in file name
WFSFilterBuilder - use field title instead of its name
MeasureTool : restore OpenLayer style rules parameters

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.