
Version 22 (modified by Mateusz Łoskot, 17 years ago) ( diff )

Added GDAL Maintenance Report 12

GDAL Maintenance Reports 2007 by Mateusz Loskot

Report 12

From: 2007-11-17

To: 2007-11-15


#1415 ogr2ogr/shapefile fails to generate valid polygons with hole touching boundary

#1460 Kakadu and libtool are incompatible

#1484 NHD (ESRI) geodatabase reading problems

#1844 GML reader truncates field values

#1889 Postgres primary key logic disabled, needs to be re-enabled

#1959 INGR driver runs out of memory

#1966 Build Issues on Mac OS X

#1968 OGR GeoJSON Driver

#1972 win32 curl options

#1976 compile with OCI using oracle instantclient

#1978 Customize cache size for Windows CE

#1984 backticks should not be in quotes in

#1988 If Xerces is on by default, the Xerces include dir is not correct

#1991 Improved robustness to broken shapefiles

#1995 Missing doc for ELAS driver

#1996 pdsdataset and isis2dataset updates

Other activities

  • Continuous testing
  • Providing support on IRC #gdal and mailing list
  • ~30 posts to the gdal-dev mailing list
  • Buildbot maintenance

Report 11

From: 2007-10-17

To: 2007-10-31


#1594 Memory allocation error during SPATIAL INDEX creation for Shapefile

#1595 GDALComputeRasterMinMax is failing on NETCDF subdasets

#1620 Bug opening shapefile ind in write mode

#1634 WINCE: 1.4.1 compile fixes

#1643 Nightly fails to compile on 64bit gcc 4.1.1 20070105

#1704 ogr2ogr kml export of polygons can have incorrect vertex winding order

#1749 CreateCopy crashes when creating a virtual copy of a vrt data set

#1790 After creating qix file no features are read from 3D point shapefile

#1794 AAIGRID - error calculating yllcorner in ascii header

#1830 PCRASTER: fix to go from C assert -> CPLAssert

#1844 GML reader truncates field values

#1889 Postgres primary key logic disabled, needs to be re-enabled

#1902 Data truncation sometimes occurs when fetching data using ogr odbc driver

#1924 GDAL with Xerces support

#1928 Can not import ogr/gdal on Mac OS + eggs

#1927 GDAL build for Solaris sparcv9 fails after libraries successfully built

#1929 Missing compilation and linking flags on Unix

#1932 Perl tests crash on telascience-stable builder

#1936 Segmentation fault in gdal_rasterize (finally fixed by Even Rouault)

#1942 Updated docs about spatial index creation

#1953 Remove NG from SWIG bindings summary by ./configure

#1954 1.4.3rc2: File datestamps in distributions wrong

#1955 libz conflict disable HDF4 support

#1958 Building python bindings with Visual C++ fails in debug mode

Other activities

Report 10

From: 2007-10-01

To: 2007-10-16

  • 18 Days of Vacation in Canada, after the FOSS4G 2007

Report 9

From: 2007-09-16

To: 2007-09-30


#1761 CSV driver: Date, Time, DateTime added - patch

#1801 Include new KML driver to the repository

#1827 Configure check for expat inserts wrong EXPAT_INCLUDE into GDALmake.opt

#1844 GML reader truncates field values

#1869 Improve XSD lookup based schemaLocation

Other activities

  • FOSS4G 2008 in Victoria,BC
  • Code Sprint in Victoria,BC

Report 8

From: 2007-09-01

To: 2007-09-15


#1539 Setup Nightly Snapshots

#1747 Add expat detection to makefiles

#1755 The area of a linear ring is not computed correctly

#1776 OGR_L_CreateField does not validate the submitted field defn

#1786 Buffer overflow in JPEG driver

#1799 OGR Interlis driver does not compiler with Xerces 2.8.0

#1818 Libungif license not clear

#1830 PCRASTER: fix to go from C assert -> CPLAssert

#1791 [KML] Buggy parsing of HTML tags in content of <description> element

#1825 Update of libungif sources

#1831 Patch fixing variables scope in the KML driver

#1838 Difference in checksum calculated for MrSID on PowerPC and x86 architectures

Other activities

Report 7

From: 2007-06-01

To: 2007-08-30

Resolved issues

#976 Wrong OGR2OGR conversion

#1229 ogr2ogr doesn't convert 3D and 4D geometries correct

#1415 ogr2ogr/shapefile fails to generate valid polygons with hole touching boundary

