

21:49 Ticket #1234 (pgRouting: PostGIS database ways table bad import os OSM data) closed by dkastl
fixed: Issue was fixed in osm2pgRouting. Should be included in the latest …
21:47 Ticket #1187 (pgRouting database load trouble: "value is out of range for type smallint") closed by dkastl
fixed: Changed the attribute type to integer. Should be included in the …


13:09 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
09:16 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
09:02 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
08:33 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
07:50 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
added download link (diff)


12:50 Ticket #1238 (shp2pgsql-gui is missing from the geospatial menu) closed by wildintellect
fixed: Thanks, I wasn't aware of the package. Added in #10903.
12:23 Ticket #1238 (shp2pgsql-gui is missing from the geospatial menu) created by pramsey
While shp2pgsql is built, shp2pgsql-gui is not. On a Linux system, …


19:27 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
added FOSS4G 2013 and pgRouting WS (diff)


14:36 Ticket #1236 (svn tag 7.0 not done yet) closed by hamish


11:45 Ticket #1236 (svn tag 7.0 not done yet) created by darkblueb
there is a branch but no tag? …


13:34 Ticket #1234 (pgRouting: PostGIS database ways table bad import os OSM data) created by hamish
Hi, moving this into its own ticket from #1233. * connect to …


01:48 Ticket #1224 (Spatialite version conflict) closed by micha
fixed: Checked in build 10834. Spatialite and QGIS are working fine together.


04:17 Ticket #1227 (Cartaro quickstart - geoserver page returning 401) closed by camerons
fixed: I've tried running again from a fresh boot up, and seems that I can't …


18:18 Ticket #1233 (TinyOWS quickstart failure) created by hamish
Hi, no luck with the 7.0rc2 quickstart for TinyOWS, there are a …
13:53 Ticket #1232 (Rasdaman quickstart doesn't follow quickstart format) created by camerons
The Rasdaman quickstart doesn't follow the format defined at: …
13:50 Ticket #1231 (Mapfish search query fails) created by darkblueb
Using Mapfish on the Live 7.0 RC2.. Geospatial -> Browser Clients -> …
11:56 Ticket #1230 (Postgres Disk Activity on Boot) created by darkblueb
During testing of Live 7.0 RC2, it was noticed that there is some …
04:06 Ticket #1229 (OSSIM: Can't find cape_cod dataset reference in Quickstart) created by camerons
Quickstart tells uses to open file: File ‣ Open Image ‣ …
03:37 Ticket #1228 (otb: can't find qb_RoadExtract.tif dataset listed in quickstart) created by camerons
OTB Quickstart includes: "Select an raster image, using File ‣ Open …
03:16 Ticket #1227 (Cartaro quickstart - geoserver page returning 401) created by camerons
Following the Cartaro quickstart, and started Cartaro, Then got up to: …
01:26 Ticket #1226 (pycsw quickstart - link broken) closed by kalxas


22:43 Ticket #1226 (pycsw quickstart - link broken) created by erika
Hi, In pycsw quickstart, external demo link is broken: >Data …
14:51 Ticket #1225 (GeoNetwork quickstart requires updated screenshots) created by camerons
GeoNetwork quickstart screenshots are taken from GeoNetwork 2.6 (or …
14:35 Milestone OSGeoLive7.0 completed
04:00 Ticket #1224 (Spatialite version conflict) created by micha
We now have on the LiveDVD two versions of libspatialite, both …


