
MapGuide Release 1.2



No results

MapTips fail when properties have null values
tile egde effects with raster layers
geometry buffer operation fails on curvepolygon
CPPUnit Failed to Build on SVN MapGuide
CppUnit-1.9.14 still issue in ./
AJAX viewer and IE - Images in tooltip
MapAgent crashes on incomplete/incorrect FeatureService - GetClassDefinition call
Layer stylization fails when null geometry is encountered
Change new symbolization SymbolReference elements to ResourceId for indexing
Add icon on toolbar to show that map is reloading
Fix some bugs in the ResizeBox symbolization code
ECW and Mr Sid not printing from DWF Viewer
Label angles are backwards in AJAX viewer using new symbolization
Schema does not allow setting resource ID for referenced content in Image graphic element
Internet Explorer HTTPS (SSL) shows the message 'contains both secure and nonsecure items'
Text background styles do not display in new symbolization
Ajax and Dwf viewers do not work under IIS+PHP configuration
Fix failed unit tests
Mouse wheel zoom support and scale input in status bar
SymbolManager allows referencing symbols on file system
Error calling MgWktReaderWriter.Write from PHP
line_weight=0 results in divide by zero error in GDUtil.cpp's rs_gdImageThickLineBrush method
AJAX Viewer: Clear selection does not clear properties
GetSiteVersion cannot be called with Author role
"thread model is not supported" error when previewing GDAL based layers
Sheboygan Districts layer is displaced
Symbolization: Legend icons missing for layers using new symbolization
Symbolization: Validation of mapping space symbols in new symbolization
Finish documenting symbolization schema
WFS GetFeature: Property filter fails if property is not a string
php viewer address/parcel search does not show pushpin symbols
Legend bitmaps previews are one pixel off for polygon layers
Server/Web Tier stability
Coordinate system overrides are not handled in server
DataConnectionTimeout handler does not use Administrator user info level
Disable type-in scale when tiled layers present?
Symbol instance insertion offset is applied before rotation
DWF symbols no longer display in DWF Viewer
CSS errors in Viewer files
Map Admin - don't fill in the login password with php
Rotated images do not scale in AJAX Viewer with new symbolization
Symbolization: Properly initialize symbolization properties to default values
EnumerateUnmanagedData request fails for alias on network drive
Remove warnings from server build
Symbolization: Add ExtendedData tags to symbolization schema
MgFileUtil::GetFileStatus fails for root UNC names and drive letters
[webstudio] New layer can't have feature source assigned
Symbolization schema cleanup
Geometry from joined feature source not selectable
Connections Pooled Setting Problem in Admin
Fix iterator comparison for long transaction session ID
EnumerateUsers group parameter is ignored
Add keywords for our code generation tools
Zoom from Custom Search Command Coordinate System problem
Symbolization: Rename Text.String element to Text.Content
Images returned by raster queries may be the wrong size
ODBC Connect: Attempts to create a DSN connection fail with "connection string not set error"
Ability to hide legend
Feature source preview usability fixes
Make version attribute fixed for new layer and symbol definition schema
Webstudio Fails on Localhost connection
Cannot theme on joined secondary properties
Custom search commands don't work in Java and .NET
AJAX Viewer: Empty flyouts in context menu and toolbar cause errors
Raster: sporadic results, sometimes some of the image tiles draw, sometimes none draw, sometimes some are the incorrect size, and so on
Java API does not build against JNI headers for installed JDK
Preview does not display for some feature source.
Security in Site Admin
WFS GetFeature BBOX shorthand filter URL parameter does not work
Tooltips and Selection do not work in map with CS different from the layer's
Update web tier test pages
Increase default server DataConnectionPoolSize
Update animated gif displayed while map is loading
MySQL: PHP Fatal error previewing feature source geometry when coordinate system is not read
Previewing a Multi Geometry SDF fails to show the separate geometric properties
Oracle Feature source in UTM-4 projection does not display in Map with LL84 projection
KML Service cannot be created from a script
AJAX Viewer: New window launched from feature hyperlink weird dimensions, no toolbar
AJAX Viewer: Digitizing Polygon in Safari blocked by context menu in mapframe
GetSpatialContext returns null extent for overridden coordinate system feature sources
Symbolization: some more minor schema changes
Cannot find overload for MgMappingService::GeneratePlot()
Linux server crash when processing request from a Windows WebTier
AJAX Viewer: Selecting result of custom search zooms to wrong location
AJAX Viewer : "About" command causes error
Fix grid layer schema inconsistencies
MapGuideDotNetApi.dll is not strongly named
Default spatial context incorrectly assumed
Preview taking up multiple connections
Preview - View Data table columns are off
DWF Viewer: Printing from DWF Viewer sometimes misses last layer from legend
MapGuide 1.2.0Beta2 WebStudio , can't login to webstudio , confirmed real issue
Schemareport encoding problem with tilda's
MgMapPlot.SetCenterAndScale() has no effect
Cannot find overload for MgMappingService::GeneratePlot()
AJAX Viewer: Numerical values not localized in status bar, measure and buffer
Transforming Coordinates from MgPoint
Data is not being joined to the correct record
Cannot Turn on Layer Programmatically in AJAX Viewer
The Studio version is incompatible with the site version. Beta v1.2
Zooming into an ecw, the ecw disappears and generates an unclassified exception
Bug in Selection polygon from PostGiS (PostgreSql)
Some semi-colons missing in php viewer sample
FDO Connection manager is not releasing connections immediately
Non-alphanumeric characters are encoded in result of DescribeSchemaAsXml() API
PHP Catchable fatal error viewing data containing datetime data
GLOB: Prepare Schema Report pages for localization
Selection on native Oracle table can fail to highlight features
Update viewer help files
WFS: GetFeature GET request returns no features if MAXFEATURES is not set
Some polyline labels are inverted
1.2.0 RC1 Custom Search causes error in task pane
MapAgent Test Page Failures on .net
Daily log archiving failing to archive on a daily basis
Buffer on RDBMS polygon layers fail with coordinate system conversion error
WMS: getfeatureinfo error on 1.2.0 RC1
mapadmin/constants.php file name is different in Win and Linux
Fix typo in php file used by web tier test pages.
JSP reference in new .NET Samples
Getting Started page does not work when Administrator password is changed
MgRenderingService.RenderMap does not honour scale ranges correctly

Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on Nov 21, 2007, 9:32:43 AM
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