#1539 Setup Nightly Snapshots

#1582 Fix the epimetheus slave

#1593 SWIG_MakePtr is undefined in

#1602 The validity of user supplied parameters is not checked in the API

#1634 WINCE: 1.4.1 compile fixes

#1656 ogr2ogr segfault with LCC target projection in ESRI style

#1661 Regenearted ./configure script for 1.4.2

#1666 Broken links to SFS and SRS WKT documentation

#1673 OGR_G_CloseRings side-effect on OGR_G_GetGeometryType

#1676 Incorrect checksum values in tests of Leveller driver

#1704 ogr2ogr kml export of polygons can have incorrect vertex winding order

#1718 OSR ExportToProj4 causes a setfault with an empty reference

#1743 Const correctness in cpl_http module

#1747 Add expat detection to makefiles

#1749 CreateCopy crashes when creating a virtual copy of a vrt data set

#1752 Make new method in OGREnvelope following const-correctness

#1755 The area of a linear ring is not computed correctly

#1756 CreateDataSource segfaults in some cases

#1773 Broken big tiff settings in

#1786 Buffer overflow in JPEG driver

Other activities

Report 6

From: 2007-05-16

To: 2007-05-30

2 weeks break (medical leave)

Updated issues

#1508 configure should check for Python.h before enabling Python (backported to 1.4 branch)

#1606 Improve documentation on OGR SQL (w.r.t MySQL and SQLite) (backported to 1.4 branch)

#1622 BLOB support in MySQL driver not working (backported to 1.4 branch)

Applied fixes to CPL for Windows CE port

Other activities

  • IRC talks and some support
  • Wiki updates
  • Testing a few issues reported by users
  • Tested fixes of GRASS plugin

Report 5

From: 2007-05-04

To: 2007-05-15

(started 2 weeks break)

Resolved issues

#1606 Improve documentation on OGR SQL (w.r.t MySQL and SQLite)

#1622 BLOB support in MySQL driver not working

#1623 BLOB support in SQLite driver not working

Other activities

  • Prepared autotest cases for fixes of #1622 and #1623 (waiting for BLOB support in Python bindings)
  • Wiki
  • Updated OGR documentation and tutorial
  • Buildbot maintenance
  • ~25 posts on the mailing list
  • Ad-hoc fixes for broken builds detected by buildbot (ie. r11463)
  • Testing binaries

Report 4

From: 2007-04-16

To: 2007-04-30

Resolved issues

#738 It seems OGR uses reference counting inconsistently, what result in memory leak

#755 minixml - can't read complex DOCTYPE elements

#823 GDAL compiling under GRASS 6.0

#970 OGRMakeWktCoordinate overflow

#1013 gdalwarp with output GTiff separate deflate fails

#1223 OGRSFDriver::CreateDataSource creates data source with NULL driver

#1321 OGR-ODBC] : DECIMAL field not recognised

#1412 Schema names are not quoted by OGR tools (ogrinfo/ogr2ogr) when using PostGIS as datasource

#1575 Need to limit KML Polygon Complexity

#1576 Crash during destruction of shapefile datasources without spatial references

#1577 Compiling OGR/ILI with Xerces 3.0

#1579 Missing includes in ILWIS driver for GCC 4.3

#1583 Trim precision in numbers of test geometries in WKB files

#1587 Error compiling gdal-grass against gdal 1.4.1

#1588 Need to write unsupported projects as PE strings in HFA driver

#1593 SWIG_MakePtr is undefined in (waiting for 1.4.2 release to confirm the fix)

Analysed and discussed issues

#249 [OGR-GML] GML driver doesn't recognize GML files with 0 features

#976 Wrong OGR2OGR conversion

#1172 GDAL OVF OCI does not work with SrcSQL

#1229 ogr2ogr doesn't convert 3D and 4D geometries correct

#1560 C# namespace names and module names should follow the .NET framework naming guidelines (fixed by Tamas)

#1594 Memory allocation error during SPATIAL INDEX creation for Shapefile

Other activities

  • Tested official binaries for Windows
  • Updates to Wiki
  • ~60 posts on the mailing list and a few hours of support by IRC
  • Provided direct support to a few users by e-mail
  • Reviewed old and very old tickets
  • Buildbot maintenance

Report 3

From: 2007-04-01

To: 2007-04-15

(only 6 of 10 work days)

