
Version 1 (modified by neteler, 6 years ago) ( diff )

+ Release/7.8.0-News draft


A short summary of changes: New features in GRASS 7.8


Stable Release

  • tbd

Release Candidate 1 (RC1)

SVN Source Code

  • Milestone: 7.8.0
  • Release branch created in rXXXXX
  • SVN Checkout latest 7.8 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes):
      svn checkout

Overview of changes

The most important change is the new Python-3 support. A series of new features and stability fixes, manual improvements, and a more language translations have been added. Importantly, the new version is backward compatible with older 7.x releases.

The GRASS GIS 7.8.0 release provides more than XXX fixes and improvements with respect to the stable release 7.6.x.

New modules

  • G78:...

Major module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

  • G78:...

Minor module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

  • G78:...

Improvements in the Graphical User Interface

  • ...

Python scripting

  • ...

Projection support

  • ...

Library changes

  • ...

Unit tests

  • ...

User Manuals - Documentation

  • G78:...


  • Python-3 support implemented across the tree
  • wingrass: ...

Docker support

Message Translations

New Addons since GRASS 7.6.0

  • G7A:...

Closed tickets

Closed bugs since the last release

Run GRASS with Python3
G_progress() does not support GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT=gui
GRASS_BATCH_JOB does not tolerate path with spaces
postgis topology: missing relations
GRASS python library is not working with python 3
g.extension does not work with bitbucket repo
Call to deprecated item in wxGUI
Suspicious use and cleanup of the mapset tempoary directory
python3/ctypes: ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 2: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: expected LP_struct_Cell_head instance instead of LP_struct_Cell_head
winGRASS7.7.svn: displaying raster causes: TypeError: environment can only contain strings
Cartographic composer: OK, pointer and pan buttons do not work
pygrass open vector fails in python3
wxGUI: Save to file in 3D mode fails with Unicode error
wxGUI: UnicodeEncodeError when querying vector map
g.gui.rlisetup: cannot create the configuration file
g.gui.tplot does not open
t.rast.algebra: Error wrong type of input
ctypes compilation error with Python-3.7
temporal modules fail with python 3
winGRASS7.7.svn - - python 3 issues
all temporal modules produce WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server
t.rast.aggregate fails with python3
winGRASS7.7.svn python3 build issues
winGRASS 7.7svn execute command fails
Location wizard on python 3 seems to be broken
lib/python/ctypes/ctypesgencore/parser/ changes after compilation.
Quouting of strings with white space in breaks tests for temporal modules
g.gui.animation: TypeError: 'zip' object is not subscriptable
g.gui.tplot and g.gui.timeline: AttributeError: 'itertools.cycle' object has no attribute 'next'
error when saving workspace in python 3
Python3: range vs xrange
vector digitizer crashes with python 3
r.horizon suffix gets messed up in multi-direction mode
Python 3: gunittest crashes
grass77: g.proj compilation fails with proj 5.2.0
g.extension: Import requests for python3, too
Export vector map (table with column name, which is reserved PostgreSQL keyword) into the PostGIS database
"Next" button inactive in EPSG selection page of Location wizard
v.buffer: segfault in LL
Fix tests stalling with Python 3
OSGeo4W winGRASS77svn - startup error: TypeError: endswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str
winGRASS master (git) - g.proj not found at startup
winGRASS Version: - wrong german Umlaut in wxGUI
g.gui.animation fails to export animation with python3 error
d.mon errors when closing
g.gui.gmodeler: loading of modeller file broken with TypeError

Closed wishes since the last release

#3491 cannot read from other mapsets
graphical modeler: export UI definitions into Python script
prepare OSGeo4W environment for winGRASS 7.8 with python 3
Make python version configurable on compilation time
t.rast.series: allow multiple methods/output
Use unique names on test modules
Make Region importable from pygrass.gis
Do we need to clear the screen when entering/exiting GRASS?

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.