
Version 5 (modified by neteler, 6 years ago) ( diff )




A short summary of changes: New features in GRASS 7.6


Stable Release

Release Candidate 1 (RC1)

SVN Source Code

  • Milestone: 7.6.0
  • Release branch created in r73210
  • SVN Checkout latest 7.6 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes):
      svn checkout

Overview of changes

A series of new features and stability fixes, manual improvements, and a few language translations have been added.

The GRASS GIS 7.6.0 release provides more than XXX fixes and improvements with respect to the stable release 7.4.2.

New modules

  • ...

Major module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

  • G76:...

Minor module changes

(see also below for closed bugs)

  • G76:r.colors and G76:r3.colors: new flag -d to list available rules with description (e.g. "srtm: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation [range: -11000 to 8850]")
  • G76:r.slope.aspect: add -n option to create aspect as degrees clockwise from North (azimuth), with flat = -9999

Improvements in the Graphical User Interface


  • pygrass: ...

Projection support

  • Support of PROJ v.5

Library changes

  • ...

User Manuals - Documentation

  • G76:...


  • ...

Message Translations

  • i18N: ...

New Addons since GRASS 7.6.0

  • G7A:...
  • TODO

Closed tickets

Closed bugs since the last release

clean_temp: not safe for concurrent use
highlight selected features and zoom - display not centered over the highlighted feature
Drop or fix setting of Location and Mapset using environmental variables
Error with SQLite path update after moving grass data
Allow setting environment variables in grass startup script
t.rast.algebra WARNING: Couldn't create 'parsetab'. [Errno 13] Permission denied:
3D view mode not available: Reason: name '__int64' is not defined
g.region grow with negative number limited because of top and bottom
wxpython 4: fix warnings for Attribute Table Manager
i.atcorr: discrepancy in sensor band numbering in the manual
g.gui.timeline does not show granularity of time series
cannot click to check/uncheck accessible mapsets in g.mapsets
Mapset remains locked after switch to it and exit
pygrass GridModule: ERROR: Unable to open element file <windows>
Patch to fix spelling errors

Closed wishes since the last release

Add ceil and floor to r.mapcalc
d.vect with z height colors uses a random polygon point for height - patch to fix attached
r.slope.aspect: add -c option
t.rast.algebra output naming sheme
LZ4 when writing raster rows; better than double I/O bound r.mapcalc speed
r.watershed: better documentation for 'drainage' w/ MFD
r.out.gdal: add AUTHORITY node to the srs info of the exported raster
#3246 patch to support SRTM water bodies import (SWBD)
t.rast.algebra: add support for suffix option in output map names
Perceptual color tables
r.mapcalculator script for QGIS processing
#3466 check if column exists before running
v.rast.stats: avoid multiple rasterization when run on multiple raster maps
g.gui.tplot: add support to export time series values in a text file
Add functionalities –tmp-location and –no-clean
v.rast.stats: addition of null_cells count
Add XY location to grass command interface
Allow users to set the RNG seed in r.random
Two new functions for grass.script python lib
v.rast.stats: add where option

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