
Version 153 (modified by robe, 7 years ago) ( diff )

PostGIS Tracker and Wiki

OSGeo Project Logo

Build status Debbie
Debian 8.2
GNU/Linux 64bit
gcc 5.2.1 20151010
32bit (mingw64 gcc 4.8.1)
/ 64bit (mingw64 gcc 4.8.3)
GNU/Linux 64bit
PG 9.3
GEOS 3.4.2
Tests upgrades
Ubuntu 12.04
GNU/Linux 64bit
PG 9.1 (<2.2)
PG 9.4 (= 2.2)
PG 9.5 (= 2.3)
PG 9.6(≥2.4)
GDAL 2.1.0
GEOS 3.5.0
Debian 8.2
GNU/Linux 64bit
PG 9.1 (<2.1)
PG 9.4 (≥2.1)
GDAL 1.10.1
GEOS 3.4.2
FreeBSD 11.1 64-bit
clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final 297347)
PG 10.1 (≥2.3)
GDAL 2.2.2
GEOS 3.6.2
SFCGAL, Proj 4.9.3
FreeBSD 11.1 32-bit
PG 10.1 (≥2.3)
GDAL 2.2.2
GEOS 3.6.2
SFCGAL Proj 4.9.3
trunk status status status status status status status
2.4 status status status status status
2.3 status status status status status
2.2 status status status status status

About PostGIS

PostGIS is a geospatial extension for PostgreSQL. It allows map data to be stored, queried and analyzed within the database. It is an OSGeo project. This Trac instance is used for bug, enhancement & task tracking for PostGIS. It also serves as a user and developer wiki, and a view into the code repository. To edit the wiki pages and bug/enhancement/task tickets you'll need to login with an OSGeo Userid. Read the TracGuide for details about how the site works.

The project's website is



Mail lists

  • postgis-users – Discussion of the use and uses of the PostGIS
  • postgis-devel – Discussion of ongoing development to the PostGIS; technical issues and debates about changes to the internals of PostGIS belong here
  • postgis-tickets – Automatic notifications from Trac tickets (also called "issues")

Bug Tracking

Related Planets


PostGIS Extensions

List of PostGIS extensions:

PostGIS Raster (formerly PostGIS WKT Raster)

PostGIS Topology

Trac Documentation

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

Attachments (2)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.