Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#1954 closed defect (fixed)

1.4.3rc2: File datestamps in distributions wrong

Reported by: warmerdam Owned by: Mateusz Łoskot
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.4.3
Component: ConfigBuild Version: 1.4.3
Severity: normal Keywords: svn
Cc: hobu


In the gdal-1.4.3rc2.tar.gz the datestamp on pymod/gdal.i is newer than that on gdal_wrap.c resulting in an attempt to regenerate gdal_wrap.c during an old-gen python build. This generally screws up gdal_wrap.c since it can only be regenerated by a very specific swig version.

A minimal solution (apparently) would be to modify to use svn export instead of svn checkout, since svn export preserves file datestamps properly. But I'm very irritated at this general problem since it will generally screw up folks doing svn checkout's for local development.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Cc: hobu added; hobu mloskot removed
Owner: changed from warmerdam to Mateusz Łoskot

I have modified (r12579) pymod/GNUmakefile to use the swig11pl5 script to generate gdal_wrap.c with the "-" modifier so that if it fails things will continue. This script only exists for folks like me that have set it up as a particular coverscript for SWIG 1.1pl5. This was already done previously in trunk for similar reasons.

I also feel that should be modified to use svn export, and a new release candidate should be generated after that change. Turning over to Mateusz for this change and producing a new release candidate.

This resolves known problems in distribution generation and the known problem for folks that do an svn checkout. But I'm still really pissed off that svn checkout doesn't pull stuff out with "real" dates.

comment:2 by Mateusz Łoskot, 17 years ago

Keywords: svn added
Status: newassigned

Here is short example presenting how are file dates different when using svn checkout and svn export:

  • svn checkout
[frankw@xblade14-2 test]$ svn co gdal

[frankw@xblade14-2 test]$ ls -l gdal/pymod/gdal*
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 115517 Oct 29 00:02 gdal/pymod/gdal.i
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 392366 Oct 29 00:02 gdal/pymod/gdal_wrap.c
  • svn export
[frankw@xblade14-2 test]$ svn export gdal-export

[frankw@xblade14-2 test]$ ls -l gdal-export/pymod/gdal*
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 115517 Oct 15  2006 gdal-export/pymod/gdal.i
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 392366 Jan 17  2007 gdal-export/pymod/gdal_wrap.c

comment:3 by Mateusz Łoskot, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

I updated the script replacing svn checkout with svn export, in trunk (r12581) and branches/1.4 (r12580).

Now, when I generate package as follows:

./ 1.4.3rc3 -branch branches/1.4

following dates are preserved for gdal.i and gdal_wrap.c files:

[frankw@xblade14-2 gdal-1.4]$ tar -zxf gdal-1.4.3rc3.tar.gz 
[frankw@xblade14-2 gdal-1.4]$ cd gdal-1.4.3rc3
[frankw@xblade14-2 gdal-1.4.3rc3]$ ls -l pymod/gdal.i
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 115517 Oct 15  2006 pymod/gdal.i
[frankw@xblade14-2 gdal-1.4.3rc3]$ ls -l pymod/gdal_wrap.c 
-rw-r--r--  1 frankw users 392366 Jan 17  2007 pymod/gdal_wrap.c

I think the issue has been fixed, so I can publish the GDAL 1.4.3 RC3 and close this ticket.

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