#224 Add to test suite sample like UMN Mapserver and GeoServer queries
#611 [raster] gdal2wktraster.py crashes on Windows 7
#629 [raster] Raster ST_Contains
#989 [raster] gdal2wktraster.py has trouble with GRD files
#1168 [raster] ST_AsRaster ability to render more complex types
#2362 Support building with CMake
#2492 Get websites to change postgis links to new website
#2878 winnie coughing up blood when trying to build cunit for twkb –
comment:21 #3068 Arbitrary "coord_dimension" for geometry_columns with unconstrained 4D point –
16 #3824 Doc changes from Andreas Schild via transifex
#5188 heads-up: PROJ_LIB is now deprecated (use PROJ_DATA instead)
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