Custom query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Milestone Owner Type Priority
#2167 WMS URL not valid in UDig quickstart new osgeolive@… task minor
#2343 Update version for documentation generation new osgeolive@… task normal
#2311 Update Sphinx presentation plugin new osgeolive@… task normal
#2241 unused template assigned cvvergara task normal
#2244 Unused images assigned cvvergara task normal
#2240 Unused file about contributors assigned cvvergara task normal
#2239 Unused directories assigned cvvergara task normal
#2407 Translation using weblate new osgeolive@… task minor
#2242 toc files not used assigned cvvergara task normal
#2292 Suggestions for R quickstart new osgeolive@… task normal
#2296 Renaming our 'master' branch to 'main' new osgeolive@… task normal
#2426 python3 pygeos new osgeolive@… task normal
#2294 osm import to postgresql via osm2pgsql with --output=flex option to provide a better table layout new osgeolive@… task normal
#1989 OSGeoLive kinds of volunteers new live-demo@… task normal
#1991 Kinds of contributions (external volunteers) new live-demo@… task normal
#2430 Jupyter Shapely Notebook errors new osgeolive@… defect normal
#2079 Halestudio application new osgeolive@… task normal
#1990 Description of tasks (to make a release) new live-demo@… task normal
#2376 default desktop resolution 800x600 too small ... new osgeolive@… task normal
#2433 Avoid DB names with upper case new osgeolive@… task normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.