Opened 18 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#476 closed defect (fixed)

Print composer: WMS not saved to image export

Reported by: neteler@… Owned by: nobody
Priority: major: does not work as expected Milestone:
Component: Printing Version: 0.8
Keywords: print composer, WMS Cc: neteler
Must Fix for Release: No Platform: All
Platform Version: RHEL4 Awaiting user input: no



in the print composer, when creating a map with SHAPE files and WMS layers, the print composer omits to write the WMS layer(s) into the image export (SVN export untested).

Best, Markus

Change History (11)

comment:1 by gsherman, 18 years ago

Milestone: Version 0.8 ReleaseVersion 0.8.1 Release
Version: HEAD0.8.1

Moved to 0.8.1 release

comment:2 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Works for me with svn head and the latest version from the 0.8 release branch. Can you try testing again?

comment:3 by timlinux, 17 years ago


Changed version to 0.8.0 since version 0.8.1 is not released yet...

comment:4 by timlinux, 17 years ago

Milestone: Version 0.8.1Version 0.8.2

Moved to milestone 0.8.2 since we wont be fixing any further issues before the 0.8.1 release

comment:5 by lubaby, 17 years ago

Awaiting user input: unset
Milestone: Version 0.8.2Version 0.8.1

This appears only in post 0.8.0 versions. In 0.8.0 there was no problem and WMS layers were exported correctly. That means that was broken by some code change after 0.8.0 and hopefully it could be resolved before 0.8.1.

comment:6 by lubaby, 17 years ago

I find out that it works in general. The only problem is that QGIS request for WMS map in Print Composer is based on PrintComposer resolution (which is 300 DPI by default). The most of WMS servers have some limit for max image size which results in empty WMS layers in Print Composer (print or exporting as image). Decreasing of map print resolution obviously helps. It would be nice to have some warning if it is not possible to get a layer from WMS in desired resolution or mechanism to resample WMS layer from lower resolution to print resolution (?).

comment:7 by timlinux, 17 years ago

Milestone: Version 0.8.1Version 0.8.2

Im moving this to 0.8.2 since we wont be fixing it before 0.8.1 release

comment:8 by neteler, 17 years ago

Cc: neteler added; neteler@… removed

comment:9 by leolami, 16 years ago

I make some test in QGIS 0.9.2 and I have a particular situation. I load a WMS layer from Lizardtech server (WGS 84) and then a shape (+proj=utm +zone=13 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m +no_defs) coming from Spearfish60. Then I reproject on fly to WGS84 and I see all the layers in the canvas. I load the print composer and with my big surprise I see the WMS layer but I don't see the shape....

comment:10 by mhugent, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Printing WMS as well as exporting WMS layers work for me now. Please test again with trunk and reopen this ticket if there is still a problem.

comment:11 by (none), 15 years ago

Milestone: Version 1.0.0

Milestone Version 1.0.0 deleted

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