

A short summary of changes: New features in GRASS 7.8


Stable Release

Release Candidate 2 (RC2)

Release Candidate 1 (RC1)

Git Source Code

  • Milestone: 7.8.3
  • Release branch created on 4 Aug 2019 (GH d4879d4)
  • Git clone of latest 7.8 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes):
      git clone
      cd grass
      git checkout releasebranch_7_8

Overview of changes

The focus of this release are stability fixes.

Important stability fixes across the tree related to Python 3.

The GRASS GIS 7.8.3 release provides more than 206 fixes and improvements with respect to the release 7.8.2.

A number of Mac-specific, more or less critical bugs have been fixed. The perhaps more notable improvement is the now working vector digitizer (G78:g.gui.vdigit) and a lot of wxGUI fixes. For details, please see below.

New modules

  • n/a

Major module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

Minor module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

GUI: Improvements in the Graphical User Interface

  • wxGUI Field calculator: fix wx.ListBox widget choices argument (PR:460)
  • wxGUI: fix 3D rendering in animation tool (PR:293)
  • wxGUI: fix Cartographic Composer Add graphic tool (Line/Rectangle), (PR:310)
  • wxGUI: fix copy-to-clipboard key binding on macOS (PR:393)
  • wxGUI: Fix dbmgr for Python3 (PR:344)
  • wxGUI: Fix error message has appeared after close any module dialog (PR:249)
  • wxGUI: fix failing vector digitizer on mac (PR:3487) (PR:456)
  • wxGUI Fix import vector/raster dialog min width (PR:492)
  • wxGUI fix manage color rules interactively (vector map) frame (PR:429)
  • wxGUI fix set vector output format wx.Choice widget width (PR:453)
  • wxGUI: Fix unable to open file from python editor (PR:288)
  • wxGUI: fix WMS (PR:242)
  • wxGUI g.gui.vdigit: fix update available vector maps
  • wxGUI Graphical Modeler About Dialog: fix import (PR:438)
  • wxGUI Graphical Modeler: remove py2 unicode func (PR:441)
  • wxGUI Histogramming Tool: fix Plot xSpec, ySpec property value (PR:422)
  • wxGUI Layer Manager: fix add layer into the new empty group (PR:413)
  • wxGUI Layer Manager: fix add vector map layer Set color table interactively
  • wxGUI Layer Manager: fix close Layers Display FlatNotebook page (PR:411)
  • wxGUI Manage color rules interactively (vector map)
  • wxGUI mapwin: fix Pointer tool double left click on a map canvas (PR:529)
  • wxGUI preferences: fix load epsg codes (PR:545)
  • wxGUI Raster Digitizer: fix use input raster map layer region (PR:470)
  • wxGUI: removing map layer crashes wxGUI (PR:3607)
  • wxGUI Set vector output format: fix check native format dsn (PR:450)
  • wxGUI Set vector output format: fix load profile settings (PR:451)
  • wxGUI: several fixes related to font dialog (PR:292)
  • wxGUI: Show line numbers in the Python editor (pyedit and gmodeler) (PR:284)
  • wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool: fix close dialog (PR:419)
  • wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool: fix ComboBox widget deprecation warning (PR:418)
  • wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool: fix destroy open dialog (PR:432)
  • wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool: fix execute analysis (PR:440)
  • wxGUI Vector Network Analysis Tool: fix merge dicts (PR:417)
  • wxGUI: wxnviz: fix for HiDPI monitors with scaling set, fix decoding (PR:307)

Python scripting

  • numerous stability fixes regarding the Python 3 support
  • replace obsolete time.clock() in Python 3.3 (PR:244)

Projection support

  • GDAL/OGR import: check projection of input data (PR:317)

GDAL support

  • n/a

Database support

  • PostgreSQL driver: assign 1000 to TEXT field length (PR:412)

Library changes

  • Vectlib: fix usage of vector cats in constraint (PR:262)
  • Vector network lib: fix for Python 3 (PR:279)
  • gisinit: re-enable the version check

JSON / REST support

  • n/a

Unit tests / CI

User Manuals - Documentation


Docker support

  • Alpine docker image: introduce docker multistage builds (PR:276)
  • Alpine docker image: work with py3.8 (PR:278)
  • Alpine docker image: use proj 6.2.1 in Alpine Dockerfile (PR:255)
  • Alpine docker image: added subversion package for g.extension (PR:261)
  • switch to Alpine 3.11 and compiled PDAL as being removed from Alpine repo (PR:399)
  • Ubuntu docker: image with Ubuntu 19:10 (PR:260)
  • added Singularity file

Message Translations

New Addons since GRASS 7.8.2

Closed tickets

See GitHub.

Old trac tickets below.

Closed bugs since the last release

"Quit GRASS GIS" button only exits GUI
vector digitizer unstable
v.proj location not set in dialog
wx.metadata: several issues in syntax
Removing map layer crashes wxGUI
Map display exception when switching to vector digitizer mode
#3677 does not respect mask
addon r.connectivity.distance not working
The "Quit GRASS GIS" button does not close the GRASS shell/session
g.gui.gcp Wizard fails
Bug in modules.xml (double man1 in path)
r74307 breaks GUI: UnicodeDecodeError
Encode error in g.extension, add-ons not written in GUI
update/drop revision check after git switch
GRASS master does not compile with Python 3 on Mac
Addons missing in Makefile
r.external vs under Windows
m.measure: mention square feet
grass78 --config broken
"Add web service layer" broken with Python3
GRASS ctypes fail with Python 3.7.6+
g.gui.iclass: Unable to import packages needed for scatter plot
r.import/v.import: confusing error message "ERROR: proj"

Closed wishes since the last release

Remember recent GIS Data Directory
scalability of r.terraflow
Activate Python 3 tests on the inofficial testing site (fatra)
Update browser list to check for chrome
v.import: document snap=-1

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Dec 27, 2020, 3:09:46 PM
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