
Version 30 (modified by ticheler, 17 years ago) ( diff )


Welcome to The GeoNetwork opensource Developer website!

If you are a user of the GeoNetwork opensource software, you probably want to go to The GeoNetwork opensource Community website

If you want to report bugs, problems, you are a software developer or simply interested in the development of the GeoNetwork software, this is the place to be :)


For an effective development of the GeoNetwork opensource software, we suggest you start with familiarizing yourself with the software by going through the point listed here:

  • Provide feedback and contribute to this site wherever you feel information is lacking, out of synch or incorrect. This is essential to successful development and use of the application. Don't hesitate to ask if things are not clear, an honest question is NEVER stupid! However, read first to avoid asking the same questions many others did before you.
  • Subscribe to the mailing lists and/or browse through the mailing list archives at
  • Report bugs (see below)
  • Read the updates to know what we worked on. 1st Quarter 2007 update
  • In the planning you can read what's planned for upcoming releases.
  • The strategy] we use.
  • The checklist we use when releasing new versions
  • Ideas for future development are worked out in the Research and Development section (RnD)
  • Contributions that have not yet, or cannot be integrated in the GeoNetwork opensource software. These can include translations, tools and utilities, presentations et cetera.
  • Committer and contributor guidelines should be understood and accepted before contributing code to the project.
  • To better understand the application's architecture we suggest you read the Jeeves manual. This manual explains how to develop an application based on the Jeeves library, also maintained on SourceForge. GeoNetwork opensource is build using this library for most of its functionality. Jeeves takes care of managing data sources, XML transformations through XSL and stuff like starting web services.
  • The GeoNetwork opensource Project Steering Committee
  • The OSGeo GeoNetwork opensource Incubation process can be followed here
  • For more background on Producing Open Source Software please get yourself introduced to all aspects by reading the Producing Open Source Software book.

Bug reporting

The GeoNetwork project migrated to this Trac instance, it replaces the tracker at SourceForge.

GeoNetwork Code Sprint @ Third GeoNetwork Workshop

At the Third GeoNetwork workshop on 5-9 November 2007 in Rome - Italy we plan to have another GeoNetwork code sprint.


  • Add ISO19119 service metadata support
  • Finish z39.50 harvesting
  • Finish DC support for W*S service URLs

About this Trac based website

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.