Custom Query (72 matches)


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Status: closed (72 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1184 restore menu launcher for openlayers live-demo@… defect trivial OSGeoLive fixed
#1072 Remove QGIS guide docs live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive wontfix
#1098 Kosmo ships old JTS lib live-demo@… task minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1132 ossim data fail to download for the last few builds live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1166 Kosmo icon path error live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1178 GeoNetwork sub-menu misses icon live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1186 marble-qt needs to have a launcher in the XFCE menu live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1193 kde icons for menu groups missing hamish defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1198 OpenLayers and Leaflet menu items should be under Browser Clients live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive wontfix
#1199 Polish Docs encoding problems live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1223 Mapnik quickstart - link broken live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#1226 pycsw quickstart - link broken live-demo@… defect minor OSGeoLive fixed
#995 osgeo-desktop image needs to be "stretched" darkblueb enhancement normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1049 liblas specifies libboost version live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#1062 Cartaro, EOxServer and Geomajas should be in submenus hamish defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1096 add ipython and ipython-notebook packages to the build live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1099 pycsw quickstart screenshot outdated kalxas task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1100 gmt directories in /var/www live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1122 Around 19.5 GB limitation live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive wontfix
#1137 zoo-project background map problem live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1138 Upgrade uDIG latest 1.4.0 release fgdrf task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1139 Upgrade pgRouting to version 2.0.0 dkastl task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1141 Projects using default tomcat should enable it in their startup scripts kalxas defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1146 Update Kosmo Desktop package to new 3.0 release sbcalvo task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1152 ncWMS launchers not installed in Geospatial menu hamish defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1158 Cartaro uninstalls postgis. live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1159 libgdal-grass not updated for latest grass live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1162 000-default is not a symlink live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1164 qgis user guide missing (404) live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1171 Update OTB to 3.18.1 manuelgrizonnet task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1172 Add python-kml to python install live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1174 Update Kosmo Desktop overview sbcalvo task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1177 group GeoNode launchers to a sub-menu in XFCE hamish defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1181 create UbuntuGIS package for current stable libLAS live-demo@… enhancement normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1183 ipython install fails live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1190 rasdaman: db creation causing 63000 lines of junk in the build log live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1194 disk usage logs to take /tmp into account kalxas enhancement normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1195 Image iris.jpg is missing darkblueb task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1196 Rasdaman project logo missing (apps-collage.jpg) live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1204 delete Rasdaman temporary DE page live-demo@… task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1208 UbuntuGIS update to gdal 1.10 breaks GdalTools plugin in QGIS 1.8 live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1210 wrong version of leaflet is installed johanvdw task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1211 Geonode admin password in passwords.txt live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1213 ncWMS: missing image file ref'd in ReST quickstart live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1221 R quickstart, missing vignette live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1227 Cartaro quickstart - geoserver page returning 401 live-demo@… defect normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1236 svn tag 7.0 not done yet hamish task normal OSGeoLive fixed
#1032 GeoNetwork freezes under Virtual Box when memory is 1GB or less kalxas defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1129 GeoNetwork includes internal GeoServer live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1130 rasdaman build failure live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1131 Update artwork to 7.0 live-demo@… task major OSGeoLive fixed
#1134 mb-system fails to install live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1135 EOxServer produces server error 500 live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1136 Cartaro not working after GeoServer upgrade live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1142 df not working within chroot kalxas enhancement major OSGeoLive fixed
#1145 Remove privative libraries from Kosmo Desktop package sbcalvo task major OSGeoLive duplicate
#1150 Installation of GeoNode provides 404 error ingenieroariel defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1165 Upgrade Marble to the latest stable version live-demo@… enhancement major OSGeoLive fixed
#1167 Retire MapTiler live-demo@… task major OSGeoLive invalid
#1168 Configure GeoNode to use postgis and fix permission problems live-demo@… task major OSGeoLive fixed
#1185 remove war files in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps to save space live-demo@… enhancement major OSGeoLive fixed
#1189 psql db size summary: broken in recent builds live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1201 mb-system demo data not reachable live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1206 change desktop screenshot for 7.0 release hamish task major OSGeoLive fixed
#1224 Spatialite version conflict live-demo@… defect major OSGeoLive fixed
#1147 Non free libraries included in gvSIG and Kosmo packages live-demo@… defect critical OSGeoLive fixed
#1157 pgrouting fails to install after postgis update dkastl defect critical OSGeoLive fixed
#1234 pgRouting: PostGIS database ways table bad import os OSM data dkastl defect critical OSGeoLive fixed
#1154 PostGIS failed to install from UbuntuGIS repository live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive fixed
#1160 qgis problem in UbuntuGIS live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive fixed
#1176 grass upgrade to 6.4.3 not installable on disk live-demo@… defect blocker OSGeoLive fixed
#1209 update mac/windows installer scripts live-demo@… task blocker OSGeoLive fixed
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