

19:46 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
sort py names (diff)
19:37 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
sort py names (diff)
19:07 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
sort py names (diff)


04:57 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by astrid_emde
Update Version 17 (diff)


06:39 Ticket #2499 (Error 404 when starting Re3gistry) created by bilbomatica
After launching the Registry installation, I get a 404 error when I …
05:08 Ticket #2497 (Missing Re3gistry desktop scripts) closed by bilbomatica
invalid: By performing more tests, we can see that we have completed the …


07:19 Ticket #2167 (WMS URL not valid in UDig quickstart) closed by cvvergara
invalid: Udig has been retired from the disk in #2491 This ticket is invalid now.


05:58 Ticket #2498 (Add installation and check of java11 as sudo to ensure its installation) created by jenriquesoriano
Testing on alpha 3 we have noted that java11 will not be installed …


04:13 Ticket #2497 (Missing Re3gistry desktop scripts) created by jenriquesoriano
The installation script of the Re3gistry software tries to copy two …


20:54 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
14:14 Ticket #2496 (possibility to change keyboard layout on welcome screen) created by edso
currently only the ui language is selectable but that still leaves the …


00:17 Ticket #2449 (iso customization for Ubuntu 24.04) closed by kalxas
00:17 Ticket #2374 (python Iris3 on OSGeoLive) closed by kalxas
00:15 Ticket #2481 (Natural Earth data missing from osgeolive-17.0alpha1-amd64.iso) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in 17.0 alpha2


03:22 Ticket #2494 (Starting deegree fails with 500 error) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 117
03:22 Ticket #2493 (Marble doesn't launch when booting from ISO) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in build 117


16:35 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb


12:58 Ticket #2495 (quickstart Mapserver wms is not accessable at ...) created by astrid_emde
* …
06:53 Ticket #2494 (Starting deegree fails with 500 error) created by sanak
06:49 Ticket #2493 (Marble doesn't launch when booting from ISO) created by sanak
Marble doesn't launch from Geospatial / Navigation and Maps / Marble


03:56 Ticket #2419 (version 16 create osgeo_menu image for the desktop) closed by kalxas
03:56 Ticket #2296 (Renaming our 'master' branch to 'main') closed by kalxas
03:49 Ticket #2483 (odc-geo upgrade) closed by kalxas
fixed: Completed in ppa
03:49 Ticket #2428 (xarray io for netCDF) closed by kalxas
fixed: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/commit/897bd5d77435af54dabd63d7d354d
03:48 Ticket #2393 (python3 pystac update) closed by kalxas
fixed: Completed in ppa
03:46 Ticket #2459 (52NorthWPS has been archived by owner) closed by kalxas
fixed: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/commit/2bdaf8a5490589a57e9520bfc92dd
03:45 Ticket #2478 (java ugly/non-antialiased font rendering) closed by kalxas
03:44 Ticket #2491 (uDig remove installation) closed by kalxas
fixed: UDig now retired from the disk …
03:43 Ticket #2423 (uDig 2.2.0RC1 installer problems) closed by kalxas
wontfix: UDig now retired from the disk
03:43 Ticket #2440 (uDIG Help, Tutorial etc. not accessible) closed by kalxas
wontfix: UDig now retired from the disk


18:13 Ticket #2492 (overturemaps python) created by darkblueb
## test install of overture maps client […] ## compare to …


09:52 Ticket #2491 (uDig remove installation) created by cvvergara
Discussion with Jody in …
09:46 Ticket #2490 (uDig Hide documentation) created by cvvergara
Based on this conversation with …


17:14 Ticket #2489 (python3 datacube-core) created by darkblueb
ol17_build95 install datacube==1.8.19 via dot-deb


18:55 Ticket #2488 (deb python3-eodag test install) created by darkblueb
ol17_build95 […] […]
01:19 Ticket #2482 (add PostGIS-3.5) closed by kalxas
fixed: postgis 3.5.0 debian package added


18:49 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
18:48 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
18:47 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb
18:45 noblenightly57 edited by darkblueb


07:38 Ticket #2487 (python3 pywps requires zarr via geotiff) created by darkblueb
discovered while updating pystac-client ; pywps somehow requires …


17:19 Ticket #2486 (web directory includes a link to system tmp) created by darkblueb
ol17_build92 […]


04:21 Ticket #2485 (version 17 create osgeo_menu image for the desktop) created by astrid_emde
we need a desktop background image for version 17. We asked the FOSS4G …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.