Planning page ¶
Release schedule ¶
- Monday 21 May: beta 2 release
- Monday 17 June: Release Candidate of GeoNetwork version 2.1
- Monday 2 July: Final release GN v2.1.0
- Monday 9 September: Release Candidate GN v2.2
- Thursday 20 September: Final release GN 2.2. This is just before the FOSS4G and the Intergeo conferences taking place in the week of 23 September
- Middle 2008: Version 3.0
Planned functionality for version 2.1 ¶
Version 2.1 will, beyond the functionality that has already been added, have the following new functionality:
- Privileges handling and metadata ownership (individual metadata ownership besides the group ownership)
- password encryption in database (including migration process update)
- Use of MEF format for data backup when deleting content
- Improve online help system (show help as tooltips)
- Improved search (filters for printable maps, raw data, reports, interactive maps)
- WEBDAV harvesting support (harvest metadata published on webdav folders) optionally:
- Improve workflow to allow review of content before it is published
- Add content review/ rating by users options to interface to allow users to rate content and search on these ratings.
- Integration of InterMap opensource 2.1, the web map client.
- A number of editor improvements
- Bug fixes
- Harvesting of GN 2.0 nodes content from a GN 2.1 node. This will be made available as an update to GeoNetwork 2.0.3 based nodes and will have the form of a single geonetwork.jar library to replace the current (v2.0.3) one.
Planned functionality for version 2.2 ¶
Version 2.2 will have the following added functionality:
- GUI improvements based on the outcome of two usability assessments
- Simple LDAP authentication to allow authentication against corporate authentication system
- Plain text version (for low bandwidth searching)
- CSW harvesting
- Open Archive Initiative (OAI) server and client (harvesting) support + administration interface
- Notification system for system administrators in GeoNetwork software:
- A client thread to send a keep alive message to the server;
- Using the keep alive messages, the server provides a list of users/ hosts currently active. An administrator service will be added to show the list of connected users;
- The new administrative page that displays the active users provides the administrator the option to send a message to all or single users;
- The text message will be presented on the client browser;
- A maintenance password will be used to avoid logins before a scheduled reboot, or while testing the system. This prevents users to connect to an unstable system.
InterMap improvements:
- Export/print functionality to InterMap to export maps in pdf or geotiff format
- Export in GEOTIFF (image with internal geo-reference)
- Export in PDF format. Add a dialogue to set the title, north arrow, scale, page orientation, visible layer legends, copyright info
- “Email this map to” support, using Web Map Context support already available in InterMap
The HTML based mail will provide:
- Thumbnail of the map
- A hyperlink that will open the embedded WMC context in the original InterMap instance.
- Updated documentation
- An updated DVD will be produced with this version of the GeoNetwork software.
Under discussion but not confirmed InterMap improvements:
- Integration of the OpenLayers API in the client part
- InterMap server part to act as a WMS-T cascading server
- Support for KML export of a project, including adding comments with pins etc...
Also under discussion, as a result of usability assessment:
To improve searchability
- Ability to refine search by searching ‘within’ search results
- Results to be classified/sorted by:
- Date of publication
- Date map refers to
- Rating
- Number of views (popularity)
- Highlight searched keywords (context) in results
- By default, search should:
- Spell check
- A search for synonyms and equivalents and yield the relevant results
- Metadata to show version number, which is revised each time metadata is updated
To improve admin and publishing
- Automate the registration process, with an email sent to site administrator who then approves the account
- Creation of a lost-password retrieval system
- Data managers have customised user pages which contain all “their” files, and can view usage statistics
- Automated email to data manager asking them to check that their metadata/data is still valid on an annual basis from creation/update (to help improve "housekeeping")
Planned functionality for version 3.0 ¶
Planning has started for GeoNetwork opensource 3.0. This section will be expanded over time. Version 3 is planned for release in 2008. The version should further enhance GeoNetwork opensource while remaining backward compatible with the earlier versions.
- Support for the ebRIM based OGC-Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) interface with the ISO and ISO-EO (Earth Observation) extension packages.