
Version 2 (modified by madair, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Fusion 2.2.1 Release Notes

This a bug fix and performance enhancement release in the 2.2 series of Fusion.


This release introduces some performance improvements for MapGuide Legend rendering, better support for multiple <Map> elements in a <MapGroup> in the Application Definition, a new redline widget and assorted fixes and improvements to usability overall. These changes are also included in Fusion trunk to be released as 2.3.x and higher

For MapGuide users, this release is for use with MGOS v2.2 or higher due to a backward-incompatible change in MGOS (for MGOS version 2.1 or earlier, please use Fusion v2.0.0). The are no backwards compatibility issues with Fusion and MapServer.


EditableScale should have a history of entered scales
Allowing for Nested Groups in Legend when Using MapServer
Legend: Show layers inside of unchecked layer groups as disabled, and do not allow interaction
Allow username and password to be passed via url, like ajax viewer
ability to return all legend icons inside one image
Support multiple hosts for tile maps
Restructure MapGuide-specific widget code
Add Zoom To Feature in SelectionPanel
Chrome: Zoom drop-down button in Ajax doesn't work
upgrade to jxlib 3.0
Localization: localized text for Theme/Measure/Redline/Query/FeatureInfo doesn't display occasionally
Legend: dynamic legend doesn't work in IE
Remove directory session handler
CursorPosition widget to use a displayProjection
put 'alt' and 'title' attributes on Jx templated elements
error querying raster layers
Quickplot doesn't work on Linux with Apache+php
add support for ERSI tile cache layers
IE9 Beta:Toolbar ( Main Menu) in TB Web doesn't display
multiple exclusive widgets of same type not added to the ButtonSet
minor errors in measure widget
use common location for Jx theme CSS files
add an optional "clear measure" button to the measure widget
navigator widget causes an error in IE
$() with empty string returns an element in IE7 when it should return null
SelectRadius throws an error when a single point is clicked
layer metadata widget
don't dlear selections on map reload
error in SelectAttribute
Buffer.php Reference to Case Sensitive TEMPL file
new SaveSession widget
cancel sketch in progress
error after LayerManager delete layer
MapGuide tiled layers can not display in Fusion
Mapserver DPI value breaks scale calculations when using commercial layers
Enhance the "MapTip" widget to disable/enable map tooltip
allow MapServer to reproject WMS layers from AddWMSLayers widget
mapmessage blocking mouse on map
Can't finish 'Select Polygon' by double click
Base map layers show in wrong places working with Bing Maps
If a point feature is set as the selection then the map zooms to the scale 1:1
When exception happened, the error message is not wrapped well
The 'go to previous task executed' button does not work well.
Extending selection after setSelection on MapGuide layer
Base map check/uncheck box fails to work.
Update Openlayers to 2.12 for Google Maps Copyright popup fix
Empty group folders are visible in legend of flexible layout
Upload and Edit SQLite Redline meets an error
KML/KMZ download from redline is useless when map CS is WGS84.PseudoMercator
Base maps are shifted with scale < 1000 and have wrong size.
Select feature doesn't work well in IE11
HTTP 404.14 error when selecting multiple features
Error when select Redline object

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