
Version 37 (modified by Björn Harrtell, 5 weeks ago) ( diff )

The PostGIS project uses docker for a number of regression tests and production use. We have two different docker setups.

On OSGeo infrastructure we have which docker images are pushed to via These are currently only used by and drone agents. They ware useful for general development as well, because they include multiple versions of PostgreSQL and also include pre-installed postgis versions for doing upgrade tests.

Docker OSGeo (Development)

The docker osgeo infrastructure you can log in via your osgeo user id. Only PostGIS development team members have push rights to this repo. More details of the images, dockerfiles in use by it can be found at PostGIS-docker repo.

Any one can pull. Here is an example of how to use the for your development. The containers are mostly designed for testing lower versions of postgis dependencies and testing upgrades. It contains versions of PostgreSQL 10-15 preinstalled from as well as many prior versions of PostGIS compiled for testing upgrading. It is a hefty image weighing in around 3GB.


#To develop and test using this image, do the following
cd ~/
mkdir projects

#this container has no built in entry point to keep it running, 
# create a fake one as discussed here -

#this might take a minute or so after download to start up
# the below exposes the 5436 port of container as 6445 of the host, you can add additional for each cluster

docker run -d \
  --name postgis-dev \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/projects",target=/projects \
  -p 6432:5432/tcp \
  -p 6433:5433/tcp \
  -p 6434:5434/tcp \
  -p 6435:5435/tcp \
  -p 6436:5436/tcp \
  -p 6437:5437/tcp \  tail -f /dev/null

cd projects
git clone

#once started you can attach to the container using
docker exec -it postgis-dev /bin/bash

# in the postgis-dev container, you should be able to do
# below copied from
cd /projects/postgis
export PGVER=15
service postgresql start ${PGVER}
export PGPORT=`grep ^port /etc/postgresql/$PGVER/main/postgresql.conf | awk '{print $3}'`
export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/$PGVER/bin:$PATH
#do this to be able to access from host
psql -d postgres -c "ALTER SYSTEM SET listen_addresses='*';"
# change whatever to something more secure, if you care
psql -d postgres -p 5436 -c "ALTER ROLE postgres PASSWORD 'whatever';"
echo "host  all all scram-sha-256" >> /etc/postgresql/${PGVER}/main/pg_hba.conf
#shows you list of associate ports for each postgres version (connecting from your host machine would be 6 instead of 5)

service postgresql restart ${PGVER}

make check

make install
#any changes you make to your local folder projects/postgis, will show in the container /projects/postgis

#in the container

# To stop it do
docker stop postgis-dev

# if you need to remove the container to get a new version do

docker rm postgis-dev

Connecting to PostgreSQL from your host machine

psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 6436  #this is the one running PG15 at time of writing

Docker Hub PostGIS

Docker Hub is used for Github-actions testing and there is also a postgis for production use. The main link to all is


The production images, lack tools such as autoconf and c/c++ compiler to build with, so not suitable for development work, but you can use for experimenting with postgis.

cd ~/
mkdir projects
docker pull postgis/postgis:latest
docker run --name postgis-test -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgis/postgis
# the -v command is to persist the data in the ~/postgres-data 
# (folder in your home folder, on start the folder will be created and owned by the postgres user in docker container). 
# If you don't care about the data you can leave that out and all data will be lost when container shuts down.

# -p is to expose the postgresql port as 5432, if you want a different port for external say 7432, you can change that to 
# -p 5432:7432
# if you don't need access outside of the container, you can leave it out
docker run -d \
  --name postgis-test \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=whatever \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -v ~/postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  -d postgis/postgis

#If you have psql client or pgAdmin, you can connect to via local port
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

# once in psql, you can do following

create database gisdb;
\c gisdb
SELECT postgis_full_version();

# alternatively use the psql inside it
docker exec -it postgis-test psql -p 5432 -U postgres


The postgis-build-env images don't have PostGIS installed on them at all, but have all the key dependencies needed to compile PostGIS. The version latest includes pre-compiled in development versions proj, gdal, geos, postgresql, and sfcgal. It is used to catch possible issues with other upstream projects. There are other ones as well tagged with the specific PostgreSQL/Proj/GEOS being tested. Each has only one version of PostgreSQL installed.

This is lighter weight than the dev container. Each weighs in around 700MB.

You can set it up much the same as the development suite detailed earlier.


#To develop and test using this image, do the following
cd ~/
mkdir projects

#this container has no built in entry point to keep it running, 
# create a fake one as discussed here -

docker pull postgis/postgis-build-env:latest
#this might take a minute or so after download to start up
# this will expose the postgresql 5432 port, to host as 6444 (to prevent conflict with any other postgresql you are running on your host machine
docker run -d \
  --name postgis-build-env \
  -v ~/projects/:/projects \
  postgis/postgis-build-env:latest  tail -f /dev/null

cd projects
git clone

#once started you can attach to it
docker exec -it postgis-build-env /bin/bash

# in container
cd ${SRCDIR}
#TODO: figure out how to allow postgres account to read and write, without 777
sudo chmod -R 777 $SRCDIR
mkdir -p "${BUILDDIR}"
cd "${BUILDDIR}"

${SRCDIR}/configure --without-interrupt-tests --enable-lto
make -j 4

# in the postgis-buildenv container, you should be able to do
# below copied from
cd /projects/postgis

#TODO: fix this, container starts up using postgres, and so these fail if mounting an external source folder
# using sudo makes paths not work
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -c -l /tmp/logfile -o '-F' start
make check

#any changes you make to your local folder projects/postgis, will show in the container /projects/postgis
#TODO: run make && make staged-install to allow make check to pickup further changes

# To stop it do
docker stop postgis-build-env

# if you need to remove the container to get a new version do

docker rm postgis-build-env

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