- 19:27 Ticket #702 (Create directories for Win and Mac installers at http://live.osgeo.org) created by
- Alex, Can you please create a directory of installers at: …
- 15:17 Ticket #701 (php5-gd is missing - is needed by Mapbender) closed by
- fixed: added the installation to install_mapbender.sh apt-get install …
- 15:13 Ticket #701 (php5-gd is missing - is needed by Mapbender) created by
- Mapbender needs php5-gd for printing. It is now missing in 4.5rc1, …
- 22:55 Ticket #700 (OpenJump icon is missing) closed by
- fixed: the path to the icon file was out of date in …
- 22:46 Ticket #649 (Title bar missing on JOSM) closed by
- fixed: another generic work around for too-big windows on tiny screens: Alt …
- 17:15 Ticket #696 (spatialite gui desktop shortcut should be placed in some desktop folder) reopened by
- 15:48 Ticket #696 (spatialite gui desktop shortcut should be placed in some desktop folder) closed by
- invalid: You have it correct, -gis is a tool to visualize the data, -gui is a …
- 15:31 Ticket #697 (gosmore icon not working) closed by
- wontfix: see the quickstart: […] I agree that it's not a very nice user …
- 06:25 Ticket #700 (OpenJump icon is missing) created by
- see attached file
- 06:19 Ticket #699 (MapGuide Maestro gets CPU usage to 100%) created by
- MapGuide Maestro gets CPU usage to 100% even after closing the application.
- 05:49 Ticket #698 (Imagelinker not working) created by
- Desktop --> Spatial Tools --> Imagelinker see attached file
- 05:27 Ticket #697 (gosmore icon not working) created by
- Desktop --> Navigation and Maps --> Gosmore report an error
- 05:25 Ticket #696 (spatialite gui desktop shortcut should be placed in some desktop folder) created by
- perhaps on Desktop GIS folder?
- 05:17 Ticket #675 (GeoMajas desktop icon not working) closed by
- fixed: fixed in revision 5934
- 19:51 Ticket #686 (52North WPS not starting) closed by
- fixed: fixed after deleting all involved files and reinstalling from trunk.
- 18:09 Ticket #627 (ossim PATH setting breaks GMT and MB-System) closed by
- fixed: the PATH bug was fixed with r4700 before the last release. closing …
- 08:55 Ticket #693 (gdal quickstart includes openev but 4.5 beta 3 does not) closed by
- invalid: Hello, you have a look at an older version of the gdal_quickstart. …
- 07:56 Ticket #693 (gdal quickstart includes openev but 4.5 beta 3 does not) created by
- missing openev to complete the quickstart section
- 09:47 Ticket #685 (OSSIM Planet fails to start) closed by
- fixed: fixed in 4.5 beta 3
- 09:42 Ticket #683 (Rasdaman Earthlook demo won't start) closed by
- fixed: fixed in beta3 + install_rasdaman.sh from revision 5869
- 08:48 Ticket #692 (Xfce icons differ on vm and iso) created by
- The desktop icons are different in desktop and live iso
- 08:47 Ticket #691 (Xubuntu autologin disabled) created by
- The autologin feature is not working for the iso.
- 03:43 Ticket #690 (Mapnik description fails to open) created by
- Choose Geospatial -> Spatial Tools -> Mapnik Introduction Firefox …
- 01:08 Ticket #689 (NaturalEarth Character Encodings) created by
- the NaturalEarth dataset is supplied as .shp files in Windows 1252 …
- 00:56 Ticket #684 (PgRouting demo tables missing from PostGIS) closed by
- fixed
- 16:03 Ticket #688 (Move tmp files to a subdir of tmp) created by
- I'd like to propose that we put all tmp file in a subdir of /tmp. …
- 17:10 Ticket #677 (Saga GIS desktop icon missing) closed by
- fixed: fixed in revision 5852. Probably it was a download error during …
- 16:55 Ticket #624 (livedvd/content.html lists wrong versinos of Geopublsiher and AtlasStyler) closed by
- fixed: it is already fixed in trunk
- 16:36 Ticket #676 (Mapfish desktop icon missing) closed by
- fixed: fixed in revision 5851
- 16:06 Ticket #681 (Geonetwork desktop shortcut not working) closed by
- fixed
- 14:48 Ticket #687 (MapGuide Maestro port fix) created by
- MapGuide Maestro should point to http://localhost:8008/mapguide …
- 14:25 Ticket #686 (52North WPS not starting) created by
- I have tried to run through Quickstart of N52WPS without success. I …
- 13:42 Ticket #674 (Zoo-Project WPS not working according to Quickstart) closed by
- fixed: fixed in revision 5844
- 11:27 Ticket #685 (OSSIM Planet fails to start) created by
- There is an error about libmpi_cxx.so.0 (see attached image)
- 10:49 Ticket #684 (PgRouting demo tables missing from PostGIS) created by
- Trying to run PgRouting Quickstart, after listing the tables in the …
- 10:40 Ticket #683 (Rasdaman Earthlook demo won't start) created by
- Trying to follow the Rasdaman Quickstart, I got a 404 error from …
- 07:27 Ticket #681 (Geonetwork desktop shortcut not working) created by
- The application starts ok with the "start geonetwork" shortcut but the …
- 06:54 Ticket #680 (Update list of files for translation) created by
- Translation Projects in Google Doc need to sync with English list, …
- 06:24 Ticket #679 (Qgis plugins error) closed by
- fixed: The plugin pyarcint was removed yestarday from the compressed archive …
- 06:16 Ticket #679 (Qgis plugins error) created by
- During startup of Qgis there was an error about plugins (see attachment)
- 06:13 Ticket #678 (uDig wms connections in catalog not working) created by
- WMS connections as listed in Quickstart are not working (eg. …
- 05:31 Ticket #677 (Saga GIS desktop icon missing) created by
- Application cannot be started from the Desktop link.
- 05:18 Ticket #676 (Mapfish desktop icon missing) created by
- The link works fine, but the mapfish icon is not present
- 05:15 Ticket #675 (GeoMajas desktop icon not working) created by
- After startup, the link on Desktop: Start Geomajas does not work and …
- 04:47 Ticket #674 (Zoo-Project WPS not working according to Quickstart) created by
- I tried to run the Quickstart and noticed that the service is not …
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.