19:04 Ticket #1223 (Mapnik quickstart - link broken) created by erika
Hi, Following tutorials url link points to a not found (404) page. > …
17:42 Ticket #1120 (gpsbabel works only as root) reopened by hamish
does gpsd's xgps work? how about OpenCPN and GpsDrive? If GtkTerm is …
08:24 Ticket #1222 (Zoo Project zoom not working) created by micha
Something seems weird with the zoo-project demo. The zoom in and out …
06:46 Ticket #1221 (R quickstart, missing vignette) created by micha
In the R quickstart, there's a reference to a non-existent vignette: …
04:45 Ticket #1220 (osgEarth: some keys not working) created by camerons
Following the quickstart, I'm able to open the srtm.earth file, and …
03:50 Ticket #1219 (GeoNode throws 404 when creating a map) created by camerons
Opened BrowserClient->GeoNode Scrolled down to the "Tasmania State …
03:31 Ticket #1218 (GeoNode: Can't register new user as per quickstart) created by camerons
Following quickstart: 1. Opened GeoNode. 2. Clicked "Sign In" 3. …


14:50 Ticket #1217 (Out of sync translations missing renamed image links) created by hamish
Hi, a few image names changed without the translated versions of the …
14:11 Ticket #1216 (Leaflet does not have a Geospatial menu item) created by kalxas


13:33 Ticket #1215 (ossim ipython profile not working from chroot) created by hamish
Hi, the install_ipython.sh script pre-seeds a profile for ossim, but …
06:03 Ticket #1208 (UbuntuGIS update to gdal 1.10 breaks GdalTools plugin in QGIS 1.8) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed post RC1
03:02 Ticket #1120 (gpsbabel works only as root) closed by hamish
fixed: presumed fixed by adding user the the plugdev group. Hamish
02:54 Ticket #1131 (Update artwork to 7.0) closed by hamish
fixed: see also #1206
02:51 Ticket #1211 (Geonode admin password in passwords.txt) closed by hamish
01:42 Ticket #1213 (ncWMS: missing image file ref'd in ReST quickstart) closed by guygriffiths
fixed: I've corrected the ReST quickstart to reference the correct image.
01:31 Ticket #1213 (ncWMS: missing image file ref'd in ReST quickstart) created by hamish
Hi, […] the file doesn't exist. Hamish


21:21 Ticket #1212 (52nSOS stop memory and processes) created by darkblueb
A very clean way to shutdown 52nSOS has not yet been written. The …
20:43 Ticket #1211 (Geonode admin password in passwords.txt) created by darkblueb
.. is missing. It appears to be Geonode,admin,admin
07:51 Ticket #1210 (wrong version of leaflet is installed) closed by kalxas
fixed: Fixed in 7.0 RC1
07:46 Ticket #1206 (change desktop screenshot for 7.0 release) closed by kalxas
fixed: Hi, Brian and me did the 2 screenshots needed, after re-sizing the …


12:29 Ticket #1210 (wrong version of leaflet is installed) created by johanvdw
On the current build of the live dvd an old version of leaflet is …


18:31 Ticket #1209 (update mac/windows installer scripts) closed by kalxas
fixed: fixed.
15:52 Ticket #1139 (Upgrade pgRouting to version 2.0.0) closed by dkastl
fixed: I think I forgot to updated this ticket. The current package of …
15:16 Ticket #1159 (libgdal-grass not updated for latest grass) closed by kalxas
fixed: tested in build 10764 and works fine.
14:25 Ticket #1209 (update mac/windows installer scripts) created by hamish
Hi, before final release we should check that the scripts which …
13:12 Ticket #1208 (UbuntuGIS update to gdal 1.10 breaks GdalTools plugin in QGIS 1.8) created by kalxas


22:16 Ticket #1206 (change desktop screenshot for 7.0 release) reopened by hamish
Hi, fwiw I typically do a final-pedantic tidy version of these right …


14:11 Ticket #1206 (change desktop screenshot for 7.0 release) closed by kalxas
11:49 Ticket #1204 (delete Rasdaman temporary DE page) closed by kalxas
fixed: done
10:59 Ticket #1206 (change desktop screenshot for 7.0 release) created by kalxas
still showing 6.5 desktop
10:55 Ticket #1195 (Image iris.jpg is missing) closed by kalxas
07:33 Ticket #1199 (Polish Docs encoding problems) closed by milenaN
fixed: thanks for finding fixed in r10714
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.