

13:31 Ticket #499 (Updated GeoNetwork install scripts to be tested) created by ticheler
I updated the GeoNetwork install scripts in the hope they resolve the …


15:44 Ticket #498 (Click2try apt sources are not updated) created by springmeyer
'jaunty-updates' needs to be added to '/etc/apt/sources.list' on the …
04:44 Ticket #497 (click2try - no way svn update files in gisvm/bin/) created by erilem
I've been trying to svn update /home/user/gisvm/bin/install_mapfish.sh …
03:38 Ticket #442 (Resolve java and servlet container versions) closed by camerons
fixed: Java version numbers resolved by release 2.0.3 (although not in the …
03:29 Ticket #494 (Remove screen saver on click2try image) closed by camerons


14:13 Ticket #495 (click2try VM user/password should be same as LiveDVD) created by camerons
Currently the click2try username and password is: user/password. …
13:49 Ticket #494 (Remove screen saver on click2try image) created by camerons
The click2try version of the Virtual Machine switches to a variable …


23:36 Ticket #488 (no curl on LiveDVD) created by darkblueb
sudo apt-get install curl fails…


13:45 Ticket #487 (List project licenses) created by camerons
It seems that there are some projects which are not purely Open …


15:44 Ticket #433 (Change Language, Country and Keyboard-Layout at first boot) closed by hamish
duplicate: merged this report into #463; see also #484.
14:21 Ticket #486 (ECW and Mrsid for GDAL) created by wildintellect
I know with the ubuntugis repo adding both of these is possible, but …
12:08 Ticket #485 (marble needs a desktop icon) created by hamish
Hi, currently the very cool Marble app only has a menu entry …
12:06 Ticket #484 (provide language support) created by hamish
Hi, currently the available language options are about a dozen …
11:22 Ticket #483 (maptile exe download crawls) created by wildintellect
For some reason when re-running the build iso a couple of windows …


20:51 Ticket #482 (crazy font size on mac computers) created by hamish
Hi, as Jody reported the font size on the startup screen and in QGIS …
18:33 Ticket #481 (deegree shutdown) created by wildintellect
deegree shutdown doesn't seem to work as expected. Java processes …
18:32 Ticket #480 (Mapfish shutdown) created by wildintellect
There's no clear way to shutdown mapfish once you start it, which …
18:31 Ticket #479 (udig data directory buried) created by wildintellect
udig data directory is buried one level lower than it should be.
17:37 Ticket #478 (deegree start user confusion) created by wildintellect
deegree for some reason didn't like launching without sudo privaleges. …
17:24 Ticket #477 (Add symbolic link to data directory from /home/user) created by camerons
We should have a symbolic link from the home directory to the data …
13:40 Ticket #476 (localhost not viewable in offline mode) created by camerons
When the network is disconnected, the http://localhost url is not …
02:38 Ticket #475 (Test Install of ISO) created by wildintellect
Can someone test if clicking the install button works work on a real …
02:37 Ticket #444 (Default resolution is way to big.) closed by hamish
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