

19:02 Ticket #1418 (docs: Download links inconsistant between translations) created by darkblueb
Links for downloads are inconsistent between language versions also …


13:05 Ticket #1416 (translated download pages point to OSGeo-Live 7.0 (instead of 8.0)) created by camerons
On 7/10/2014 12:24 am, Agustin Diez Castillo wrote: The German [1]


12:06 Ticket #1409 (Examine Potential Conflicts in PGDG and Current Repos for PostgreSQL) created by darkblueb
PostgreSQL and Postgres Global Development Group repo packages may …


02:25 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
02:23 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
fixed links (diff)
02:20 Live_GIS_Workshop_Install edited by dkastl
Added pgRouting workshop for FOSS4G Portland (diff)


13:23 Ticket #1403 (uDig: crash when you click on the 'web' tab) created by hamish
Hi, start udig (twice), in the lower frame click on the "web" tab. …


23:02 Ticket #1400 (QGIS settings point to wrong 52nSOS postgis db name) created by hamish
Hi, the pre-seeded postgis database connection for qgis is wrong, it …
21:12 Ticket #1399 (OpenJUMP fails on system with more than 4gb ram) created by hamish
For the OSGeoLive 8.0 disc we use 32bit Lubuntu with the linux pae …
20:54 Ticket #1398 (QGIS's processing (sextante) toolbox hijacks grass's .rc file) created by hamish
Hi, if you use the processing (sextante) toolbox in QGIS it …
20:37 Ticket #1397 (welcome message needs updating for language & keyboard l10n) created by hamish
Hi, we forgot to update the welcome message with the new instructions …
07:40 Ticket #1396 (Update Tomcat to 7/8) created by nuest
An update to Tomcat 7 would allow to install webapps using Servlet …


14:57 Milestone OSGeoLive8.0 completed
Major release of the year, based on Lubuntu 14.04 LTS. Focus on …
13:36 Ticket #1218 (GeoNode: Can't register new user as per quickstart) reopened by hamish
Quickstart still discusses registering a new account, that's the bug …
10:16 Ticket #1316 (mapfish: can't query POI) closed by kalxas
wontfix: MapFish retired…
10:15 Ticket #1391 (maptiler: fails on epsg code 900913) closed by kalxas
fixed: thanks Hamish for the fix
10:10 Ticket #1218 (GeoNode: Can't register new user as per quickstart) closed by kalxas
invalid: GeoNode 2.4 does not give the option to register a new user. Please …
01:43 Ticket #1394 (uDig: fails to start on first launch) created by hamish
Hi, the first time you start udig it errors out with a JRE fault some …


02:24 Ticket #1393 (gmt: pscoast never completes) created by hamish
quickstart example for gmt fails, or at least runs forever at 100% …
02:10 Ticket #1379 (No data loaded in GeoNode demo) closed by kalxas
fixed: Closing this, continued in #1392
02:09 Ticket #1392 (Cannot upload new data in GeoNode) created by kalxas
The UI is complaining about incomplete file even though a full set of …


14:25 Ticket #1387 (Apache Crash) closed by darkblueb
worksforme: I discovered bad RAM on the host machine for this VM..


22:54 Ticket #1391 (maptiler: fails on epsg code 900913) created by hamish
Hi, maptiler tries to use epsg code 900913, but the …


20:37 Ticket #1390 (Contact Us - Nabble link is invalid) created by sanak
The following Nabble link doesn't exist. …
04:08 Ticket #1188 (geoserver: server errors in cartaro and geonode) closed by kalxas
fixed: The GeoServer startup/shutdown log messages do not appear in 8.0 build …
04:06 Ticket #1107 (gvSIG throws a java error when trying to zoom in) closed by kalxas
fixed: I was not able to reproduce this issue in 8.0 series. Closing the ticket.
02:25 Ticket #1389 (deegree starts firefox in sudo, taking ownership of .mozilla profile) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in build [11868]
02:19 Ticket #1386 (sahaha: login fails) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in build [11868]


16:41 Ticket #1389 (deegree starts firefox in sudo, taking ownership of .mozilla profile) created by hamish
Hi, the degree start icon runs ~/bin/launch_assist.sh, which stars …


23:45 Ticket #1380 (Some German items left in MapBender UI) closed by astrid_emde
17:55 Ticket #1179 (Link python-gisdata to Live data dir) closed by ingenieroariel
fixed: python-gisdata is listed as recommended now instead of required.
17:50 Ticket #1343 (ipython scipy stack on Trusty) closed by darkblueb


04:59 Ticket #1388 (GeoServer can't be started) closed by sanak
invalid: Sorry, I installed the iso to a hard disk on my VirtualBox with custom …
03:51 Ticket #1373 (Geospatial menu missing in LXDE) closed by hamish
fixed: ok, spatialite-gui icon now present in the nightly iso build r11826. …


22:09 Ticket #1388 (GeoServer can't be started) created by sanak
I confirmed it as follows. ===== 1. Select [Start Menu] / …
08:35 Ticket #1387 (Apache Crash) created by darkblueb
while idling hours, Apache crashed. Note that the stable Chatzilla …


23:26 Ticket #1386 (sahaha: login fails) created by hamish
Hi, using the credentials given in the quickstart (and install script …
20:30 Ticket #1384 (GeoMOOSE demo: blank browser) closed by jimk
fixed: I removed the Yahoo layers from the upstream distribution. Also, …
09:22 Ticket #1385 (Start Geomajas: error 503) created by rouault
Start Geomajas: a browser opens with a HTTP ERROR : 503. Problem …
09:21 Ticket #1384 (GeoMOOSE demo: blank browser) created by rouault
The GeoMOOSE demo launches but nothing displays. It gets stucked on …
08:59 Ticket #1383 (qgis_server demo brings the OSGeo Live VM down) created by rouault
When having launched Firefox and then the QGIS_MapServer demo, panning …
02:50 Ticket #1382 (update quickstarts to reflect new menu structure) created by hamish
Hi, the following quickstarts (en/) refer to the Applications menu, …


06:19 Ticket #1381 (Duplicate pywps logo) closed by jachym
fixed: Should be fixed by now They both were looking the same - I removed …
05:51 Ticket #1381 (Duplicate pywps logo) created by olt
The repo contains two versions of the PyWPS logo with the same …


03:35 Ticket #1380 (Some German items left in MapBender UI) created by kalxas
The login button and the application title are in German after the …
03:31 Ticket #1355 (Iris fails to build in 14.04) closed by kalxas
fixed: confirmed fixed in 8.0beta1
03:03 Ticket #1379 (No data loaded in GeoNode demo) created by kalxas
The layer list is empty


07:00 Ticket #1354 (GeoNode deb files need to be ported to 14.04) closed by kalxas
fixed: Confirmed fixed in build [11674]


07:03 Ticket #1353 (EOxServer failing to install) closed by schpidi
fixed: Closing, correct functioning confirmed with build 11659.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.