
Version 204 (modified by wenzeslaus, 2 years ago) ( diff )

Move outdated content down

GRASS Developer Wiki

See the development section of the GRASS user's wiki (to be moved here)

Submitting Rules

Release Planning

GRASS 7 Notes




Outdated Content about GRASS Trac

This Trac instance is used for GRASS GIS, for bug, enhancement & task tracking, a developer wiki, and a view into the subversion code repository. To edit the wiki pages and bug/enhancement/task tickets you'll need to login with an OSGeo Userid. Read the TracGuide for details about how the site works.


The source code is managed on GitHub. The GitHub repositories are:

Bug Tracking


User Wiki

Migrating from GRASS GIS 6 to version 7.x?

  • see here for changes in parameter names and changed flags
  • see here for removed modules and renamed modules
  • see here for renamed options

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.