Resolved issues

#738 It seems OGR uses reference counting inconsistently, what result in memory leak

#755 minixml - can't read complex DOCTYPE elements

#1412 Schema names are not quoted by OGR tools (ogrinfo/ogr2ogr) when using PostGIS as datasource

#1497 Use EnhancedPrecisionOp for difference and intersection operations

#1534 OGR GML reader fails if file has UTF-8 BOM prefix

#1537 ogr_sql: FID not usable in WHERE clause

#1539 Setup Nightly Snapshots

#1556 Missing recent CPLString improvements in branches/1.4

#1566 Proposal of gdalsplit utility

#1572 PG incorrectly recognizes layers from non-default schema

Analysed and discussed issues

#770 Specify proj4text in spatial_ref_sys table of PostGIS

#952 Array bounds error

#976 Wrong OGR2OGR conversion

#1442 Feature.GetFieldAsInteger does not behave correctly on non existant field

#1507 GDALRasterIO crashes for width values higher than 2048 with LZW enabled

Other activities

  • Updated tests:

  • Configured autotest package under Windows with Visual C++ 8.0 builds and native Python binaries

  • Testing beta and stable versions of 1.4.1 release
  • Around 30 e-mails to the gdal-dev and around 20 off-list with support to users
  • A few hours on the #gdal channel
  • Prepared GDAL binaries on request from Windows users
  • New pages on Wiki
  • A few tasks about administration of Trac, Buildbot and GDAL website

Report 2

From: 2007-03-19

To: 2007-03-31

Resolved issues

#1000 HFA reading code does not handle reduced precision properly

#1036 XYMZ data in WKT leads to an error

#1166 gdalnumeric does only support old Numeric package

#1195 Naked ewkb from postigs (queried through python) causes OGR to segfault

#1323 XYZM data cannot be read from wkb

#1389 problem w/ date fields using ogr2ogr to load shapefile into postgis

#1429 Additional fixes to VSI*L and "errno" setting.

#1432 [OGR] Seg fault in ~OGRKMLDataSource()

#1445 (Partially fixed) GetFeature() not implemented efficiently for server based drivers

#1522 class ERSHdrNode has no member named FindElem

#1523 GIMP JPEG error, Spaced World File error

#1539 Setup Nightly Snapshots

Analysed and discussed issues

#1321 [OGR-ODBC] : DECIMAL field not recognised

#1484 NHD (ESRI) geodatabase reading problems

#1528 Random crashes when using OGR SQL in -where clause

#1547 Patch for mingw bug in strdup

Other activities

  • Added or improved tests of:
    • FAST
    • OGR PG
    • HFA
  • GDAL sources refactoring and improvements
  • Cleaned 300 reports on Bugzilla after migration to Trac
  • SWIG Perl tests added to Buildbot
  • Tested GDAL with MinGW buildbot configuration (deferred)
  • Provided support (>30 posts)
  • Ad-hoc troubleshooting
  • Investigated and tested building SWIG Java, for Buildbot (deferred)

Report 1

From: 2007-03-01

To: 2007-03-16

Resolved issues

#1429 VSI*L and "errno" setting.

#1430 [GDAL] ODBC postgresql information schema problems

#1431 Bug, PostgreSQL driver -lco LAUNDER=YES

#1472 Disabling SEQSCAN is now a *bad* idea.

#1474 PostGIS fetches 1 at a time

#1508 configure should check for Python.h before enabling Python

#1514 Query results not cleaned in Soft Transactions of PG

#1516 LANDSAT 7 FAST read problems (finally fixed by Andrey)

#1521 New: Delete feature - .dbf file getting deleted

#1524 New: Fail to read case-sensitive shapefile names

There were also a few minor issues resolved and some submissions not reported on the Bugzilla.

Analysed and discussed issues

#543 OCI driver: getExtent should use USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA

#1248 Please add transaction support to ogr2ogr for the postgres driver

#1445 GetFeature() not implemented efficiently for server based drivers

#1476 Improper handling of Postgis tables with multiple geometry columns

Other activities

  • Updated documentation for drivers:
    • ODBC
    • PGeo
    • PG
  • Added new tests to the GDAL autotest package:
    • FAST
  • Added new test cases to:
    • Shape
    • AAIGrid
  • Improved GDAL Buildbot configuration
  • Support on the gdal-dev list (~50 posts) and #gdal channel
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.