
Version 2 (modified by jng, 4 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide 4.0.0 Preview 2 Release Notes

MapGuide Open Source 4.0.0 Preview 2 is now available.


NOTE: We now only provide 64-bit builds for both Windows and Linux and SHA-1 checksums are provided for all binary aritfacts listed

Windows InstallerDownload 9a178b6438c0ac4147ab8653df8a12277317464e
Windows InstantSetup bundleDownload f4b6d685f1728c2868c478453a1ce33b56aa1dba
Ubuntu 16.04 installerDownload 84ed8ed269093e0128cbd2675c8bf33b59ea349c
Sheboygan Sample DataSheboygan.mgp 360dd5cef981bc8fe64fc9c6d1f4d428272d61a5

Changes since 4.0 Preview 1.1

  • #2206: Better quality MgResourcesLoadFailedException error message
  • #2808: Windows builds now ship with optional .pdb files
  • #2825: Fix several memory leaks in GwsQueryEngine
  • Bundled Tomcat updated to 9.x and now requires Java 8 or higher installed

New Features in 4.0 (as of preview 2)

NOTE: 4.0 Preview 2 is a snapshot of the current work in progress and is not indicative of what the 4.0 final release may look like

  • [New in Preview 2] New development HTTP web server to easily stand up a mapagent without IIS or Apache MapGuide RFC 181
  • Massive tile set improvements
    • [New in Preview 2] Support for Mapbox Vector Tiles as tile output format MapGuide RFC 177
    • Support for UTFGrid as tile output format MapGuide RFC 159
    • MapGuide RFC 170
      • Support for meta-tile generation
      • Support for a localized version of the (previously serverconfig.ini global) TileExtentOffset setting
    • MapGuide RFC 173
      • Support for "retina" (aka. hi-dpi) tile generation
      • Removed tile set restrictions for MgMap creation
  • New APIs
    • [New in Preview 2] New init entry point to allow proper init of MapGuide API in a pure class library context MapGuide RFC 182
    • Geometry simplification APIs MapGuide RFC 153
    • Creating MgMap instances with initial display parameters MapGuide RFC 157
    • "Clean and simplified" JSON output in mapagent MapGuide RFC 158
      • mapagent operations that return feature data is outputted as GeoJSON under this mode
    • Geo-processing operations for mapagent MapGuide RFC 161
    • Batch coordinate transformation support in mapagent and transformation support for geometry data MapGuide RFC 162
    • New MgMap properties to describe newly surfaced tile set properties introduced with MapGuide RFC 173

Known Issues


Maestro Authoring Known Issues

The current release of MapGuide Maestro (6.0m10) has some known issues when connecting to a 4.0 preview 1 server. These issues will be addressed with the next milestone release.

FDO Notes

MGOS 4.0.0 Preview 1 is built against FDO trunk (TBD)

Due to unavailable build resources (the build maintainer does not have access to the ESRI SDK), this release does not include the ArcSDE FDO provider

FDO trunk (TBD) is near identical to FDO 4.1 in terms of functionality with the following changes:

  • Improved WFS services support for WFS FDO provider
  • MySQL Provider:
    • Support for the full suite of spatial operations for MySQL >= 5.6
    • Experimental support for MariaDB
    • Experimental support for MySQL 8.0
    • Improve SRID sampling query performance
  • PostGIS Provider:
    • Added support for PostgreSQL 12.0
    • No longer joins to pg_authid when listing tables/views
    • Support for curve strings and curve polygons
  • SHP Provider: Fix memory leaks in extended select implementation

The King Oracle provider now requires Oracle Instant Client 12cR2

Installer notes

You cannot use the windows installer to in-place upgrade an existing MapGuide Open Source 3.1.x or older installation. Only one MapGuide installation (via the Windows installer) can exist on any given machine. Use the InstantSetup bundle if side-by-side installs are required. Be sure to back up any data and applications before carrying out the new installation.

Before upgrading, it is recommended that you take a backup of your existing repository (whether that is through creating MGP packages with the MapGuide Site Administrator or using the provided repository backup tools/scripts)

Extra Files

Due to size constraints, the binary packages for this release of MapGuide omit the following CS-Map data files:

  • USA:
    • NSRS 2007/2011 datum shift files
    • 1996/1999/2003 Geoid height data files
  • Australia:
    • GDA 2020 datum shift files

These extra files are available for download as a separate 7-zip archive:

To install these files, extract the contents into your Dictionaries folder of your CS-Map installation. On Windows, this would normally be:

  • C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\CS-Map\Dictionaries

Restart your MapGuide Server after extracting the files.

Unless you work with data in one or more coordinate systems that involves one of the above datums, you do not need these files.

Windows Compatibility

Windows 10Yes+Yes
Windows VistaMaybe+Maybe+
Windows 7YesYes
Windows Server 2008Yes+Yes+
Windows Server 2008 R2N/AYes
Windows 8Yes1Yes1
Windows Server 2012N/AYes1
Windows Server 2016N/AYes
Windows 8.1Maybe1Maybe1

Known Issues

Please report any issues you find.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.